teleport follow userfunction
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:07 pm
This userfunction is for following something using teleport.
It is designed to "follow" something when the function is called, by follow I mean teleport to it, so if you want it to repeatedly be that distance from the "something" then you need to do a loop.
"_dist" You must specify a distance value.
"address" If no address speficied then it will use your current target.
--=== Usage examples ===--
1. Follow party member 1 until player icon is set to 2
2. some event thingy
3. teleport behind mob before using skill (melee), in Profile.
--=== Notes ===--
You need Rock5's teleport userfunction ... =27&t=2721
Examples are untested but will probably work.
Has no arguments to alter Y value, it will be same height as what you are "following"
Please test it and play around and post any issues you find, I don't even log on to RoM anymore, so I don't do any testing myself.
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function telefollow(_dist,address)
"_dist" You must specify a distance value.
"address" If no address speficied then it will use your current target.
--=== Usage examples ===--
1. Follow party member 1 until player icon is set to 2
Code: Select all
telefollow(50, GetPartyMemberAddress(1))
until player:GetPartyIcon() == 2
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while (true) do
telefollow(50) -- follows target
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target = player:getTarget();
if target.Type == PT_MONSTER then
--=== Notes ===--
You need Rock5's teleport userfunction ... =27&t=2721
Examples are untested but will probably work.
Has no arguments to alter Y value, it will be same height as what you are "following"
Please test it and play around and post any issues you find, I don't even log on to RoM anymore, so I don't do any testing myself.