Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

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Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#1 Post by Tamyra » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:16 pm

Is there a way to get the bot to run in an endless loop and completely ignore any mobs that it has aggroed and that may be tailing it?

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#2 Post by lisa » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:23 pm

change the waypoint type to travel

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints type="TRAVEL">
you can also change is just for some waypoints and not all

Code: Select all

	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2055" z="3173" y="4" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2012" z="3470" y="4" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="1803" z="3774" y="1" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2142" z="4323" y="2" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1785" z="4565" y="-3" > </waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1853" z="4727" y="0">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="1893" z="4993" y="-3">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="1892" z="5178" y="-11">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="1781" z="5175" y="-10">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="1494" z="5185" y="10">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="1359" z="4941" y="9">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="1232" z="4749" y="4">	</waypoint>
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#3 Post by Tamyra » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:37 pm

Okay, now what if I am attempting to use a skill while the bot is running this path and I want to change the camera angle away from the direction the bot is running in, is there a way to make the default screen angle for a waypoint NOT be fixed in the direction the bot is going?

And will using that skill on a mob cause the waypoint to swap from travel to normal?

Basically trying to "Kite" something with the bot, but manually use skills and camera angle to attack it.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#4 Post by lisa » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:03 am

Tamyra wrote:Basically trying to "Kite" something with the bot, but manually use skills and camera angle to attack it.
That is a lot harder than you may think.

Using a skill on a mob will make the character turn to face mob.

Moving will make character turn to face the direction it is heading in.

One way I can see this actually working is to use backward movement and set it to follow a set path ONLY walking backwards.
Issue with that is where the mob is in relation to character and path. You could tell character to attack mob and then you will turn away from it and follow your path which may be heading closer to mob, so you are facing the complete wrong direction.

Another way which is probably better is to teleport a set distance from mob before using each skill, is the area you are "farming" flat with no obstructions, like an open room? If so then it is possible but would require very specific coding, like the survival minigame and aoeing the mobs as it teleports around room except this time you wouldn't be using aoe skills.
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#5 Post by Tamyra » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:56 am

Sent you a PM reply, feel free to reply to that here. Keeping it vague for reasons you'll see obvious. But for the running portion of it, I'd need to be able to run backwards as fast as a normal character running forwards does with the title "Escape Artist" equipped. No other speed enhancements on.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#6 Post by rock5 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:52 am

Maybe you could make a travel mode waypoint with waypoints that are close together and at each waypoint you could target the mob and fire off a shot before moving off to the next waypoint. But it might still have issues of turning around to fire or maybe even saying "you have to face target" error.
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#7 Post by grande » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:54 am

Using camera angle is hugely useful at various points in the game so I just wanted to re-post along those topic lines:

Code: Select all

RoMScript("SetCameraPosition (#,#,#)")
You can use an ingame macro to determine what actual number values plug into #,#,#. I can't access that macro at the moment but it can easily be found by web searching "runes of magic get camera angle macro" or "runes of magic camera macro". Based on the above it may just be as easy as "RoMScript("GetCameraPosition")" or in game from a macro with /script
("GetCameraPosition") but I'm not sure. I think someone else posted in these forums about how to get camera angle info in rombot. I can repost it later.

Now about the kiting... That's very interesting. Seems that one possible solution would be to make an ingame macro and then spam that macro a few times at the way points. In the macro you could include the set camera angle macro into the kill macro, something like:

Code: Select all

/script SetCameraPosition (#,#,#)
/script UseAction(1)
/script TargetNearestEnemy()
/run [DIYCE]()
and whatever the setcamera macro is can just be added to that macro. I did something like when I was doing rorazan EoJ but I lost the macro since then. But it works really well to just call the hotkey where that macro is from your WP.

Or, at various WP's you could target the specific mob, there's a code for that.. I can post later. Limited resources where I am now.

Of course, as you make these WPs you would need to record what camera angle is required to "see" the mob at each WP.

Please post what you come up with.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#8 Post by rock5 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:20 am

You could also do

Code: Select all

player:cast("whatever skill")
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#9 Post by grande » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:22 am

Sorry, here's better info on the get/set camera stuff:

Code: Select all

/run a,b,c=GetCameraPosition(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(a); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(b); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(c); 
That prints the #,#,# variables for you to enter as SetCameraPosition


Code: Select all

here's another example of targeting usage:

Code: Select all

		player:target(player:findNearestNameOrId("Inferno Guard Dog"))
		if player:haveTarget() then player:fight(); end
So you could do something like

Code: Select all

	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="6609" z="3703" y="158" type="TRAVEL">
		player:target(player:findNearestNameOrId("Inferno Guard Dog"))
		player:cast("whatever skill")

or even the

Code: Select all

would work as opposed to the set camera... I never saw the aimAt code before.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#10 Post by Tamyra » Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:04 pm

It would be to cast an AoE(thunderstorm) on something following me while not letting it get close enough to hit me. Even if the cast is interrupted, 1/3 of the hit would still land. Then I would need to keep running and use the skill again until the mob(s) eventually die.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#11 Post by rock5 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:23 pm

If you target the mob then cast Thunderstorm it should aim at it as part of the casting. But I don't think you can do it while moving.
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#12 Post by Tamyra » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:06 pm

As I told Lisa in the message I sent her, I'd hate for this feature to be removed from game, so not posting it here, but now you'll understand more what I am trying to do. Just trying to get the running part down, but do all the attacking manually.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#13 Post by Tamyra » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:54 pm

I tried to path it with the character moving backwards, that does not seem to have done it because the moment I walk the path, the character is only moving fwd and I cannot change camera angle at all. If there was a way to set default camera angle for a specific waypoint, that would be great. I tried the whole /run a,b,c....thing posted earlier in this thread without luck. It does not seem to have given me any results or I am not putting it in right. I assume that's supposed to go right into RoM chat?

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#14 Post by lisa » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:31 pm

to do your specific task, teleport is the only way to go.

trying to move in a direction will turn the character.

moving backwards is very slow and the mobs will catch you, you could test with speed hack but you will also need to create your own waypoint.lua to deal with facing backwards when trying to path or it will keep trying to turn you around to face the next destination, also you can't freely turn while it is trying to path.
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#15 Post by ZZZZZ » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:03 pm

Would this be tosh em tp/xp farm? If so running backwards at 75 speed works fine, though only just faster than the mobs, so any pause to cast etc would get you killed still.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#16 Post by rock5 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:00 am

You are always going to have to stop to cast Thunderstorm. The game automatically turns you to face the target when you cast. If you only want to do partial damage while moving maybe you can face the target, start moving backwards and then cast Thunderstorm which will do just partial damage because you are moving. Then it will turn to go to the next waypoint. The bot is set up to stop to cast spells with casting time so you might have to find another way to cast Thunderstorm. player:aimAt is no good for facing the target because it just changes the camera angle. We'll have to use player:faceDirection and calculate the angle. Maybe something like this.

Turned out a lot more complex than I thought. Luckily it was mostly cut and paste. I put it into a function. You can put it in the onload of the waypoint or make a userfunction file. I'll give it to you as a userfunction.
(3.67 KiB) Downloaded 393 times
What it does is face the target given, starts moving backwards and fires off Thunderstorm, then continues. The function returns true if the mob dies so you can do a lootAll for example or take some other action. Here is a file I tested with a Scealok near the Ravenfell snoop.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="14237" z="6401" y="12">
mytarget = player:findNearestNameOrId("Stampeding Scealok")
if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="14192" z="6444" y="12">if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="14132" z="6500" y="13">if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="14032" z="6563" y="16">if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="13945" z="6619" y="22">if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="13865" z="6671" y="26">if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="13787" z="6721" y="27">if kiteThunderstorm(mytarget) then player:lootAll() player:sleep() end	</waypoint>
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#17 Post by Romplayer » Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:43 am

One of the classes combo can cast while moving now. I believe it is a mage/warlock combo or a mage/champion. Not sure which.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#18 Post by Tamyra » Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:04 am

Mage/Warrior elite also now allows for casting while moving. Cannot remember if it is the 60 or 70 elite that does it. In any case, only looking for a partial damage thing here, interrupted casting will work fine because I'll be doing it manually, and there will never be a stop to rest, sleep or loot.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#19 Post by Tamyra » Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:09 am

Okay, so I know the bot can move left and right as seen by every time it gets stuck somewhere. My question would be, is there a way to tell it to just move sideways only as if pressing the "D" part of the "WASD" but w/o giving it a specific set of waypoints to follow? Allowing the character to control the direction it is going in. I know if you press the default "insert" key in game you run fwd, and then you can make minute direction changes with the mouse. I'd like to try something similar with moving constantly to the right, allowing the player to adjust direction manually, and not have the use of a skill stop motion completely.

Would be nice to have an "end/del" be the only thing stopping it from "sidestepping."

Edit: Oh! Or like with the hack functions where it is activated with a numbpress.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#20 Post by rock5 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:33 am

If I understand correctly, you just want a movement assist bot that you can press insert to make it continuously move forward but you want to be able to steer with the keys instead on the mouse? If so, how would you like it to work? It might be difficult to use the Insert key. Maybe a double tap on the forward key to start it running? And steering with ADQE?

Edit I just reread that last line and understood it this time. You want a bot that keeps pressing the direction key that you press? So that means it wouldn't include the turn keys. The numpad would be ideal for this because the corner keys could mean press 2 keys at once and the center key could mean stop.
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