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Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:10 am
by Blackt3ars
Allrite this is not from me but i just well upload it here to help some people keep crashing in sw...
Taken from ROM forum

Anyway im curious about this folder for seems like can remove certain effect so that you won`t crash in the game


Sorry guys i forgot to put up the attachment.

As for instruction :

Just copy the file and put it in your runes of magic folder =)

Re: Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:35 am
by xplar
I've been using it for a month now and it works perfectly. Good idea posting it for those that don't know about it.

Re: Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:43 am
by OneofMany
What does it do for a warden then?

Because i hardly crash in SW... using model files a long time now btw, mostly for skipping alarms in hodl and going straight for last boss hos.

Model files can be added by looking into the .fdb files with some kind of extractor. Then put empty .ros files in the models directory in the RoM folder. Its cheating the bad way if you use it in SW, because they allready found the Castle Gates files, so they can just walk throught now...

Re: Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:58 am
by lisa
well if someone walks through a gate it is a sure fire way to get banned, any screenshot of the occurance would be enough for the GM's to bann them.

People have been crashing in SW, apparently, because of a buff skill wardens have which for some reason causes a crash.
By adding in blank model files you replace what you are supposed to see with basically nothing. So it removes from what you see that is supposedly causing the crash.

I have removed quite a lot of spell effects from what I see, reduces lag by so much it is amazing.

Re: Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:04 am
by OneofMany
yup, i removed all big light effects long ago. mages and priests i mostly dont see doing any spells. i only see them do their "move" but wont see the light surrounding it.

saves so much lag, they should implement it in the game.

Re: Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:16 am
by lisa
I thought they did have a reduce efects option a while back, but it only removed spells from other people and not yourself. Not sure if it is still in the game or not.

Re: Warden Fix for Sw

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:05 pm
by ichmagbotsyay
it is actually still in the game but it doesnt remove the effect from the warden... so it wont prevent the crash lol
model folder ftw! :D