Chat window stuck

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Chat window stuck

#1 Post by ZZZZZ » Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:56 am

Not sure if anyone else has this problem, but sometimes the chat window will get 'stuck' as such. What I mean by that is, clicking or using RoMScript("ChoiceOption(num)"), it'll fail to pass the chat window, the options become non-clickable and do nothing. The only options in a chat window that still work is the "Leave Conversation" option, or the X in the top right.

Doesn't happen very often, but when it does I have to restart the client to fix it. Even using /run ReloadUI() does not fix it.

It's not really a rombot issue, but then, I only get it while running rombot so im not sure.

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Re: Chat window stuck

#2 Post by beanybabe » Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:51 pm

Start the machine up Fresh, sure all other programs are not running, then test it. problems in memory can be caused by browsers and nv.idia optional game 3/d software. Some browsers will leave background tasks running with optional add-on installed like chat some chat apps can also. These can cause r o m to act up. Let us hope the developers of these apps get this fixed soon.

I have also notices some glitch in r o m chat windows that are causing the game to crash just from clicking in the chat frame and have no clue why that started a few patches ago. FYI remove all traces of any assisting programs before submitting any r.o.m error reports.

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