I`m using a elv daily quest script from Lisa with some optimations by me so I can switch characters
without opening a new cmd RoM Bot windows. At the moment I have the problem that I can`t load the
profile of the characters after a logout and login of a new character.
Does someone have a hint for this problem? What am I missing?
The error after changing is the following:
undefined player.Class1 in settings.lua
the second error is:
Code: Select all
Lade Profil userdefault.xml
The macro hotkey is F9.
The 'Attack' hotkey is set to 'macro'.
Testing 'ingamefunctions' macro. If it gets stuck here, please update the 'ingamefunctions' by copying the 'ingamefunctions' folder from 'rom/devtools' to the game's 'interface/addons' folder.
MACRO Test: ok
[!] d303Fix is not installed; some waypoints might not work correctly.
You can fix this by copying the '#d303fix' folder from 'rom/devtools' to the game's 'interface/addons' folder.Wegpunktpfad DailyElf.xml geladen.
Es wurde keine Rckkehrpfaddatei mit dem Defaultnamen DailyElf_return.xml gefunden.
Wir benutzen nun die normale Wegepunktdatei DailyElf.xml.
Wegepunkt #18 ist nher als #1. Wir starten daher mit Wegepunkt #18.
The game client did not crash.
2021-10-25 13:20:09 - ...Games/RunesOfMagic/micromacro/scripts/rombo/settings.lua:1341: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Code: Select all
if dqCount == 10 then
player = CPlayer.new();
settings.loadProfile("userdefault.xml"); -- Profile name