help issues diyce

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help issues diyce

#1 Post by barisimo » Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:56 pm

I have diyce macro codes but i don't know how to run it in game. I think KillSequence codes need to be written but I don't have full knowledge

Code: Select all

--Class: Rogue/Mage
		elseif mainClass == "THIEF" and subClass == "MAGE" then

		--Timers for this class
			local _,wacd = GetSkillCooldown(4,3)
			CreateDIYCETimer("ADtimer", 60)
			if (tbuffs[502112]) then StartDIYCETimer("ADtimer") end

			Skill = {
				{ name = "Enchanted Throw",					use = (not pbuffs["Enchanted Throw"]) },
			if enemy then	
			if mode and mode == "NAD" then
				Skill2 = {
					{ name = "Throw",      			use = combat and not boss },
					{ name = "Wound Attack",		use = (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },	
					{ name = "Shadowstab",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 20) and (not tbuffs[620313]) },	
					{ name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 30) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (not tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },

			elseif mode and mode == "AD" then

				Skill2 = {
					{ name = "Action: 9",			use = boss and (EnergyBar1 <= 35) },
					{ name = "Wound Attack",		use = boss and (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },
		            { name = "Wound Attack",		use = boss and (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) and (GetDIYCETimerValue("ADtimer") >= 5) },
		            { name = "Wound Attack",		use = (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) and (thealth <= .60) },
		            { name = "Wound Attack",		use = (not boss) and (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },	
					{ name = "Day of Rain",         use = (wacd >= 5) },
					{ name = "Shadowstab",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 20) and (not tbuffs[620313]) },	
					{ name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 30) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (not tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },
                    { name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (wacd >= 3) },
                    { name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 65) },
					{ name = "Attack",				use = (thealth > 0) },								
			elseif mode and mode == "SAD" then

				Skill2 = {
					{ name = "Action: 9",			use = boss and (EnergyBar1 <= 35) },
					{ name = "Wound Attack",		use = boss and (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) and (tbuffs[502112]) and (tbuffs["Silence"]) },
		            { name = "Wound Attack",		use = boss and (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) and (GetDIYCETimerValue("ADtimer") >= 5) },
		            { name = "Wound Attack",		use = (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) and (thealth <= .60) },
		            { name = "Wound Attack",		use = (not boss) and (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },
					{ name = "Day of Rain",         use = (wacd >= 5) },
					{ name = "Shadowstab",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 20) and (not tbuffs[620313]) },	
					{ name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 30) and (tbuffs[620313]) and (not tbuffs["Grievous Wound"]) },
                    { name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 35) and (wacd >= 3) },
                    { name = "Low Blow",			use = (EnergyBar1 >= 65) },
					{ name = "Attack",				use = (thealth > 0) },								


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