Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

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Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#1 Post by spawni » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:26 am

In the last time I have worked on an own KS-Waypoint-File.
Taget was to get a good solution for a char Scout/Rouge.

My problems so far:
1. The bot walks to close to the mobs - and so the bot gets a lot of damage (posion from frogs for example, stuns etc...).
Played arround with the profile-settings (combat-distance, combat-type...). Doesn´t make the difference.
So I have to drink a lot of hp-potions (with a "overpowerd" char above 30k lp and 25k attack and good equip)

2. The bot is high-level (near lv 70) - the mobs don´t want to fight with me ;-) - but the bot is also to friendly
to the mobs (I have had a look in the profile: I attack mobs 50 lv under and above own lv)

Things that came in to my mind and I would appreciate your opinion:
1. For better fight-distance:Use diyce in combination with the bot. My hope: diyce uses the next available target and will fight from more distance

What could be a problem:
In every waypoint I have to add the keybord-function to hit the diyce-button-macro.
And how do I get the macro to be spamed until the mobs are dead.

2. To attack the mobs instead of walking by with a friendly "Hi -how are you?":
Add an "player:cast("something"); in every waypoint where this happens to get the aggro-chain started

What do you mean - did anyone do something like that?

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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#2 Post by lisa » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:02 am

If you have Line of sight issues for ranged classes and therefore reduce combat distance you could always try to make the waypoints using fly.
So you are actually in the air when you attack.

Issue would be with looting, so you would go and loot but then you are at ground level again.

Possible solutions.
I seem to remember coming across a profile event for after looting.
Add in a teleport to move up 50 from current position so you go up in the air again after looting. Issue is if you loot after each kill you will be in range of the other mobs closeby.

Still use fly to get above mobs.
I would probably put in a check for alive mob distances before looting (onleavecombat). So kill all mobs in range and then loot_all after they are all dead. Then fly up again and carry on using waypoints that are in the air.

just some thoughts.
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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#3 Post by spawni » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:46 am

ty - I will give this a try

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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#4 Post by Budzer » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:09 pm

As for being to friendly, the probably problem is all about speed. Had it myself few times and always decreasing speed helps. Although if you are not using any speedhack, that shouldn't be any issue. As for me I prefer to miss some mobs for better speed.

As for getting close to the mobs, there is probably no good solution. First mob can be killed from distance, but as you will not get aggro from others, you will lot immediately and probably get aggro from others. What is surprising me, that char with 30k hp and 25k att has any problem on KS.... I easily manage to bot with 20k hp/20k att, 55lvl char (so it gets aggro from everything alive) and it dies like once/2 weeks, without any pots/heal...

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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#5 Post by spawni » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:12 am

thx for your ideas.
I tested arround a little bit yesterday (haven´t hat much time :( )

the fly-tip:
only helped a little. Some times I got a problem that the bot didn´t stop flying (command flyoff() was set the waypoint before).
I have to check that through....and maybe I make a fresh waypoint and integrate all the fly and teleport-thing there.

1. nope - I do not use speed. I am the frightend type - I always use the bot most normale behaviour possible. So I walk normal speed, use gm-detect...
2. Problem with my bot is- even the first mob is killed standing to near (profile-settings are diffrent - but it didn´t get that fixed
3. My char is scout/rouge and has no healing-option (I started 3. class going priest - think that will help). In some cases I get the "there is something between" message and than only do withe-hits in Boss-Fight - Locatha and Adept are very hard if you don´t kill them fast - even for bigger chars.

I will give you feedback when I tried all the things out...
ty for your replies

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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#6 Post by Budzer » Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:58 am

Well I see no point going to the 3-rd boss and further... It only lowers gold/h ratio.... The only advantage I can think of is that char is longer in instance (so lower possibility of detection), but still with honor PT bag is out of free spaces much earlier. And - well as you have mentioned 3-rd and 4-th bosses are hard.... Probably fly+model to avoid fighting them, but it only makes detection problem even bigger and as I've said the only reason would be safety.

As for the mobs killed in melee.... Well making good waypoint just for ranged, would be almost impossible, as most of mobs are just round the corner. So problem with obstacles/can't see or melee.

Now I also see where is problem..... With my char I have never even tried to bot any boss, but 1-st. Of course it is not impossible and probably not even hard (in the meaning very hard), but it complicates things a lot.

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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#7 Post by spawni » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:38 am

In my case I want to stay as long in ini as possible (cause of detection).
What did not work: fly and flyoff - my bot never stops flying ;-)

Meanwhile I do the sok including the 3. boss - working fine 100% without deads.

What have I done?
Char has now unbuffed
33k life
20k pattk
24k pdeff
enough hp-potions ;-)
a good graded bow

Also added a special-boss-attack-skill-rota

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Re: Combat Distance - Aggro-Chain - your meaning

#8 Post by Budzer » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:31 am

Well it is possible, but for me usually bag is full somewhere half way to the 3-rd boss, so it is pointless to go any farther, I would rather add playerest to stay longer in instance, but for me it would be much simpler/better and most of all profitable, to bot for 3h, wait 4-5h, bot again 3h and log off.... I personally would rather spend time to make my outside KS waypoint "impossible" (as much as it can be) to detect than spend any minute to extend the path inside instance....

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