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Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:13 pm
by romaniac
Is it possible to disable the self-buffing feature (except disabling all single skills)?

Sometimes it's a dead giveaway, only a bot will stop to cast useless combat and defense buffs in the middle of a minigame or event game that does not involve any combat.

Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:23 pm
by Ego95
Yes it's possible. Open your profile and add after each skill which shouldn't be casted an

Code: Select all

Then the bot shouldn't cast it.


Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:18 pm
by romaniac
That's what I mean with "disabling single skills"

The idea would be to turn self buffs off with one line only in the minigame script and leave the profile untouched.

The bot already has such a mode when you're riding on a mount, but I don't know whether/how to trigger it manually.

Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:47 pm
by lisa
Put in the WP onload

Code: Select all

	for k,v in pairs(settings.profile.skills) do
	      v.AutoUse = false
that would make all of your skills autouse false, so wouldn't cast any skills, this is good for minigames where all skills are disabled like AT.

If you just want to disable buffs then add in a check for buff skills.
Something like

Code: Select all

if v.type == "buff" then

Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:00 pm
by CanceR
and how to reenable autouse to true, because when a waypoint are loaded from previous this settings are still applied, and in next WP there is a need to use skills to defend itself

Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:11 pm
by lisa
CanceR wrote:and how to reenable autouse to true, because when a waypoint are loaded from previous this settings are still applied, and in next WP there is a need to use skills to defend itself
reload the profile will set them back to the way they are in the profile itself.

Code: Select all

pretty sure rock has a function for it somewhere.

Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:07 pm
by rock5
Yes, it's called "loadProfile". It's part of the bot. It's benefits are;
  • 1. You don't have to specify a profile name. If you don't, it will load the profile with the same name as the character or, if that doesn't exist, it will load 'userdefault' if that exists. Just like when you start the bot without specifying a profile.
    2. It converts the name to ascii like when you start the bot.
    3. It refreshes the 'player' variable (which is not needed in this case because you aren't changing character).
    4. And it runs the profile onload (which again is not needed in this case because you aren't changing character).
Most of the differences are geared toward when you change character so I would definitely use 'loadProfile()' when changing character but maybe in this case it will be enough to just use the command Lisa said. But then you have the problem of picking which profile to use. If you want to use the characters profile you could use.

Code: Select all

But then if a particular character doesn't have it's own profile then that wont work. You could use a generic profile eg.

Code: Select all

But then you miss out on the benefits of using the characters own optimized profiles. In the end it might just be easier to just do this.

Code: Select all

Which is what I usually do and have done for some of the minigames I've done.

Re: Disable self buffing

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:36 pm
by CanceR
thank you very much for detailed explanation, you Rock :)