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Shaiya Evolution Modified Server Bot Application

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:27 pm
by sage0000
Ive have been playing Shaiya for on and off for a while now( 3 years or so) and I Just found this new server you can download it at Exp Gain is Much better compaired to the standard US version. The game population isnt that big yet. I have tried the Shaiya.lua and fighter.lua and have had no sucess.

Failure reading memory from 0x9FCA98 at 0x7835b4 in memoryReadIntPtr<>. Error code 299 ( only part of a read processmemory or writeprocessMemory request was completed.)

I dont know how to write lua and I so im sure the scripts wont work because its a different verison of the game. But if any one is interested in making a bot for this game that would be AWESOME!!!! and much appreciated. But i wont cry if nobody does it I have used the micromacro bot many times sucessfully with the original US verson of Shaiya and enjoied it much.

Here are som Features of SHAIYA EVOLUTION
•Two new Modes: Legend Mode (11 Stat points / 6 Skill Points), Demigod Mode (13 Stat Points / 7 Skill Points).
•Weapon/Protection Merchants sell Noble, Worship and Heroic stuff.
•Bootleggery Merchants sell Store Items.
•Up to 30x Faster Levelling.
•Up to 6x more Gold.