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Daily Time spice

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:25 am
by thewatcher
Hello , looking for a script for the daily quest given by NPC Felory "time spice " to the side of the current fragmentation
Where one has to talk to him and go collect 10 herbs
Who would have it in his attic hiding under a cardboard box ? :)

Re: Daily Time spice

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 7:20 am
by kenzu38
I can help you with this but I'm not too inclined in running around in the game finding the NPC for this quest. I'm lazy manually playing this game and just enjoy botting it.

If you can provide the waypoint coords, I'll help you with the code. It's just copy and paste codes really since most of these dailies are basically the same. the only ones that change are the Ids.

You just have to record the NPC coords, the quest item node coords and of course the path from the NPC to the nodes.