RoM bot

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Re: RoM bot

#341 Post by haura » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:03 pm

darkfayte wrote: i spoke with admins on the RoM site and Forusm about "botting". Its perfectly legal since the code allows it. There is nothing they can do. I was told "my hands are tied" when asking about the post about automated fighting on the EU forums. So, since botting is ok and they will not ban or warn for it, there is no need for an autoresponder....

botting = ok
this is misleading rumor

if caught using micromacro and this script to play the game then you risk loss of your game account

... so don't get caught ;-)

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Re: RoM bot

#342 Post by Kizami » Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:46 pm

I've become quite a botter the last few days lol, testing out different locations and waypoints to maximise the efficiency of the bot.

So far custom built macros look to do a better job than the bot does as a rogue. My jump macro works nicely on non-aggro mobs however on aggro mobs it only gets around 3 in 5 on the first try and has to wait until the bot casts the macro again until the blind spot works.
Also the jumping around seems to upset the bot sometimes; a special case occurs when the character constantly runs around the mob it just killed in a circle trying to loot it but can't because it's always out of range. I'm currently trying to make a blind spot macro that works w/o a jump, it is possible to get it to work however the fighting range sometimes changes when fighting so it won't get every blind spot.

This code seems to work fairly well for blind spot without having a jump command. Make sure you get up to the mob by using auto attack and this is the first skill you use, then use it twice with a small gap and it should come off. Will report back if it doesn't fix the loot problem and if it makes pathing better.

Code: Select all

/script ToggleAutoRun();
/wait 0.5
/script ToggleAutoRun();
/wait 0.1
/cast Blind Spot
/wait 0.1
/script UseAction(10);
/script UseAction(10);
I've found a useful way to swap weapons so that you effectively have more durability while botting. This code is used to switch weapons:

Code: Select all

/script PickupBagItem(71); PickupEquipmentItem(16); PickupBagItem(71); PickupBagItem(70); PickupEquipmentItem(15); PickupBagItem(70);
That will pick up the item in slot 71 and put it in your offhand and put the item in slot 70 in your main hand.
The slots aren't hard to find, just run the macro with an empty bag and weapons in both hands and the slot the weapon goes into is the one you want. (It's different for different players depending on usage of the auto-arrange bag button apparently).

So general gist of my macro atm is to have a macro that casts the main skill combo then spam a skill until mob dies. The cooldown in the skills database is such that it will get recast during battle sometimes but that's a good thing since it normally only happens when the original combo didn't go as planned (blind spot missed hence doing way less damage).

During this combo there's the "spam a skill until dead" part. In this macro I've included the code:

Code: Select all

/script if ( UnitHealth("player") / UnitMaxHealth("player") < 0.55 ) then UseAction(41); UseAction(42);  elseif ( UnitHealth("player") / UnitMaxHealth("player") < 0.175 ) then UseAction(32); end;

and in slot 41 and 42 are two swapping macros that alternate between 4 weapons I have in storage and the 2 I am currently using. So getting below 55% hp after I've completed the main combo part of the macro makes me swap my weapons around. You lose all your energy but it's worth it for the dura. Fighting mobs that are too easy means this event will only trigger when you run out of potions and therefore is not useful (set the health %age higher or use worse potions).

(My initial thought was that you die when your weapons run out of dura. When this happens you don't do enough damage to kill the mob before it kills you so the macro will realise this and switch weapons. Of course it has inherent problems like it will keep switching until the mob is dead.)

While writing this guide I have just realised an easy way to do this that will ensure you distribute the durability loss efficiently and doesn't rely on any stupid health checks!
We have the check to see if mob is dead which loops us back to a spam skill if it isn't and does something else if it is:

Code: Select all

/script if (UnitHealth("target")>0) then UseAction(25); else UseAction(21); end;

Currently the skill in the 21st hotbar is Premeditate (next back attack you do is a critical and does 40% more damage). If we add the two swapping macros in as well, we will swap our weapons after each fight making sure we use them evenly. If you want to use 6 weapons instead of just 4 we can create 2 macros, one that swaps 70/71 with 15/16 respectively and the next 72/73 with 15/16 respectively. Using both of these every time ensures the weapons rotate around the bag slots evenly so we just change the code to:

Code: Select all

/script if (UnitHealth("target")>0) then UseAction(25); else UseAction(21); UseAction(#); UseAction(#+1); end;

Where # and #+1 are the slot numbers or the two swap weapon commands.
This is better for us while fighting since we won't randomly change weapons midfight and only hinges us slightly when we're fighting multiple mobs since the regen on energy is very fast.

On a side note I'm trying to make a "get out clause" as it were for my rogue. Since we have vanish we should be able to vanish at any point where our HP becomes too low and then simply hearth to safety so we don't have to deal with any Exp debt. Ultimately I would like it to check to see if potions = 0 then use vanish and hearth, however I've currently made one that does it on HP < 15%.
Problem is the bot doesn't know that it has to wait and so immediately after vanishing attacks the mob again starting combat in the exact state it left it. Therefore I'd have to code this idea into the bot itself to get it to work, just like the whole "take a hp pot %" but more complicated since it isn't instant (hearthing) and would have to stop the bot after this happened.
(I'll post again if I can get anything like this to work).


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Re: RoM bot

#343 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:47 am

haura wrote:
darkfayte wrote: i spoke with admins on the RoM site and Forusm about "botting". Its perfectly legal since the code allows it. There is nothing they can do. I was told "my hands are tied" when asking about the post about automated fighting on the EU forums. So, since botting is ok and they will not ban or warn for it, there is no need for an autoresponder....

botting = ok
this is misleading rumor

if caught using micromacro and this script to play the game then you risk loss of your game account

... so don't get caught ;-)
or derive code from any information accessible through the System (including, without limitation, data packets transmitted to and from the System over the Internet), or analyze, decipher, "sniff," derive code from, or attempt to analyze, decipher, "sniff," or derive code from any packet stream transmitted to or from the System, whether encrypted or not, or permit any third party to do any of the same, and you hereby expressly waive any legal rights you may have to do so. ANY ATTEMPT TO ENGAGE IN ANY OF THESE PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES, WHETHER SUCCESSFUL OR NOT, SHALL CONSTITUTE A MATERIAL BREACH OF THE EUALA AND WILL RESULT IN SANCTIONS, RANGING FROM SUSPENSION OF YOUR ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM, TO IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM AND/OR CANCELLATION OF ANY AND ALL ACCOUNTS YOU HAVE ON THE SYSTEM. IT IS IN FAI'S SOLE DISCRETION TO DETERMINE WHICH SANCTION, IF ANY, WILL BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE COMPANY.
However, there's an interresting bit here...
You may not use in Game play macros or other stored rapid keystrokes, "dupes," "cheats" or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not use your or third-party software to rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in such a way as to use the System to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or performed in the Game.
This basically forbidds the usage of macros that do not only bot for you, but for scripted combo skills, requirement healing etc.
Yet, Moderators allow it to be posted on the official forums. However, it is quite vague what could fall under this, I doubt Frogster wants to forbid 70% of the community scripts, but then again I could say that the LootFilter decreases the time spent on the game and increases the accumulated _profitable_ items, which would make it a violation to the games eula.

It's true that you are not obligated to answer someone online, however GM's will and can test you, if they have the proof (this is only proof to themselves, Frogster can ban your accounts and disable it's usage for no reason) that you are doing a specific pattern, you're going to be banned.

And if we're already it;
that is basically not correct, if you bypassed it during the registration you cannot take such responsibility.
An Eulala is ineffective if you have to agree it during the installation or during the game.

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Re: RoM bot

#344 Post by Kizami » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:31 am

Just wondering, are any of you guys making money while you bot?

I'm spending more on potions and repair than I am making :(


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Re: RoM bot

#345 Post by namtoday » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:40 am

Problem solved, Thanks for the great bot

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Re: RoM bot

#346 Post by Administrator » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:24 am

This game wasn't designed to allow you to make money while grinding. Use the bot to collect daily quest items to sell or use for yourself to make cash. Another use would be to farm tokens for the cash shop by botting to collect a lot of daily items, then sending them to your other characters. Turn in their dailies, use them to buy purified fusion stones. Send (or PK drop) items to those characters to rip good stats, then mail the fusion stone to your main.

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Re: RoM bot

#347 Post by darkfayte » Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:00 pm

there are LUA on the public forums (EU ROM) for "automated playing". Its more of a "move to target and press 1 key for full combat". Doesnt move you around at all. When i spoke with admins about this post and if it was "legal" the responce was they cant do anything about it since the in-game functions are there. Maybe the differace is that they dont need to use MicroMacro to run commands, thus making this bot "illegal" ?

In that case all i woudl have to do is be able to run this bots setting from a /script or even a single press macro in-game (/script bot start). Ither way im only pushing out what i was told "if the commands are there players are free to used them as they see fit". Altho i wouldnt push it with mass botting, but they really dont seem to care much.
I'm not botting, that's against the TOS. What i'm doing is sharing my account with my computer.

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Re: RoM bot

#348 Post by haura » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:38 pm

darkfayte wrote:there are LUA on the public forums (EU ROM) for "automated playing". Its more of a "move to target and press 1 key for full combat". Doesnt move you around at all. When i spoke with admins about this post and if it was "legal" the responce was they cant do anything about it since the in-game functions are there. Maybe the differace is that they dont need to use MicroMacro to run commands, thus making this bot "illegal" ?
if you get caught then acting as ignorant as this wont help undo a ban

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Re: RoM bot

#349 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:48 am

darkfayte wrote:there are LUA on the public forums (EU ROM) for "automated playing". Its more of a "move to target and press 1 key for full combat". Doesnt move you around at all. When i spoke with admins about this post and if it was "legal" the responce was they cant do anything about it since the in-game functions are there. Maybe the differace is that they dont need to use MicroMacro to run commands, thus making this bot "illegal" ?

In that case all i woudl have to do is be able to run this bots setting from a /script or even a single press macro in-game (/script bot start). Ither way im only pushing out what i was told "if the commands are there players are free to used them as they see fit". Altho i wouldnt push it with mass botting, but they really dont seem to care much.
Send Frogster an email regarding the issue about macros with proof of who exactly said that, they will replace their staff then.
It's not "We can't do anything about it" but to delete & punish all posts that give assistance of making automated plays,
thus, they can just start saying that they cannot prevent this bot from being used too.

Lets all be happy and use bots in this game and the staff doesnt care, yay.

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Re: RoM bot

#350 Post by Ruffus » Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:22 am

Sorry Wrong Post

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Re: RoM bot

#351 Post by darkfayte » Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:52 am

thats the post im talking about - automated fighting. Thats the post i was talking about when i spoke with admins. if it was "illegal" then the post would be closed, its not..... as a matter of a fact that bot now has in-game option menues and other goodies ....
if you get caught then acting as ignorant as this wont help undo a ban
ban? rofl, how many bans can you count? none? because there has yet to be one. I love the scrolling text about not buying or selling diamonds because you can get banned ... it says that as the spam runs down my screen to buy diamonds and power leveling. i think the only one thats ignorant is you, since you obviously dont ever read the forums on RoM.

so now we have botting addons in game .. well "semi-bots" and that guys STLL PLAYS and posts pics of his in-game character names.
I'm not botting, that's against the TOS. What i'm doing is sharing my account with my computer.

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Re: RoM bot

#352 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:03 am

darkfayte wrote:

thats the post im talking about - automated fighting. Thats the post i was talking about when i spoke with admins. if it was "illegal" then the post would be closed, its not..... as a matter of a fact that bot now has in-game option menues and other goodies ....
if you get caught then acting as ignorant as this wont help undo a ban
ban? rofl, how many bans can you count? none? because there has yet to be one. I love the scrolling text about not buying or selling diamonds because you can get banned ... it says that as the spam runs down my screen to buy diamonds and power leveling. i think the only one thats ignorant is you, since you obviously dont ever read the forums on RoM.

so now we have botting addons in game .. well "semi-bots" and that guys STLL PLAYS and posts pics of his in-game character names.
This is not about if the administration enforces this, it's clearly a violation.
So if you happen to get banned (Like the GMs being active for once lulz), being ignorant won't help you. They just ban you.

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Re: RoM bot

#353 Post by barbarossa » Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:34 am

hi there
i find her -
her the DB to used by this addon -
and at last the lua script paked at all -
-> ... herer.html

a addon for gathering its a lua script but maked for wow

is there a chance to change this for rom?

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Re: RoM bot

#354 Post by TardRom » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:13 pm

New patch today and was going to use update on it which gaved me results that it didnt work, it says unable to find static base pointer in module.


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Re: RoM bot

#355 Post by Kizami » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:32 pm

We have to wait for the update from admin to be able to use bot again...
Unless you know how to find and update all of the addresses needed for the bot :)


(Hopefully it's soon because I want to leave it on while I do other stuff :P)

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Re: RoM bot

#356 Post by zenryou » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:40 pm

yeah mine's broken atm. using micromacro 1.0 update did not detect the addresses. Is there a link to or can anyone explain how to find these addresses on your own?

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Re: RoM bot

#357 Post by Angemaster » Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:35 pm

For finding new addresses you can use Cheat Engine => ... p?f=5&t=65.
Last edited by Angemaster on Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: RoM bot

#358 Post by Administrator » Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:28 pm

Angemaster: Looks like your offsets were off a bit. And your static base is definitely off. At first glance, it would appear your offsets are off by 0xB00. Did you follow the guide on how to look up offsets?

Anyways, it doesn't seem like any of the offsets actually changed. I've uploaded the new version with fixed addresses, but be aware that I still have not fixed the update.lua script as there are still many big changes comming.

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Re: RoM bot

#359 Post by Zeno1 » Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:05 pm

for future reference the offsets to the pointers rarely ever change with patches and maintenances, so really only the 2 base addresses need to be updated

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Re: RoM bot

#360 Post by Angemaster » Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:39 pm

Sorry, I have made an error ... :S
Thanks for updating ;)
Last edited by Angemaster on Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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