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extern "C"
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
// we use this define just to make our install function look cleaner.
#define PLUGIN_INSTALL_FUNC __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl
// forward declare our functions
PLUGIN_INSTALL_FUNC install(lua_State *);
int testfunc(lua_State *);
int testfunc2(lua_State *);
int add(lua_State *);
// actual function definition
PLUGIN_INSTALL_FUNC install(lua_State *state)
lua_register(state, "testfunc", testfunc);
lua_register(state, "testfunc2", testfunc2);
lua_register(state, "add", add);
return 0; // assume there were no errors
int testfunc(lua_State *state)
// make sure they haven't supplied any arguments
if( lua_gettop(state) != 0 ) {
printf("Wrong number of arguments passed to testfunc()\n");
return 0; } // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
printf("This text is coming from testfunc()\n");
return 0; // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
int testfunc2(lua_State *state)
// make sure they supplied one argument
if( lua_gettop(state) != 1 ) {
printf("Wrong number of arguments passed to testfunc2()\n");
return 0; } // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
if( !lua_isstring(state, 1) )
{ // only accept a string
printf("Invalid data was passed to testfunc1()\n");
return 0; // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
std::string instr = lua_tostring(state, 1); // get the string they passed in, store it in instr
printf("Your string is: \"%s\"\n", instr.c_str());
return 0; // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
int add(lua_State *state)
// make sure they supplied two arguments
if( lua_gettop(state) != 2 ) {
printf("Wrong number of arguments passed to add()\n");
return 0; } // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
if( !lua_isnumber(state, 1) || !lua_isnumber(state, 2) )
{ // only accept 2 integers
printf("Invalid data was passed to add()\n");
return 0; // we haven't pushed anything, so return 0
// we've error checked, now get the information from Lua
int number1 = lua_tonumber(state, 1);
int number2 = lua_tonumber(state, 2);
// add the two numbers, and push (return) it onto Lua's stack.
lua_pushnumber(state, number1 + number2);
return 1; // we pushed one number, so we return 1.
testfunc() accepts nothing, returns nothing. It simply will display "This text is coming from testfunc()" when called.
testfunc2() accepts 1 string, returns nothing. It will display 'Your string is: "<whatever your string was>"'
add() accepts 2 numbers, and returns one number. Example: somenumber = add(3, 5); somenumber would now contain 8.