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683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:22 pm
by lisa
Added ALL_FIRE_TRAINING to skills database.
Added a fix for item stats getting old "ghost" info.

Added function to party.lua

checkparty() -- defaults to distance 200
checkparty(100) -- user defined distance of 100

The function returns true or false.

Code: Select all

until checkparty() == true
If ALL party members are within the distance then it returns true, otherwise it returns false. I emphasise all because if a party member isn't in same zone it will return false always as it can't get a distance for party members in another zone.
It won't error if party members are in another zone it will just return false.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:01 pm
by markd
I know this is incorporated into party.lua. When I run this with a party of 3 it works fine, but when I have a party of 4 it errors out on all 4 bots. I get an error pointing to line 151 in party.lua which is within checkparty() function line: partymemberpawn[i]:update(). It says "attempt to index field '?' (a nill value). Can you help please.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:08 pm
by lisa
I don't see why it would error with 4 party members, I'll do some testing.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:31 pm
by lisa
tested with 4 and 5 characters in party and it worked perfectly every time.

Code: Select all

Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
Command> print(checkparty())
So the error is when it is updating the pawn information and it is failing in the update??

If it is happening every single time then you should be able to trouble shoot it to find the problem.

you could add a print so it looks like this.

Code: Select all

that will make it print which number it is updating so the number printed before the error will be the character it errored on.

If it consistantly the same number which means it will be the same character each time, so possibly that character has issue?
So maybe drop that character from party and test again.
Just test using commandline like I did, will be faster.

If work fine without that character then try adding that character back in and kicking another character so it is 3 in party again.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:40 am
by markd
I tested it every which way, with 4 and 5 characters, but everytime one of them trigers the same error. Once it is one character, the next time is another without any pattern. I made all the profiles from scratch but the error persists. Thank you for trying. Anyway, I have another question, is there a way to have the "repeat" command repeat a number of times instead of infinitely?

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:53 am
by lisa

Code: Select all

local _time = os.time()
until checkparty() == true or (os.time() - _time > 30)
that will wait for a maximum of 30 seconds, obviously you can just change the number to what you want.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:26 pm
by markd
After more testing, the consistent pattern in the error in checkparty function, the"partymemberpawn[i]:update()", if there are more than three party members is party member 2. Even if I change the order of party members or assign new ones its always 2.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:44 pm
by markd
and party leader has to be out of range.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:08 pm
by lisa
party.lua does have a green tick right?

This might also be a similar issue people are having with updating player info and getting memory read errors.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:30 pm
by markd
Yes, its green, and I deleted and repulled everything in "rom" ,twice, just to make sure its ok, but it still errors out on line 151 in party.lua whenever the leader is not in range of checkparty() point and I have more than 3 members in the party.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:30 pm
by cufRet8e
Detected a micromacro.exe crash:
when we have paused rombot and press X button on window (just close terminal session), micromacro.exe exception appears, and Windows terminate it.
rombot and micromacro updated to newest version, everything reverted to original versions.

Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:33 pm
by cufRet8e

Code: Select all

- System 

  - Provider 

   [ Name]  Application Error 
  - EventID 1000 

   [ Qualifiers]  0 
   Level 2 
   Task 100 
   Keywords 0x80000000000000 
  - TimeCreated 

   [ SystemTime]  2012-01-14T22:28:01.000000000Z 
   EventRecordID 33372 
   Channel Application 
   Computer w7-machine 

- EventData 


Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:36 pm
by cufRet8e
Very sorry for sending multiple posts, but:

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Why i cannot EDIT my posts? I have BBCode enabled in profile, but disabled when I posting. I see status now in left bottom corner of this form:

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Re: 683 Changelog

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:46 pm
by Administrator
cufRet8e wrote: Why i cannot EDIT my posts? I have BBCode enabled in profile, but disabled when I posting. I see status now in left bottom corner of this form:

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BBCode is OFF
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Should be fixed now.