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#1 Post by desi513 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:35 am

So I know this isn't really related to micro macro & stuff like that but has anyone figured out how to beat Amboriar? Like I mean past the first part of the strat where you collect those energy things and bring them over to the totems or w/e. People in my guild keep bitching and saying that you need a ton of Mdef. I think hes a strat boss and if you have enough healers and people that know what to do he can easily be beat. Also can anyone confirm that if you beat him he drops 999 Ancient Mementos? TY!!!!! :D

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Re: Amboriar

#2 Post by rock5 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:40 am

I can't answer your question but non botting topics go in "RoM General".

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Re: Amboriar

#3 Post by fatash » Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:21 am

have a mage just solo it..take 1.5hr mayhap. ignore stages..not worth trouble

if curious..staging = get crystals to full charge which charge the weapon, kill 280 punishers which make alics people come help + ghosts, beat on stupid flying car amboriar

his loot = epic!

meaning nothing. guild materials

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Re: Amboriar

#4 Post by Tamyra » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:25 pm

My apologies for replying to a dead thread. My guild has now beaten him a few times, and the trick to him involves a lot of healers on the party, mages for the trash, and of all things a Warden/Scout using the centaur as the ONLY DPS on the boss. No other class can get close as he has a shield that pushes them back, so the centaur has to approach. As for drops, he doesn't "die" exactly. His health goes down to about 12% after which point his shields drop and all the surrounding mobs vanish. Then, like any other world boss he is surrounded by hundreds of "strange radiance" that no group could ever hope to click on all of. However, everyone does need to click on at least one of them to complete the first quest that took you to the instance in the first place and then you'll have about 15 more minutes (while his health restores/he's repairing himself) to complete about 2 more quests after which point he spawns the mobs again and you have to kill him a second time. He is a title boss, so clicking on a strange radiance will give you a title, a quest item and the typical guild donation materials.

There is a bit more to the instance as far as strat goes, for example the mobs in there do different things, but if you have some end game mages in party you should be okay there. There is one mob that will blind part of the party. There is one mob that has only 1 point of HP, but that does a 1 shot attack skill. Only way to kill him is to hit him 6 times in succession, or have 6 players attack him simultaneously. 2 Mages doing thunderstorm for 3 hits per cast will also do the trick, and if he's far enough away, an ice-blader can also cast pretty fast to get rid of him. There are circles that'll show up on the ground, 2 different colors. One that means insta death if you do not move away from it, and the other that means mobs are about to appear on that spot. I cannot remember which color is which, but avoid them when possible.

When entering the instance there are 4 possible entry locations, and the entry is random, which means if you are in party and enter there is a chance that not everyone will be in the same entry point to begin approach. Takes a while to all get at the same location, but leaving and re-entering until you all get to the same entry location is probably for the best, and from what we did, using the southern most entrance is the safest. That's about it.

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Re: Amboriar

#5 Post by Braziliano » Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:03 pm

we kill it within 15 mins , then wait for the 20+-mins cd and start all over
it's perfect for guild mat farming x]

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