Butterfly daily with resets script

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (http://www.runesofmagic.com)
Posts: 36
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Re: Butterfly daily with resets script

#21 Post by wishblades » Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:47 am

Lisa, I am looking at your code and I don't see how it would work running it through my head, haven't changed my code to test it since my code seems to be working GREAT but here is where I am confused in your code:

You do an IF statement to see if dailies = 10, if so, they reset, if they don't, they take the quest again and continues....

Now here is where the problem comes in at, IF dailies = 10, it resets then what? it SHOULD stop working because of the ELSE statement, it would never make it past there to take the quest again because in the command, it's IF dailies = 10, reset dailies OR take quest again, IF you reset, it never gets to the take daily again.

Here is mine that works great, haven't had an issue:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints type="TRAVEL">

<waypoints><!-- MountSpeedhack -->

RoMScript("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffffff00MountSpeedhack: "Horse" Press key.CTRL to ACTIVATE! or DEactivate.|r')")
while not keyPressedLocal(key.VK_CONTROL) do yrest(100); end;
RoMScript("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffffff00MountSpeedhack: ACTIVATED!|r')")

while not keyPressedLocal(key.VK_CONTROL) do yrest(100); end;
RoMScript("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffffff00MountSpeedhack: DEactivated.|r')")
until false

while (true) do

function quest()
local queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "complete" then

--== User Option ==--

Deliver = 0 -- Change if you want to enable/disable deliver quests 0=disable, any number = deliver after that amount of eggs (must b bigger than 9)
LagTime = 0 -- Affects accepting/completing quests. Increase LagTime if time is wasted by repeated CompleteQuests or AcceptQuests.
RunningSpeed = 59 -- The speed the character runs when not teleporting. 50 is normal. Recommended 100.
UseTeleporter = false -- Use Jduratedj's teleport userfunction. Please make sure you have it installed to use this option.
Timeout = 300 -- Time hens and eggs stay in the ignore list before being given another chance. '0' disables it, remains permanently in ignore list.
debugging = true -- Set to true to display extra useful information regarding egg drop rates and ignore lists.


-- Apply speed hack
local playerAddress = memoryReadIntPtr(getProc(), addresses.staticbase_char, addresses.charPtr_offset);
if playerAddress ~= 0 then
memoryWriteFloat(getProc(), playerAddress + 0x40, RunningSpeed);

<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="6414" z="5468" y="159">
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies");
local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");
if dqCount == 10 then
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="6339" z="4882" y="182">
<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="6435" z="4451" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="6503" z="4201" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="6530" z="4085" y="204">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="6551" z="3997" y="204">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="6572" z="3904" y="204">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="6605" z="3765" y="172">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="6834" z="3592" y="173">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="7031" z="3445" y="190">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="7135" z="3174" y="190">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="7360" z="3209" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="7342" z="3323" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="7449" z="3364" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="7514" z="3167" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="7631" z="3176" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="7662" z="3082" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="7555" z="3034" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="7541" z="3054" y="181">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "complete" then
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="7610" z="2659" tag ='one'>	</waypoint>
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="7662" z="2315" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="7646" z="2063" y="182">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="7416" z="2033" y="177">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="7104" z="2209" y="176">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="6914" z="2155" y="176">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="6911" z="2450" y="182">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="7425" z="2660" y="181">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "incomplete" then
<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="7400" z="2656" tag ='two'>	</waypoint>
<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="6991" z="2577" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="6211" z="2389" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="6261" z="2211" y="182">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="6356" z="1784" y="182">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="6537" z="1786" y="181">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="6689" z="1788" y="178">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="6769" z="1995" y="177">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="6927" z="2180" y="177">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="7015" z="2507" y="181">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="7611" z="2707" y="182">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "complete" then
<!-- # 33 --><waypoint x="7610" z="2722" tag ='three'>	</waypoint>
<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="7534" z="3036" y="181">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="7638" z="3073" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="7629" z="3177" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="7523" z="3183" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="7471" z="3355" y="181">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="7348" z="3326" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="7366" z="3204" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="7140" z="3172" y="189">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="7031" z="3498" y="189">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="6621" z="3769" y="173">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="6558" z="3958" y="203">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="6474" z="4284" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 46 --><waypoint x="6320" z="4903" y="181">player:mount();	</waypoint>
<!-- # 47 --><waypoint x="6350" z="5072" y="182">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 48 --><waypoint x="6427" z="5398" y="177">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies");
if queststate == "complete" then
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
CompleteQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");
if dqCount == 10 then

inventory:update(); -- putting these 5 lines in may work
if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then 
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")

I END both IF statements then target to retake quest, not sure if that's right but the code works perfectly.

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Re: Butterfly daily with resets script

#22 Post by lisa » Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:57 pm

local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");

if dqCount == 10 then

-- this part is done if you have done all 10 dailies


-- if you have atleast 1 daily reset it will use it

if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then

-- if you have no resets then it goes to sleep because you have done all 10 dailies.


--the next part is if you haven't done all 10 dailies.

player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")

Hope that clears it up for you =)
Remember no matter you do in life to always have a little fun while you are at it ;)

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Re: Butterfly daily with resets script

#23 Post by wishblades » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:48 pm

I understand the logic of the code, It just doesn't work for me, not saying I am a better programmer then you, you are waaaaay better then I am, this is first time I even looked at this language, I taught myself VBasic years ago but haven't done anything with it for years but I can still look at code and follow the logic of it mostly(and adjust something to make it work better) and here is where I am having the issue(same as when I ran the code in the bot program and stopped right where I thought it would:

if dqCount == 10 then <------------------ First IF statement

-- this part is done if you have done all 10 dailies


-- if you have atleast 1 daily reset it will use it

if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then <-------Second IF Statement

-- if you have no resets then it goes to sleep because you have done all 10 dailies.

end <-----First END statement to end the same color IF statement

--the next part is if you haven't done all 10 dailies.

player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
end <----Second END statement to end same color IF statment

Here is where the problem is, the first IF statement asks if 10 dailies are done, if so, reset(Blue IF statement), END IF, then it END IF again without talking to the NPC because it's in an IF-THEN-ELSE statement, If Daily = 10, Reset Else talk to quest giver which it will never do if Daily = 10, not sure if I am explaining it correctly, could you run it sometime and tell me if your's works for you because I couldn't get it to work at all till I changed mine to what I posted, Thank you for checking.

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Re: Butterfly daily with resets script

#24 Post by lisa » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:58 am

pretty sure I was just editing code that was posted, didn't look at how or why it should or shouldn't work.

Easy solution is get rid of the else and move the target npc and accept quest to after the second end

Code: Select all

local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");
if dqCount == 10 then

if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then 
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
Remember no matter you do in life to always have a little fun while you are at it ;)

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Re: Butterfly daily with resets script

#25 Post by kenzu38 » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:23 pm

@wishblades the code you posted seems to have lots of unneeded code. The interaction code with the quest NPC is separated in 2 waypoints, 1 and 48. It would be good to tidy it up and put them all together in one waypoint.

So something like this should take care of all possible situations:

Code: Select all

<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="6414" z="5468" y="159">

local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");
if dqCount == 10 then
	if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then 
	if getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies") == "not accepted" then
		player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
		AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
	elseif getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies") == "complete" then
		player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
		CompleteQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
You can then delete WP 48. It's not needed anymore.

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