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When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:57 am
by powerattack
hey all,
I just started looting with my pet, now sometimes when I get back my pet has recalled itsself.
Instead of doing a lot of testing I just tought I'd ask here first.

So is it only when its nourisment is 0 or are there other ways for it to recall itself?

Thanks in advance.

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:11 am
by rock5
I don't think nourishment causes it to recall itself. Maybe if it dies? Maybe if you die?

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:26 am
by powerattack
That would add up, thanks. I can give that a few quick tests will report findings here.

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:58 pm
by lisa
eggpet will never "recall" itself, it can have 0 nourishment for ever and ever.

The eggpet can "dissappear" when changing zones but usually only when changing zones quite a lot, like farming KS frogs.

There is code you can do to check if pet is out but it is probably easier to just recall and resummon pet when changing zones.

Code: Select all

	eggpet = CEggPet(settings.profile.options.EGGPET_ASSIST_SLOT)
I use this in my KS frogs Waypoint.

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:36 pm
by rock5
I think it would be worth doing the "code you can do to check if pet is out" because usually you want to optimize your ks script as much as possible, and especially for ksfrogs that does a lot faster runs. A few seconds saved each run could help.

So you could do

Code: Select all

eggpet = CEggPet(settings.profile.options.EGGPET_ASSIST_SLOT)
if eggpet.Summoned == false then
Or, you know, you could probably just call the egg check function

Code: Select all

I should also mention if you don't want to use the eggpet assist option in your profile, you just want to use the pet for looting in your ks script, you can use the first example but use a number instead of the profile option, eg.

Code: Select all

eggpet = CEggPet(1)
if eggpet.Summoned == false then

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:48 am
by lisa
The issue is that it bugs, it thinks the pet is there but you can't see it and u get no benefit from it which includes it not looting. Otherwise the bot would just summon it when it notices it's not there anymore, assuming profile is set correctly.

It has been a long time since I played around with the pet dissappearing issue and the decision I made was it was just easier to resumon it if you use a WP that does repeated loading screens, that is the only time it dissappears.

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:53 am
by rock5
Ok, didn't know that.

Re: When does your pet disapair?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:10 am
by lisa
I had a look through my KS topic but didn't find any real reference to the issue of the pet, only that I decided to resumon it.
--=== Issues ===--
Egg pet would dissappear and no longer loot -- fixed by return & summon it every time entering instance, wastes 4 seconds.
lisa wrote:you can find your answer in the ksfrogs script, pretty sure I mentioned that with all of the loading screens the pet gets bugged and there is a work around for it.

do this in onload

Code: Select all

eggpet = CEggPet(settings.profile.options.EGGPET_ASSIST_SLOT)
then when you enter instance do this

Code: Select all

If pet is not bugged then you waste the 3-5 seconds to resummon it, well worth it to ensure you always get the loot.