water is not done. hopefully someone gets idea how to do it better.
Version 2
I changed the paths a little to lessen mobs and moves some to get mobs that were missed. Fixed some problems were it might get stuck. I am including some code, credit to original author, to loot some of the chests you need add to onleave-combat in player profile. This is same code used to find gift bag drops I just changed the id of the bag.
Code: Select all
-- get mirror chests wish agro check
if not player.Battling then -- if no agro open chest
local mBag = player:findNearestNameOrId(GetIdName(104529))
if mBag and inventory:itemTotalCount(0) ~= 0 then
print("\n\n found bag \n\n")
yrest(1000) -- If not enough time to pick up bag, increase it.
added check if you are in zone and fixed the missing start tag. removed 2 wp from tower to see if it stops trying to run off at start. ruins2 should run ok yet.
I am removing these until I find why it keeps exiting incorrectly.
version 4
I removed the reversing reversed the physical order of wp so they were straight thru added a player sleep at end incase the bot skips the attempt to end with error()
Version 5
Add check at every wp if you were in right zone to prevent a character which killed slow from getting ejected into town and still moving around.
version 5.1 shrine I made small changes to avoid agro to many mobs at a time.
added hoto v1 this wp is hard for most classes. I did not add skills so you will need to set it for your class combo. Warden/druid using crystal pet can run this pretty easy scouts and rogues should be able to if you can get profile skills right, if you find combo of skils that work you might post a list here.