mouseMove not work

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mouseMove not work

#1 Post by kircinek » Mon May 14, 2012 11:22 am

hello i start make litle bot game

but i have problem in mouse

attach key work fine but mouse work only click
mouseMove(x, y) not set posytion
what i can set another way cordinate to click in windows game
i try find in memory but found only "readonly" adress

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Re: mouseMove not work

#2 Post by Administrator » Wed May 16, 2012 12:15 pm

I really have no idea what you are even trying to say. There is a reason there is a rule about proper spelling and grammar.

That being said, I can only assume that you are wondering why the physical mouse does not move while in attached mode. That is because it shouldn't. While in attached mode, the mouse movement and input will also be done completely virtually. That is, mouseMove() and mouseSet() will still move the virtual cursor and mouseLClick() (and related functions) will produce a click at the virtual mouse's coordinates.

Use attachKeyboard() if you only want to attach the keyboard.

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Re: mouseMove not work

#3 Post by kircinek » Thu May 17, 2012 9:43 am

Sorry for my grammar and my bad english.
Meybe i not clear write what i need.
I need click in windows game example 200, 120 (x,y)

In game that i used micromacro - work atach windows game

Work click mouse ,keypress, but not work set position mouse to click.
I try global(mouseSet(100, 200);) and windows(mouseMove(5, 10)) coordinates.
what i can do ?

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Re: mouseMove not work

#4 Post by Administrator » Thu May 17, 2012 10:08 am

Again, it works. The physical mouse will not move, the virtual mouse will.

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Re: mouseMove not work

#5 Post by kircinek » Thu May 17, 2012 10:31 am

ty for replay

if i used code

mouseMove(41, 63);

that no click in posytion 41 ,63 but last posytion psihical mouse

all code script
win = findWindow("namewindwgame");
attachMouse( win );

mouseMove(41, 63);

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Re: mouseMove not work

#6 Post by Administrator » Thu May 17, 2012 4:22 pm

So use attachKeyboard() instead of attach().

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Re: mouseMove not work

#7 Post by kircinek » Thu May 17, 2012 11:54 pm

But i wont used attachMouse().

i write attachMouse() and attach() not work 100%

that can send virtual press key
can send virtual mouse click
but cant set virtual position for virtual mouse click

i thing i need find in memory game x y posytion mouse and set it

i tray get

wants to get a similar effect as in this example for the rom
i send u link in pm

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Re: mouseMove not work

#8 Post by Administrator » Fri May 18, 2012 10:29 am

Then you should be asking about this in the RoM section of the forum.

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