Micromacro for Tera?

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Micromacro for Tera?

#1 Post by theginger » Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:00 pm

Tera is a new mmo that requires you to actually aim at a target not just select and cast, anyone up for a challenge?

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#2 Post by Administrator » Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:44 pm

All it takes is a little sine and cosine math. The difficult part is moving around the world and reacting to obstacles. I certainly could use a few closed beta keys for this game, though.


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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#3 Post by MiesterMan » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:33 pm

Looks cool. Since the combat system is going to be so movement dependant, does that mean the grinding will give better results?

Oh the questions:
Still in beta?
Does it have a crap shield?
What's the URL for this?
Quests progressive, regressive, or static?
Is that a hamster, a cat, or a jiggly puff?

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#4 Post by Administrator » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:06 pm

MiesterMan wrote:Looks cool. Since the combat system is going to be so movement dependant, does that mean the grinding will give better results?

Oh the questions:
Still in beta?
Does it have a crap shield?
What's the URL for this?
Quests progressive, regressive, or static?
Is that a hamster, a cat, or a jiggly puff?
Grinding may or may not be more effective. The trend nowadays tends to favor questing to level-up. However, I assume grinding would be a good way to make cash. Not only would you gain money from killing and looting the different monsters, but you could also sell potentially rare loot easily because nobody else would really be grinding for it.

It is still in closed beta right now, but will be releasing soon enough.

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#5 Post by Germangold » Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:26 am

afaik TERA is going to be a Pay2play with an monthly subscription?

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#6 Post by theginger » Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:33 pm

It will be pay to play, however there will be these things called "ChronoScrolls" that players can buy and trade for gold and such, each chrono scroll gives the account its used on an extra free month of subscription. So if you bot and make enough money, games free.

EDIT: there is an information page I'm trying to link but wont let me post because it could be spam,


nevermind worked when I broke it up

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#7 Post by MiesterMan » Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:16 pm

In essence this is just a more complicated version of what we had with the gold auction house in RoM. However I can already see how it is going to be exploited. Unless these have an expiration date, and a solid one that doesn't change, goldsellers will be stockpiling them and controlling the market the same way the do with other pay items. There will always be a limited amount of real cash invested in the game while in game gold will be infinite.

The results will be the same. After a year even with botting, normal players won't be able to buy their monthly scrolls (possibly even faster since it limits the number of accounts at one time).

I still don't understand all of this trojans and stolen credit card nonsense though...

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#8 Post by theginger » Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:54 pm

I disagree, even if the chrono scrolls are stock piled how would they turn a profit on the gold? why would I buy gold from a gold seller instead of through the game? The gold seller would just be breaking even because he would have to sell his gold at the same price or cheaper then that of the current going rate of chrono scrolls.

Or am I missing something?

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#9 Post by MiesterMan » Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:17 am

Hehe, that's the catch. See, right now everything in RoM is so expensive you can't even casually bot enough gold to survive. By stockpiling the scrolls they will severely increase demand by decreasing supply and the prices will skyrocket. While people will spend money on the game buying scrolls to get large amounts of gold "legitimately" it will again force a pay to win situation where free-to-play is a bad joke and the players suffer while the company profits.

The only system that ever worked was free trade (auction house). Sure, goldsellers would have some sway over the value of the itemshop currency but it wouldn't be detrimental like it is now. I'm telling you, this scroll idea is just jumping from free trade to the situation RoM is in now. (That's assuming players are willing to put up with it long enough for the game to get popular)

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#10 Post by theginger » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:51 pm

Finished the first beta test, game looks amazing will let you know if I come across another key, if you have IGN prime or whatever apparently you get one free, you can also get one if you preorder, though not sure if you can cancel once you do.

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#11 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:40 pm

MiesterMan wrote:Hehe, that's the catch. See, right now everything in RoM is so expensive you can't even casually bot enough gold to survive. By stockpiling the scrolls they will severely increase demand by decreasing supply and the prices will skyrocket. While people will spend money on the game buying scrolls to get large amounts of gold "legitimately" it will again force a pay to win situation where free-to-play is a bad joke and the players suffer while the company profits.

The only system that ever worked was free trade (auction house). Sure, goldsellers would have some sway over the value of the itemshop currency but it wouldn't be detrimental like it is now. I'm telling you, this scroll idea is just jumping from free trade to the situation RoM is in now. (That's assuming players are willing to put up with it long enough for the game to get popular)
That's a valid concern. However, from the viewpoint of the publisher it is good, regardless if it breaks the economy - they will profit anyway.

Chrono Scrolls are like the Gold WoW pet that people resell for gold. Why? Because Blizzard and Frogster/Enmasse receive a share from this. That means they are taking an indirect cut from selling gold practically. Chrono Scrolls will only be purchaseable for real money and then can be given away for whatever reason, mostly gold. This is to indirectly monopolize goldselling, since chrono scrolls are a hard currency and do not flunctuate below a certain point.

EVE does this successfully with their PLEX's, as you cannot really bot anything in this game and therefore the price has been pretty solid for the past few months. But yes, Goldfarmers will stockpile them on a low gold price and then try to resell them for way more gold, outbuying cheaper ones etc. Although I fear that goldsellers won't have much luck with that in a game that has a $60 upfront fee. Usually this would appeal to kids a lot more as they have plenty of time on their hands and willingly sacrify their time to grind for a whole month just so they can afford something that has an actual value of $10.

But right now Tera is lacking an incredible amount of content, It's definitely not worth botting in it if you can hit 50 in 3 days with ease ( I got to 29 in a day, so I just assume it takes that much ). There needs to be much more filler content, end content and slower leveling honestly.

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#12 Post by theginger » Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:42 pm

I am assuming you made it into the beta? As far as i know the experience in the beta is increased, but I can't be positive. I only had to do about half the quests in the game to hit 27 so I am hoping it is.

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Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#13 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:10 am

theginger wrote:I am assuming you made it into the beta? As far as i know the experience in the beta is increased, but I can't be positive. I only had to do about half the quests in the game to hit 27 so I am hoping it is.
I played the japanese 48 hour retail trial.

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Micromacro for Tera

#14 Post by ronaldsceda » Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:26 am

Im not continuing my subscription to Tera for now and due to money reasons I cant say when Ill be back. Though Id like for it to be sooner than later I do know Ill be back eventually.


Re: Micromacro for Tera?

#15 Post by Conrad00 » Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:30 am

I just came back to the game after a long break. I recommend it to everyone the game is still great. If you are still playing with your friends, it's fun.

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