SQL Module

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sqlitedb sqlite.open(string filename)

Open an SQLite database file and return a handle to the database. If the file does not exist, it will be created for you.


sqlite.close(sqlitedb db)

Close an opened SQLite database.


table sqlite.execute(sqlitedb db, string query)

Run a query on an opened SQLite database. Returns a table of results where each result is a table of field/value pairs. For example, pretend table 'people' contains the fields 'id', 'first_name', and 'last_name'. A query to grab known people might look like this:

db = sqlite.open("examples.db");
results = sqlite.execute(db, "SELECT * from `people`");

print("Results:\nID\tFirst Name\tLast Name");
for id,result in pairs(results) do
	printf("\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", result.id, result.first_name, result.last_name);

The output of which should look something like:

	ID	First Name	Last Name
	1	John		Smith
	2	Jane		Doe