You do an IF statement to see if dailies = 10, if so, they reset, if they don't, they take the quest again and continues....
Now here is where the problem comes in at, IF dailies = 10, it resets then what? it SHOULD stop working because of the ELSE statement, it would never make it past there to take the quest again because in the command, it's IF dailies = 10, reset dailies OR take quest again, IF you reset, it never gets to the take daily again.
Here is mine that works great, haven't had an issue:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints type="TRAVEL">
<waypoints><!-- MountSpeedhack -->
RoMScript("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffffff00MountSpeedhack: "Horse" Press key.CTRL to ACTIVATE! or DEactivate.|r')")
while not keyPressedLocal(key.VK_CONTROL) do yrest(100); end;
RoMScript("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffffff00MountSpeedhack: ACTIVATED!|r')")
while not keyPressedLocal(key.VK_CONTROL) do yrest(100); end;
RoMScript("DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffffff00MountSpeedhack: DEactivated.|r')")
until false
while (true) do
function quest()
local queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "complete" then
--== User Option ==--
Deliver = 0 -- Change if you want to enable/disable deliver quests 0=disable, any number = deliver after that amount of eggs (must b bigger than 9)
LagTime = 0 -- Affects accepting/completing quests. Increase LagTime if time is wasted by repeated CompleteQuests or AcceptQuests.
RunningSpeed = 59 -- The speed the character runs when not teleporting. 50 is normal. Recommended 100.
UseTeleporter = false -- Use Jduratedj's teleport userfunction. Please make sure you have it installed to use this option.
Timeout = 300 -- Time hens and eggs stay in the ignore list before being given another chance. '0' disables it, remains permanently in ignore list.
debugging = true -- Set to true to display extra useful information regarding egg drop rates and ignore lists.
-- Apply speed hack
local playerAddress = memoryReadIntPtr(getProc(), addresses.staticbase_char, addresses.charPtr_offset);
if playerAddress ~= 0 then
memoryWriteFloat(getProc(), playerAddress + 0x40, RunningSpeed);
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="6414" z="5468" y="159">
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies");
local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");
if dqCount == 10 then
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="6339" z="4882" y="182">
<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="6435" z="4451" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="6503" z="4201" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="6530" z="4085" y="204"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="6551" z="3997" y="204"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="6572" z="3904" y="204"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="6605" z="3765" y="172"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="6834" z="3592" y="173"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="7031" z="3445" y="190"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="7135" z="3174" y="190"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="7360" z="3209" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="7342" z="3323" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="7449" z="3364" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="7514" z="3167" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="7631" z="3176" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="7662" z="3082" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="7555" z="3034" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="7541" z="3054" y="181">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "complete" then
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="7610" z="2659" tag ='one'> </waypoint>
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="7662" z="2315" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="7646" z="2063" y="182">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="7416" z="2033" y="177">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="7104" z="2209" y="176">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="6914" z="2155" y="176">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="6911" z="2450" y="182">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="7425" z="2660" y="181">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "incomplete" then
<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="7400" z="2656" tag ='two'> </waypoint>
<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="6991" z="2577" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="6211" z="2389" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="6261" z="2211" y="182">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="6356" z="1784" y="182">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="6537" z="1786" y="181">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="6689" z="1788" y="178">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="6769" z="1995" y="177">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="6927" z="2180" y="177">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="7015" z="2507" y="181"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="7611" z="2707" y="182">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies")
if queststate == "complete" then
<!-- # 33 --><waypoint x="7610" z="2722" tag ='three'> </waypoint>
<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="7534" z="3036" y="181">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="7638" z="3073" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="7629" z="3177" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="7523" z="3183" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="7471" z="3355" y="181">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="7348" z="3326" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="7366" z="3204" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="7140" z="3172" y="189">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="7031" z="3498" y="189"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="6621" z="3769" y="173">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="6558" z="3958" y="203">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="6474" z="4284" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 46 --><waypoint x="6320" z="4903" y="181">player:mount(); </waypoint>
<!-- # 47 --><waypoint x="6350" z="5072" y="182"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 48 --><waypoint x="6427" z="5398" y="177">
queststate = getQuestStatus("Catch Butterflies");
if queststate == "complete" then
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
CompleteQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")
local dqCount, dqPerDay = RoMScript("Daily_count()");
if dqCount == 10 then
inventory:update(); -- putting these 5 lines in may work
if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then
player:target_NPC("Robbie Butcher");
AcceptQuestByName("Catch Butterflies")