I need to know how to start the "Client.exe" in the "Runes of Magic" - Folder in a batch file.
I tried it with a normal start but this print me this error:
"ObjectDataClass[init] LoadFile failed=data/ImageObject.DB"
Also if it is possible, can i set its Accout/Password/secondpassword and charname for autologin?
Start Runes of Magic in a batch file (also auto login)
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Re: Start Runes of Magic in a batch file (also auto login)
Yeah that is all possible with the right userfunction http://solarstrike.net/phpBB3/viewtopic ... ile#p63903
Jack-of-all-trades, but master-of-only of a few
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My Reps:
https://github.com/BlubBlab/Micromacro-with-OpenCV (My version of MM2 with OpenCV and for MS Visual Studio)
https://github.com/BlubBlab/rom-bot (rombot with no stop WP and advanced human emulation mode and some other extensions)
https://github.com/BlubBlab/Micromacro-2-Bot-Framework ( A work in progress )
My Tools : viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6226
Re: Start Runes of Magic in a batch file (also auto login)
Ah ok, ill try. Thank you for searching!
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