ANSI Console Features
There are many more options available with ANSI terminal mode than what is detailed here. For more detail, browse Microsoft's page on Console Virtual Terminal Sequences #Description

The ANSI virtual terminal allows for advanced console options simply by outputting special characters (ANSI escape sequences). In the simplest form, this can be used to style the console text to your liking. For example: print('\x1b[31mHello \x1b[32mWorld\x1b[0m\n') This should result in something like: Hello World

There are three main modes of operation: basic, 256-color, and RGB. Each of these modes has slightly different syntax, though the general format is nearly identical. One consistent trait is that the sequence "\x1b[0m" can be used to reset the styling back to defaults, so it is generally a good idea to place this sequence at the end of any special output you are doing.

#Basic Mode
Format Example Result
\x1b[FGm \x1b[31m Hello world
\x1b[FG;BGm \x1b[31;32m Hello world
\x1b[AT;FG;BGm \x1b[1;4;31;30m Hello world

Where FG stands for foreground, BG for background, and AT for attribute.

Note that multiple attributes can be used at once by simpling adding multiple attribute codes separated by a semicolon (";").

ANSI Attributes

Code Meaning
0 Reset attributes to default
1 Bold; typically manifests as a brighter color
2 Dim; typically manifests as a darker color
3 Italic
4 Underline
5 Blink; slowly flashing text
7 Reverse; inverts foreground and background color
8 Hidden; useful for password inputs
9 Strikethrough

Available Basic-mode Colors

Code Meaning
0 Reset to default
30 Black
31 Red
32 Green
33 Yellow
34 Blue
35 Magenta
36 Cyan
37 Light gray
39 Default color
90 Dark gray
91 Light red
92 Light green
93 Light yellow
94 Light blue
95 Magenta
96 Cyan
97 White

Note that these are for foreground colors. These exact same colors apply to backgrounds, but you must add 10 to the value. For example, if 31 is for a red foreground, then 41 is for a red background.

You can also achieve more color variety by mixing the BOLD or DIM attribute.

print('\x1b[3;31mHello \x1b[4;33;44mWorld\x1b[0m!')
#256-Color Mode
Format Example Result
\x1b[38;5;FGm \x1b[38;5;1m Hello world
\x1b[38;5;FG;48;5;BGm \x1b[38;5;1;48;5;2m Hello world
\x1b[AT;38;5;FG;48;5;BGm \x1b[4;38;5;132;48;5;16m Hello world

Where FG stands for foreground, BG for background, and AT for attribute. FG and BG are expected to be in the range of 1-255

Refer to the below table for color options. Unlike the basic console coloring, the exact same color code applies for both foregrounds and backgrounds.

#RGB-Color Mode
Format Example Result
\x1b[38;2;R;G;Bm \x1b[38;2;255;0;0m Hello world
\x1b[38;2;R;G;B;48;2;R;G;Bm \x1b[38;2;255;0;0;48;2;0;255;0m Hello world
\x1b[AT;38;2;R;G;B;48;2;R;G;Bm \x1b[4;38;2;255;128;128;48;2;0;0;0m Hello world

Where R, G, and B are for red, green, and blue channels respectively, and AT is for attributes.

Color channels are expected to be in the range of 0-255.

#Cursor Navigation

You can also use ANSI escape codes to move the cursor around in the terminal. This allows you to move back to a location to replace the output that is already there.

One use for this would be to create a loading animation, or perhaps a loading bar.

Code Example Meaning
\x1b[NA \x1b[1A Move up N row(s)
\x1b[NB \x1b[2B Move down N row(s)
\x1b[NC \x1b[1C Move right N column(s)
\x1b[ND \x1b[3D Move left N column(s)
\x1b[NE \x1b[1E Move the cursor to beginning of the line, N lines down
\x1b[NF \x1b[1F Move the cursor to beginning of the line, N lines up
\x1b[NG \x1b[3G Move the cursor to cursor column N within the same line
\x1b[N;MH \x1b[3;1H Move the cursor to cursor column N on row M
\x1b[NJ \x1b[0J Clear the screen.
N=0 clears from cursor to end of screen
N=1 clears from cursor to beginning of screen
N=2 clears entire screen
N=3 Clears entire buffer
\x1b[NK \x1b[0K Clear the current line.
N=0 clears from cursor to end of screen
N=1 clears from cursor to beginning of screen
N=2 clears entire screen
\x1b[s \x1b[s "Save" (remember) the current cursor position.
\x1b[u \x1b[u "Restore" (move to) the last saved cursor position.

Where N is the number of rows/columns to move.

For example, we can continually move back 1 character and rewrite it with a new character to create a loading animation.

io.write("Loading... ") local chars = {'|', '/', '-', '\\', '|'} for i = 1,30 do local char = (i % 5) + 1 io.write('\x1b[1D' .. chars[char]) end
#A Practical Example

One use of these ANSi escape sequences would be to create a menu system. We can style a selected element with a highlight to make it stand out, and move the cursor to redraw elements whenever something changes.

UP and DOWN keyboard arrow keys can be used to select an element, and the ENTER key can be used to confirm your selection.

The result is that the menu should look something like this:

-- Initialize with the first option selected local selected = 1 -- Styling local defaultStyle = '\x1b[0m' local normalStyle = '\x1b[38;5;45m' -- A light blue foreground color, default background color local highlightStyle = '\x1b[7m' -- Reverse foreground/background colors local options = { 'Option #1', 'Option #2', 'Option #3', } -- Set our normal style io.write(normalStyle); -- Draw the initial menu state for i, v in pairs(options) do local style = normalStyle if( i == selected ) then style = highlightStyle end print(style .. v .. defaultStyle) end -- Save cursor position at the end of the menu io.write('\x1b[s'); -- Enter loop and remain there until the user has pressed enter local prevSelected = selected while( true ) do -- Accept keyboard input as a change of state system.repollHid() if( keyboard.pressed(key.VK_DOWN) ) then selected = math.min(#options, selected + 1) elseif keyboard.pressed(key.VK_UP) then selected = math.max(1, selected - 1) elseif( keyboard.pressed(key.VK_ENTER) ) then break; end -- If the selected item has changed, we need to redraw menu elements if( prevSelected ~= selected ) then -- Restore cursor position to bottom of menu, then move up N rows -- This repositions the cursor to the previously selected element io.write('\x1b[u\x1b[' .. (#options - prevSelected + 1) .. 'F') -- Clear selection style from previously selected item -- Essentially this removes the highlight and draws it again as normal io.write(normalStyle .. options[prevSelected]) -- Move to new selected entry (UP/DOWN 1 row), -- then set selected (highlight) style and redraw it dir = 'F'; -- Up if( selected > prevSelected ) then dir = 'E'; -- Down end io.write('\x1b[1' .. dir .. highlightStyle .. options[selected] .. defaultStyle) -- Remember the new selected item as prevSelected prevSelected = selected end -- No need to consume 100% CPU for this, so yield CPU time end -- Move all the way back to the bottom of the menu, go down another line -- and print out which item they have selected print("\x1b[u\nYou selected " .. options[selected]);

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