Discussion - new bot features

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (http://www.runesofmagic.com)
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Discussion - new bot features

#1 Post by Jandrana » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:53 am

As rock5 completed the major rewrite, I have some ideas for further improvement and would like to have some feedback:

#1 an emergency break fight handler (similar to unstick handlers). From time to time it happens that you are fighting a mob and you cannot hit the mob, but the mob can hit you. There is code in the bot, that tries to break the fight then and looks for a different mob. But it does not move the char. So it can happen, that you constantly get damage, but you can't kill the mob. This can lead to situations, that the bot tries to heal itself until out of mana or out of healing pots and dies at some time. I don't know if it is possible to detect that kind of situation with the bot, but if it is possible I would suggest to call a function that should try to prevent death. This could be different according to the script: when inside an instance, you could leave the party to port out of instance. If in open world you could do a logout, or maybe play a warning sound.

#2 "smart choice of casts" - this is mainly usefull for ranged DDs, that are not that strong to kill everything with instants. It happens frequently that my mage starts pulling with Fireball or Lightning. The mob now has 5% life left and the bot is now casting "Elemental Catalysis", "Energy Influx" and "Flame" (3 sec casting time). A smart logic would be, that the bot learns during playing how much damage each cast can do. If this is not possible, maybe we can add this damage table manually. When fighting a mob, it could compare the remaining hit points of the mob to choose a spell, that is "appropriate":
- if mob has a lot more HP than the spell that causes max damage => cast spells, that increase dmg output (i.e. ""Elemental Catalysis")
- if there are multiple spells that can kill the mob, use the one with shortest cast time.

Maybe it's possible to get an optimized skill rotation, similar to what a human player would do. Perhaps it is necessary that we implement special fight routines for certain classes, but I think this would be very cool.

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