Reminder: Do not share private information.

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Reminder: Do not share private information.

#1 Post by Administrator » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:20 pm

Recently it has been brought to my attention that one of our members in this forum has been reporting other botters (or those that claim to have cheated in any way) in order to get them banned. As such, I would like to remind everyone to not give out any private information to anyone. Do not share your character names, email addresses (that may be connected to any game accounts), instant messenger usernames, Facebook info, guild names, or anything else that could be used to find out who you are.

Additionally, I remind you that not even the staff around here (myself, rock5, lisa) should not be asking for this information either, except for very rare occasions (for example, you have a bug with the scripts that you believe may be linked specifically to a character name with special symbols).

Thanks, and remember to stay paranoid! More importantly, remember the botters creed: Do not report others, just drag mobs to them and get them killed.

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