Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

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Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#1 Post by crazzy » Sat Feb 19, 2022 6:25 am

Hello guys!

For me the level 60 elite at the warmage is still not usable..
I´ve tested all the old methods of the forum without any kind of benefit. It was working before.. so it should be possible to be fixed somehow.. maybe lisa can have a look at it ;)

after the update at revision 1115 and run the romupdater.exe everything is on "green" BUT(!) a closer look at skills.lua shows this:

<skill name="WARRIOR_LIGHTNING_BURN_WEAPON" id="499990" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="0" target="self" buffname="622996" />

which is principally the wrong id (4900629 & buffname (500162) ! But if i change skills.lua manually it doesnt work eather.
Also the old workaround of rock5 with the "onPreSkillCast section" (if player hasnt buff then cast...) doesnt work any more for me?!

Please.. could somebody help?

Bye Frank

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#2 Post by Administrator » Sat Feb 19, 2022 8:42 am

Could you post what the onPreSkillCast workaround was? That might help determine exactly what's going on.

I would also recommend that you temporarily remove all the skills from your profile's warrior section except for Lightning Burn Weapon, and also add:

Code: Select all

<option name="DEBUG_SKILLUSE" value="true" />
<option name="DEBUG_SKILLDISCOVER" value="true" />
Now, when you start the bot it should print out a bunch of green text detailing which skills the bot has found. Does Lightning Burn Weapon show up in the list?

While the bot continues running, it should also print out lots of debug information about why it chose to not use the skill. That should hopefully hint at what's going wrong.

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#3 Post by crazzy » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:12 am

First of all - thanks for your fast reply!!

if not player:hasBuff(622996) then

..i will try it today and post it here!

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#4 Post by crazzy » Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:54 pm

hyhy :)

I´ve added the options and set them to true, here is the result:
(I hope the attachment will work..)
As you can see, the language is in german and the bot seems to not find the skill. If I run any waypoint the warmage just attacks the mob without using any skills. The Problem
is, he is not using the elite skill which is the only important thing for the whole class combination.

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#5 Post by crazzy » Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:57 pm

..maybe also some warmages could post there working profile here?
I also test to add the correct skill id and buff id in skills.xml but without any success?!

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#6 Post by Administrator » Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:11 pm

EDIT: Found the problem. There was a a minor change made to the skillbook's skill struct. An additional 4 bytes have been added to this struct, so addresses.skillbook.skill.size changed from 0x48 to 0x4C.

If you run the rombotupdater again, or manually update the skill size in your addresses.lua, that should correct the issue for you.

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#7 Post by crazzy » Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:55 pm

i will try it manual immediatly!! wow - that would be amazing(!)

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#8 Post by crazzy » Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:17 am

I made the change manually and it worked - BUT still does not cast!!!

<skill name="WARRIOR_LIGHTNING_BURN_WEAPON" hotkey="MACRO" priority="100" autouse="false" />

if not player:hasBuff(500162) then

..i also tried to change skills.lua to my correct buff id and skill id without any benefit..
<skill name="WARRIOR_LIGHTNING_BURN_WEAPON" id="490062" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="0" target="self" buffname="622996,500162" />

just for a try on i changed the profile option "autouse" of the skill to "true".. i add a picture, so you can see that it permanently spells the cast until i run out of mana.. it is not completly broken.. ->

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#9 Post by Administrator » Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:39 am

OK, so... I think you should leave autouse to true (or just leave that off the skill entirely). Set the correct skill ID and buffname (IDs) in skills.xml like you've done.

Next, get rid of the onPreSkillCast stuff entirely -- I think what's happening here is that onPreSkillCast tries to cast the skill which then fires another onPreSkillCast which then fires the skill which... you get the idea.

Alternatively, I think maybe your onPreSkillCast stuff may be working, but you'd need to add a call to
the line above the check for

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#10 Post by crazzy » Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:04 pm


I will try it immediatly (each option you´ve posted) - i hope it will work again!!!
never the less.. thank you so much for your work, your spirit, your enthusiasm.. just great!!!

Now it finally works for me! I killed the onpreskillcast section, made the correction of the skills in my profile and added the correct buff and skill id´s to skills.lua..!
maybe it could be a idea for a general update of skills.lua to the correct id´s !?
first of all - thank you so much :)

..now i get those extra information (jpeg attachment) - anything wrong with my installation?

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#11 Post by Administrator » Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:27 pm

I've updated the skill ID in database/skills.lua in the latest copy of the scripts; updates from here on out will include that fix.

You should be able to remove the DEBUG_SKILLUSE option from your profile now to cut down on how spammy it is. As for the second issue, the stacktrace at the bottom of your screenshot, it is *probably* safe to ignore it if it isn't actually causing any problems. I think that happens when trying to pull bank item details but the bank isn't ready yet, and should allow the bot to still continue without worry.

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#12 Post by crazzy » Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:15 pm

GOOD JOB!!! (as always ;))

I saw your post on addrtest.lua ! just one little mistake was made..
You´ve added the 2nd skill of lightning burn weapon with the correct id but the wrong buffname:

<skill name="WARRIOR_LIGHTNING_BURN_WEAPON" id="499990" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="0" target="self" buffname="622996" />
<skill name="WARRIOR_LIGHTNING_BURN_WEAPON" id="490062" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="0" target="self" buffname="622996" />
id: super cool ///// buffname nono: it´s 500162

keep the spirit alive :)

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Re: Warrior/Mage (warmage) elite 60 is still not working!

#13 Post by Administrator » Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:02 pm

I've made the correction. Thank you for the report.

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