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Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:20 am
by mailstorm
Hello im new here i read lot of post at this subject and i have a question, i see few big fish here :P like Lisa or Rock meybe they will help me
1st of all i want to apologize if that post is at wrong place.
2nd Sorry for my english

Allright im playing at polish lang i use malatina script and it work perfect but ony at one game (i dont know how it call in english but it give 30 phirius shells) the second one i need to done manualy by my self

My question is

Is it possible to set up this bot to done both malatina game and after that use Malatina Event Repeat Ticket
adn do it again till tikect finish ?

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:06 am
by Germangold
dude sryly

both malatina games have allready "perfect" script...

in order to "repeat" the game you have to create a small third waypoint file
1. check for any "unopend" rewards like chest and scrolls and arcane transmutations
2. Use them
3. check again for any "restart" minigame cards
4. use them
5. renter the minigame

it happens to me like once a week for each minigame that i encounter a daily reset card for the minigame.
not really often

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:52 am
by mailstorm
i can not understaind You can You please upload nessesery files to make both malatinas ?i can use maltinas card manualy

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:28 am
by lisa

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:47 am
by mailstorm
Allright now i see whnet i miss Thank You :*

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:00 am
by rock5
kiff wrote:It does work very well although it doesn't use my rogue skills anyway, it auto-attacks which is a great improvement for me since i had to do it all manually.

Thanks all for the help
I don't know what your problem is. Rogue works fine for me. Mainly uses Shadow Stab.
Germangold wrote:svn 495 issue:

Code: Select all

Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
Duplicate address found. #tiles = 37. Redoing table.
happens in the survival game
This is a known issue. Sometimes it reads the wrong number of tiles and if it continued, it would do them a bit messed up. Thats why it does this check. Usually it recovers quickly. It did happen the other day that it took 1 and a half minutes. I'm thinking of putting a cap on it. After so many tries just go with what it has and hope it still works out.

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:02 pm
by mailstorm
if its about me i have no problem i just wondering how to make script what after that all use malatina ticket and do it again till tickets finish

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:06 pm
by rock5
mailstorm wrote:if its about me i have no problem i just wondering how to make script what after that all use malatina ticket and do it again till tickets finish
I'm not familiar with those tickets but I'll try to help you.

Just use a file in the middle that checks for tickets. If you have a ticket then use it and do game again, else load next file.


Code: Select all

	if inventory:itemTotalCount("ticket") > 0 then
		inventory:useItem("ticket") yest(1000)
That would be in a file by itself. Lets call it "checktickets.xml". Where it says "ticket" you have to use the actual name. "nextfile" could be cot_tele for example. If you just want it to stop when out of tickets then replace loadpaths("nextfile") with error("Finished. Run out of tickets.")

Then to use it, in survivalR5 set
When_Finished = "checktickets"

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:46 pm
by mailstorm
hmm thats sounds easy and good when i get some tickets then i will try :) Thank You

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:04 pm
by mailstorm
after update to last version script wont work :evil: i regreet to make this update :( its says
onLoad error [starting"..."]:33: ... /scripts/rom/waypoints/survivalR5onload.lua:481: attempt to call global "teleport_setStepSize" <a nil value>

Is anyone who can help me with this ?

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:08 pm
by rock5
Do you have teleport userfunction installed? ... 951#p23951

Make sure you read the requirements and installation instructions on the first post.

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:14 pm
by mailstorm
OK i didint have user function after update i forget to copy from previous folder now it work problem solved :)

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:58 pm
by freemw
After this script not worked ROMeo's Multihack
In file survivalR5onload.lua add command flyoff()

Code: Select all

--=== Open chests ===--
function chests()
	local chest
		chest = player:findNearestNameOrId(brownwoodenchest,nil,clickchest)
		if chest then
				player:target_Object(chest.Id, nil, nil, true);
			until clickchest(chest.Address) ~= true
	until chest == nil
	local secondsleft = RoMScript("TimeKeeperFrame.startTime-GetTime()")
	local mm = string.format("%2s", math.floor(secondsleft/ 60))
	local ss = string.format("%02s", math.floor(math.mod(secondsleft, 60)))
	printf("Succeeded at Survival with %s:%s remaining.\n",mm,ss)
	logentry = string.format("Succeeded with %s:%s remaining.",mm,ss)
Sorry for my English. I`m Russian

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:32 am
by kuripot
sometimes i encounter this... my character keep in digging tiles thats why target busy... how can i eliminate this without decrease my client running///... but there is a time that all my character without error.. with the same number of client

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:43 am
by rock5
"Target is busy"? Hm... isn't that the same thing that happens when you get stuck hens or eggs? I've never ever had that happen in survival. With the millers egg script I suspect it happens when you run too many clients at once. Maybe you should not run as many at once.

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:08 am
by kuripot
yes i think the problem is the connection and memory comsumption..... no other way??... delay for retrying digging again etc.? beacuse my observation.. he found tile and digging but bot not detect that he already digging the tiles so he try to dig again thats why it cause target busy.. if there is the option to increase of delay of trying to dig again?

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:47 am
by rock5
But the picture shows that the tile hasn't been dug up yet. We could make it give up on the tile after a certain amount of time but then it will fail the game anyway.

Or do you mean that it interrupts itself after it starts digging?

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:28 am
by jasn
the pic also shows that u have around 922 something in ping, cant be sure if its hundreds or thousands cause it seems like the pic is cut in the right side of screen.
(ms 922 up in the right corner of pic) it might be the cause of the problem, game is lagging due to connection issues.

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:11 pm
by kuripot
i know that is connection problem...

i try in manual mode.. i try to dig the tile... at 50% digging i try to dig again that cause of interrupting that target busy.. i think when my character dig the tiles.. and because of the bad connection he lost the tile that currently digging so he try to dig again that cause of target busy.. i don't know how to improve this.. maybe delay before try to dig again..

Re: Malatina's survival

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:14 am
by rock5
Ok, in that case, try changing line 324 of survivalR5onload.lua to a longer wait eg.

Code: Select all

				Attack() yrest(1000)