Asking for expert help?

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Asking for expert help?

#1 Post by vernberg » Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:07 am

Hello i got this addon that works like diyce but for me its a little harder to code. For me it works bether then diyce and kitty sence its using iconpatch ingame.
Anyway i will post a bit of the code here and what im trying to figure out is Why it wanna use slash as prio attack and not the rest. im total noobe at this but with right help i want to learn more and try get it to work bether for the classes i use

Add: what i ment with prio slash is that it wont use probe at all almost. even on full rage it keeps spamming slash

Code: Select all

	elseif subClass=="RANGER" then
        if UnitCanAttack("player","target") and not UnitIsPlayer("target") then
		--local weakened, _, _ = DebuffCheck("Weakened","target");
		local bleed, _, _ = DebuffCheck("Bleed","target");
		local vulnerable, _, _ = DebuffCheck("Vulnerable","target");		
			if GABN("Tactical Attack") and UnitMana("player")>45 then
				if bleed and GABN("Tactical Attack") then UABS("Tactical Attack"); 
				elseif UnitManaType("player")==2 and UnitMana("player")>25 and GABN("Slash") then UABS("Slash")
			elseif GABN("Open Flank") and UnitMana("player")>45 then
				if vulnerable and GABN("Open Flank") then UABS("Open Flank");
				elseif UnitManaType("player")==2 and UnitMana("player")>20 and GABN("Probing Attack") then UABS("Probing Attack")
			elseif GABN("Aim for the Wound") then UABS("Aim for the Wound")
				elseif not GABN("Aim for the Wound") and GABN("Sword Breath") then UABS("Sword Breath") 
				elseif not GABN("Aim for the Wound") and not GABN("Sword Breath") and GABN("Skull Breaker") then UABS("Skull Breaker")
			    elseif UnitManaType("player")==2 and UnitMana("player")>20 and GABN("Probing Attack") then UABS("Probing Attack")  
		else DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Select an attackable target",1,1,1);
Last edited by vernberg on Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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