Rock5's Mail Mods

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#721 Post by Edz » Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:17 am


Is it possible to write a mail with the bot including a message?

All functions I found was always sending Money or Item but never an message.

But i Need to send a message.

can you help me?

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#722 Post by rock5 » Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:50 am

You would have to use the second tab to send a message but the UMM functions don't use the second tab at all so it wouldn't be easy. Why do you need it?
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#723 Post by Edz » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:30 pm

I have so many accounts that I want to send a mail to my main how many belts Manastones and Magicboxenergy i have on the characters.

I would like to send a Mail in which the values are

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#724 Post by rock5 » Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:00 pm

Cluttering up your main mailbox and having to log into your main to get your mail is a hassle. Have you considered just using a log file? Then you would have all the information in 1 easy to access location. Maybe should look at Lisas logging userfunction that helps simplify it. ... 979#p39979
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#725 Post by Edz » Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:51 am

I have seen her Userfunction and already download it.

I will use it for sure i wanted only to now if the mail would be possible.

But you are right ist better to use the logger.

Thanks a lot for your help always.

One more question.
Where do you get always the Romscript() functions?

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#726 Post by rock5 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:21 am

The rom wiki has a list of functions I also use the fdbextractor to extract the worldxml folder from the interface.fdb file which has a lot of code where I can search for functions.
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#727 Post by Desmond » Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:39 am

rock5 wrote:The rom wiki has a list of functions I also use the fdbextractor to extract the worldxml folder from the interface.fdb file which has a lot of code where I can search for functions.
interestingly when I extracted from there files for me here such

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#728 Post by rock5 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:51 am

You don't show which file you tried to open. In the worldxml folder there should be mostly just xml and lua files. They should all be text files and be able to be opened by any text editor.
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#729 Post by Bot_romka » Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:46 am


Function for send Fusion Stones with too and one stats.

code example for waypoint:

Code: Select all

		-- MailSenders Names
		MailSender1 = "Charnica"						<!-- Name of Mail Sender 1 -->
		-- Names table of Fusion Stones with stats Receiver
		StonesReceiver = {"Charetov",	--	
						"Charetovi",	--	
						"Charetovu",	--	
						"Charetove",	--	
						"Charetovy",	--	
						"Charetovv",	--	
						};								<!-- Names table of Stone Receiver -->

		-- Stats tables.
		-- 0 Выносливость
		StatsTables0 = {510360}
		-- 1 Выносливость + ( Сила, Ловкость, Интелект),
		StatsTables1 = { {510360, 510380}, {510360, 510060}, {510360, 510320}, };
		-- 2 Выносливость + Мудрость, Все параметры, Защита от всех стихий,
		StatsTables2 = { {510360, 510340}, {510360, 510300}, {510360, 510560}, };
		-- 3 Устойчивость: к Земле, к Воде, к Огню,
		StatsTables3 = { {510360, 510500}, {510360, 510440}, {510360, 510460}, };
		-- 4 Устойчивость: к Ветру, к Свету, к Тьме,
		StatsTables4 = { {510360, 510520}, {510360, 510480}, {510360, 510540}, };
		-- 5 Магическая атака, Физическая атака, Максимум здоровья
		StatsTables5 = { {510360, 510400}, {510360, 510100}, {510360, 510020}, };
		-- 6 Максимум маны, Магическая защита, Физическая защита,
		StatsTables6 = { {510360, 510040}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120}, };
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="-43" z="615" y="7" tag="GuildFortressMailbox">
			-- Open Mailbox
			player:target_Object(113043); yrest(500);						-- Почтовый ящик гильдии
			RoMScript("ChoiceOption(1);"); yrest(1000);
			-- Send Stones
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[1], 203001, StatsTables0)	-- Одностатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[1], 203001, StatsTables1)	-- Двухстатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[2], 203001, StatsTables2)	-- Двухстатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[3], 203001, StatsTables3)	-- Двухстатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[4], 203001, StatsTables4)	-- Двухстатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[5], 203001, StatsTables5)	-- Двухстатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendFusionStones(StonesReceiver[6], 203001, StatsTables6)	-- Двухстатные Камни соединения
			UMM_SendByStatNumber(MailSender1, 3)							-- Трехстатные Камни соединения
-- Stat table.
510020 "Жизнь I", "Life I"
510040 "Заклятье I", "Spell I"
510060 "Сноровка I", "Dexterity I"
510100 "Повеление I", "Command I"
510120 "Твердость I", "Solidity I"
510140 "Меткость I", "Accuracy I"
510200 "Уклонение I", "Dodge I"
510300 "Умение I", "Ability I"
510320 "Интеллект I", "Intellect I"
510340 "Дух I", "Spirit I"
510360 "Выносливость I", "Stamina I"
510400 "Энергия I", "Energy I"
510420 "Заграждение I", "Barricade I"
510440 "Туман I", "Mist I"
510460 "Пламя I", "Flame I"
510480 "Свет I", "Light I"
510500 "Земля I", "Earth I"
510520 "Дуновение I", "Whiff I"
510540 "Тьма I", "Dark I"
510560 "Стихия I", "Element I"
510820 "Скорость I", "Speed I"
510840 "Клык I", "Fang I"
510860 "Реакция I", "Reflex I"
510880 "Ловкость I", "Agility I"
510900 "Точность I", "Precision I"
510920 "Соблюдение I", "Observance I"
510940 "Сообразительность I", "Keen I"

Code: Select all

		-- Stats tables on English for send Fusion Stones with too and one stats.
			-- 0. Stamina I,
		StatsTables0 = {510360}
			-- 1. Stamina I + ( Strength I, Dexterity I, Intellect I ),
		StatsTables1 = { {510360, 510380}, {510360, 510060}, {510360, 510320}, };
			-- 2. Stamina I + Spirit I, Ability I, Element I ,
		StatsTables2 = { {510360, 510340}, {510360, 510300}, {510360, 510560}, };
			-- 3. Stamina I + ( Earth I, Mist I, Flame I),
		StatsTables3 = { {510360, 510500}, {510360, 510440}, {510360, 510460}, };
			-- 4. Stamina I + ( Whiff I, Light I, Dark I ),
		StatsTables4 = { {510360, 510520}, {510360, 510480}, {510360, 510540}, };
			-- 5. Stamina I + ( Energy I, Command I, Life I ),
		StatsTables5 = { {510360, 510400}, {510360, 510100}, {510360, 510020}, };
			-- 6. Stamina I + ( Spell I, Barricade I, Solidity I ),
		StatsTables6 = { {510360, 510040}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120}, };
UMM_SendFusionStones(_recipient, _stoneID, _stats, _amount)

_recipient - Who you are sending to.
_stoneID - Name or id of the stones you want to send or a table of names and ids.
_stats - stat, stats table or table of tables stats for stones you want to send.
_amount - The number of stones you want to send.


Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, 510360)	-- Send Stones with one stat

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, {510360, 510380})	-- Send Stones with too stat

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, { {510360, 510040}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120}, })	-- Send Stones with table of stats
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#730 Post by rock5 » Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:21 pm

It doesn't look like you followed the structure of the existing functions. The way it is set up is new functionality is added to the UMM_SendAdvanced function then simpler functions can be created that use the advanced function. It looks like you duplicated the advanced function and modified it to make your own. What you should have done is added the stats as an extra argument to the advanced function then create your fusion function like this (simplified)

Code: Select all

function UMM_SendFusionStones(_recipient, _stoneID, _stats, _amount)
The reason I did it that way with the advanved function is so that custom functions can be made that use any mix of the search terms. By putting the fusion stats function separate it can't be included in a new custom function. For instance if you added stat name searches to the advanced function someone else could do a search for weapons with certain stats. I think all you need to do is add stat names as an extra argument to SendAdvanced. Everything else you need is already there; name, amount, type.
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#731 Post by Bot_romka » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:42 am

I add new functionality to the UMM_SendAdvanced function.
Now it can send any unbounded items by stats.
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#732 Post by rock5 » Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:42 pm

Looks good. Can you give an example in each way it can be used?
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#733 Post by Bot_romka » Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:51 am

Waypoint example for send fusion stone with 1 and 2 stat.
Stone with 3 stat sends but without checking stats.

Fusion stone sender must be in Guild with guild fortress Mailbox and stay near NPC Odeley Prole in Varanas.
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#734 Post by rock5 » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:36 pm

So it only matches exact matches? For instance

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, { {510360, 510040}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120}, })
only matches fusion stones with 510360 and 510040 or 510360 and 510420 or 510360 and 510120? Seems a bit limiting. What if you just want to send all fusion stones with 1 Stamina stat with a maximum of 2 stats? You can't do that with the way you set it up. I would have made it so it just has to match the stats then used the _statNo arg as an optional argument. Eg.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, _stats)
would send all fusion stones that include those stats

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, _stats, _statsNo)
would send all fusion stones that match those stats and has maximum number of stats _statNo.

I think like this, you could get the same result but makes it a bit more versatile.

Hm... or maybe not. _statNo means "maximum number of stats". You want "exact number of stats" because you want to send fusion stones with 1 stat to one recipient and 2 stats to other recipients. I really should have made it _maxStatNo and _minStatNo. Now it's not so easy to add. You can't just insert it because it would make the function incompatible. If you add it on the end then it would look funny having the max arg in the middle and the min arg on the end. I guess _statNo could be made to optionally accept a table of 2 number, the minimum and maximum stats. eg.

Code: Select all

if type(_statNo) == "number" then 
    --- do what it does now
elseif type(_statNo) == "table" then
    if #_slotitem.Stats < _statNo[1] or #_slotitem.Stats > _statNo[2] then
        return false
Hm.... What do you think?
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#735 Post by Bot_romka » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:48 am

Function UMM_SendFusionStones can send stones with different stats number to one recipient and code for find stats itself check stats number. I think optional argument is no need.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Receiver", 203001, { {510360,}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120, 510040}, })

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#736 Post by rock5 » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:56 am

So if I want to send every 2 stat fusion stone with a Stamina I I have to use.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Recipient", 203001, { {510360, 510380}, {510360, 510060}, {510360, 510320}, {510360, 510340}, {510360, 510300}, {510360, 510560}, {510360, 510500}, {510360, 510440}, {510360, 510460}, {510360, 510520}, {510360, 510480}, {510360, 510540}, {510360, 510400}, {510360, 510100}, {510360, 510020}, {510360, 510040}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120}, };
Wouldn't it be nice if you could do

Code: Select all

UMM_SendFusionStones("Recipient", 203001, {510360}, 2)
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#737 Post by hangman04 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:59 pm

hello i know this is not a problem of your script but of the mode but for some reason it bugs when mass sending items for example sending 180 fusion stones.
even if i send in stacks of 30, (send 30, receive them with the other char and so on), after 3-4 tries, it refuses to send and bugs, and the only fix i found is to log out and log in.

any ideas why ?

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#738 Post by Bot_romka » Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:37 pm

hangman04 wrote:hello i know this is not a problem of your script but of the mode but for some reason it bugs when mass sending items for example sending 180 fusion stones.
even if i send in stacks of 30, (send 30, receive them with the other char and so on), after 3-4 tries, it refuses to send and bugs, and the only fix i found is to log out and log in.

any ideas why ?
Server limit for sand mail is 60. For reset change location or relog.

Code: Select all

				-- Selecting and Send Item
				player:target_Object(123006);								-- Почтовый ящик
				RoMScript("ChoiceOption(1);"); yrest(1500);
				if( inventory:itemTotalCount(0) >= 30 and CheckTierItems() >= 16 )
					or ( 8 > inventory:itemTotalCount(202999) and 8 > inventory:itemTotalCount(203001)
					and CheckTierItems() >= 8 ) then
					UMM_TakeMail(); yrest(4000);
					RoMScript("CloseWindows()"); yrest(500); inventory:update();
					player:target_Object(123006);							-- Почтовый ящик
					RoMScript("ChoiceOption(1);"); yrest(1500);

				BagSpaceS = inventory:itemTotalCount(0); BotsendedS = 0;

				UMM_SendByFusedTierLevel(Recipient, 5, 8); yrest(500)		-- 8 штук шмоток для тира
				UMM_SendByNameOrId(Recipient, 203276, 1); yrest(500)		-- Шар опыта: 10 000 очков
				BotSendedMail = BotSendedMail + 9; BotsendedS = BotsendedS + 9;
				if( 8 > inventory:itemTotalCount(202999) and 8 > inventory:itemTotalCount(203001) and CheckTierItems() >= 8 ) then
					UMM_TakeMail(); yrest(4000);
					RoMScript("CloseWindows()"); yrest(500); inventory:update();
					player:target_Object(123006);							-- Почтовый ящик
					RoMScript("ChoiceOption(1);"); yrest(1500);
					BagSpaceS = inventory:itemTotalCount(0); BotsendedS = 0;
				if( 8 > inventory:getItemCount(202999) and 8 > inventory:getItemCount(203001) )then	-- Проверить наличие камней
--					UMM_SendMoney(Recipient, 92000);						-- Если камней нету то Послать денег
					UMM_SendMoney(Recipient, 15840);						-- Если камней нету то Послать денег
					BotSendedMail = BotSendedMail + 1; BotsendedS = BotsendedS + 1;
					if( inventory:getItemCount(202999) >= 8 )then
						UMM_SendByNameOrId(Recipient, 202999, 8); yrest(500)	-- Случайный камень соединения
						BotSendedMail = BotSendedMail + 8; BotsendedS = BotsendedS + 8;
						UMM_SendByNameOrId(Recipient, 203001, 8); yrest(500)	-- Камень соединения с Выносливость и произвольными
						BotSendedMail = BotSendedMail + 8; BotsendedS = BotsendedS + 8;
				RoMScript("CloseWindows()"); yrest(500); inventory:update();
				BagSpaceS = inventory:itemTotalCount(0)+2 - BagSpaceS
Player ReLogin for mail unblock

Code: Select all

			-- Player ReLogin for mail unblock
			cprintf(cli.white, player.Name.." BotSendedMail: %s, BotsendedS: %s, BagSpaceS %s\n", BotSendedMail, BotsendedS, BagSpaceS)
			if ( BotSendedMail >= 50 or BotsendedS > BagSpaceS ) then
				cprintf(cli.white, player.Name.." ReLogin for mail unblock.\n")
				BotSendedMail = 0

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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#739 Post by rock5 » Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:51 pm

The userfunction is supposed to detect the problem and relog for you. Is it not doing it?
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Re: Rock5's Mail Mods

#740 Post by Bot_romka » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:49 pm

New Update.

Rewrite code for select and send items by Stats,
and add new function UMM_SendByStats(_recipient, _itemTable, _stats, _statNo, _amount).

Function UMM_SendFusionStones() was removed* Use UMM_SendByStats().

_recipient - Who you are sending to.
_itemTable - Name or id of the items you want to send or a table of names and ids.
_stats - stat, stats table or table of tables stats for items you want to send.
_statNo - Number of "named stats" which must contain item. From 1 to 6. Does not include inherent stats and runes.
_amount - The number of items you want to send.


Code: Select all

UMM_SendByStats("recipient", 203001, 510360)	-- Send Fusion Stones with one stat Stamina I.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendByStats("recipient", 203001, {510360, 510380})	-- Send Fusion Stones with too stat Stamina I + Strength I.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendByStats("recipient", 203001, { {510360, 510040}, {510360, 510420}, {510360, 510120}, })	-- Send Fusion Stones with table of stats.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendByStats("recipient", 203001, 510340, 2)	-- Send Fusion Stones with too stats which contain stat Spirit I.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendByStats("recipient", 203001, {{510060},{510320}}, 2, 8)	-- Send 8 Fusion Stones with too stats which contain stat Dexterity I or stat Intellect I.
You can send by Stats any items not only Fusion or Mana Stones.
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