Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#181 Post by miesermetzler » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:18 am

That would be nice :mrgreen:

lisa wrote:

One Day^^ For a damn week (sleepless) I´m sitting here and it would work in theory only :|

I´m looking forward what you create ;)

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#182 Post by lisa » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:22 am

Well it would only be 1 day because I have already done the code for party members in my party.lua. So just a matter of utilising it and doing a distance check for all party members before moving on.
I like the buff idea but not all party setups have the same buffs, so I will try to do it to work with any party class setups.
Remember no matter you do in life to always have a little fun while you are at it ;)

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#183 Post by miesermetzler » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:47 am

i like the Bufftrigger, too :D

Ezgitaran wrote:

His Tank has

Code: Select all

<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="1786" z="2885">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="1876" z="2883">
player:cast("ROGUE_HIDE"); -- actually a macro that cancels Amplified Attack
   <!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="1914" z="2856">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="2027" z="2715">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="2071" z="2664">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="2134" z="2596">   keyboardPress(key.VK_SPACE);   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="2197" z="2512">
   changeProfileOption("LOOT_TIME", 5000)
   changeProfileOption("LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER", 100)
   -- mypet=CEggPet(1)
   -- if mypet.Crafting == false then
   --   mypet:craft(MINING)
   -- end -- pets causes macro to loop infinitely ;(
   <!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2122" z="2446">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2123" z="2343">   
if not player:hasBuff("Poisonous") then
if not player:hasBuff("Scarlet Love") then
            if player:hasBuff("Amplified Attack") == false then
         --   zoneid = RoMScript("GetZoneID()")
         --      if zoneid == 304 then   cprintf(, "DoD'da degiliz");
         --         else   cprintf(, "DoD'dayiz galiba");
         --      end
            until player:hasBuff("Amplified Attack") == true 
<!-- #  10 --><waypoint x="2331" z="2332">   lootBodies();   </waypoint> -- orta
   <!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2237" z="2468"> yrest(1000);   lootBodies();   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="2184" z="2533">   lootBodies();   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="2093" z="2641">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="2048" z="2697">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="1896" z="2875">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="1777" z="2885">
      changeProfileOption("LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER", 0)
      player:cast("ROGUE_HIDE"); -- actually a macro that cancels Amplified Attack   
      changeProfileOption("LOOT_TIME", 1000)
   <!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="1705" z="2885"> yrest(7000); </waypoint>

<!-- #  Disari ciktik -->
   <!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908"> yrest(9000);   sendMacro('LeaveParty()');   yrest(1000);   sendMacro('LeaveParty()');</waypoint>
   <!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908">
      local hddura = inventory:getMainHandDurability();
      printf("Durability:%s\n", hddura);
      if( 95 >= hddura ) then
      end                              </waypoint>
   <!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908"> 
      occupiedSlots, totalSlots = sendMacro("GetBagCount();");
      if(  occupiedSlots > 52 ) then

   <!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908" tag="Bekle">
if sendMacro('GetNumPartyMembers()') == 0 then
            until sendMacro('GetNumPartyMembers()') >= 4

<!-- #  Repair -->
   <!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="1668" z="-4767" tag="Repair">      </waypoint>
   <!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="1710" z="-4749">   
      player:target_NPC("Isaac Haden");
   <!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="1651" z="-4836">__WPL:setWaypointIndex(__WPL:findWaypointTag("Bekle"));</waypoint>

<!-- #  Sell -->
   <!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="1668" z="-4767" tag="Sat">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="1710" z="-4749">   
      player:merchant("Isaac Haden");
   <!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="1651" z="-4836">__WPL:setWaypointIndex(__WPL:findWaypointTag("Bekle"));</waypoint>

<!-- #  Ress -->
   <!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-3813" z="5117">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="-3908" z="5087">   __WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL");   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="-4026" z="5142">   player:cast("ROGUE_HIDE");   yrest(1000);   sendMacro('LeaveParty()');   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="-4087" z="5317">   __WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL");   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="-4144" z="5505">    </waypoint>
   <!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="-4162" z="5730">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="-4127" z="5844">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="-4080" z="5984">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="-3964" z="6055">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="-3821" z="6050">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="-3624" z="6144">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="-3433" z="6213">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="-3355" z="6245">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="-3257" z="6319">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="-3172" z="6449">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="-3133" z="6538">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="-3072" z="6632">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="-2988" z="6700">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="-2908" z="6800">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="-2821" z="6983">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="-2849" z="7092">   player:target_Object(100943,5000); </waypoint>
   <!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="-2923" z="7215">   player:target_Object(100943,5000);    yrest(1000) </waypoint>
   <!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-2979" z="7233">   yrest(5000)   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="78" z="-858">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="40" z="-880">      player:target_NPC("Jake Wallanda");
<!-- #  Ress -->

<!-- #  Devam -->
   <!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="1655" z="-5073" tag="Devam">   sendMacro('AcceptGroup()');   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="1657" z="-5104">   sendMacro('AcceptGroup()');   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="1690" z="-5167"> yrest(10000);   </waypoint> -- iceri girdik
top1 wrote:
but getting a group of bots working together,... that must be terrible difficult!! how do they stay synchronized??

While entering instance, they wait for each other (isinparty function) and before attack checks for each other's buffs to see if everyone ready. When priest is ready, checks main tank, if main tank is ready it casts premeditation constantly and if main tank have premeditation buff, priest accepts tank is ready and casts Amplified Attack on it and whole group members checking tank's buffs gets the go command.

Here's the main codes about that, here's the priest command casting Amplified Attack:
<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="2123" z="2343">
changeProfileOption("MAX_TARGET_DIST", 120)
local target = player:getTarget();
if target:hasBuff("Premeditation") == false then
local target = player:getTarget();
until target:hasBuff("Premeditation") == true
For any other party member this section is like this:

Code: Select all

<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2123" z="2343">   
changeProfileOption("MAX_TARGET_DIST", 120) 
local target = player:getTarget();
            if target:hasBuff("Amplified Attack") == false then
            local target = player:getTarget();
            until target:hasBuff("Amplified Attack") == true
If that work on his group, then a little more enhanced version must be possible. But i think you´ll made a good WP.

And tonight i´ll look what i can do in Origin. 3 mementos and no one who´s seeing me enter the instance is a bit safer. But i´m looking forward for the Bloody Worm :o I´m sure there where many circumstances. Like the Fear-Cast and to interupt(?) that skill by using Throat Attack for example. But the circumstances i´ve spoken from, maybe causes a little problem. Not fast enough to interrupt or something. And with my Knight i can easyly kill the boss, cause i know what will happen. But the MM sometimes isn´t smart enough.


So i try somethings :P

So, no miracle it wont work and when its to much off-topic then dont comment it. PM me :mrgreen:

The waypoints for Origin

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-11724" z="8629" y="118">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-11816" z="8607" y="118">	waitForLoadingScreen();
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="889" z="1000" y="277">		</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="1062" z="1025" y="272" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="1396" z="1379" y="200" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="1428" z="1670" y="200" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="1442" z="1904" y="200" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="1468" z="2093" y="208" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="1516" z="2269" y="220" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="1503" z="2450" y="210" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="1507" z="2601" y="211" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1645" z="2701" y="194" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1723" z="2927" y="215">
	if not player:hasBuff("Ger\148stete Lammkeule") then
	if not player:hasBuff("Segnung des Blumengottes") then
	inventory:useItem("Segnung des Blumengottes");
	if not player:hasBuff("Gem\129sesandwich") then
	if not player:hasBuff("Elixier des Weisen") then
	inventory:useItem("Elixier des Weisen");
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="1662" z="2988" y="232">
   	local target = player:getTarget();
     	if target and target.Name == "Lebensdieb" then
     	printf("targeting Lebensdieb");
       	local time, moretocome, msg = EventMonitorCheck("Atem","1")
      	if msg ~= nil then
           	if string.find(msg, "Die Luft ist erfüllt von einem mysteri\148sen Atem!") then
              	cprintf(, "Run forest run!\n");
      	until moretocome == true
   	bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Dunkle Blutraupe")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
   	player:cast ("SCOUT_SHOT");
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="1712" z="3094" y="225">
	bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Dunkle Blutraupe")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
   	player:cast ("SCOUT_SHOT");
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="1508" z="2723" y="216">   	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="1427" z="2431" y="210">	EventMonitorStop("Atem");   	
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="1434" z="1884" y="200" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="1359" z="1169" y="201" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="1282" z="1141" y="224" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="1204" z="1096" y="241" type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="1138" z="1043" y="252"> 	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="889" z="984" y="277">		</waypoint>
	<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="724" z="935" y="254">		waitForLoadingScreen();
	<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="-11724" z="8629" y="118">
	SlashCommand("ILG destroy");
	SlashCommand("ILG inv");
	SlashCommand("ILG inv");	
And this in onskill in my profile

Code: Select all

          	target = player:getTarget();
   	if target.Id == 103857 or target.Id == 103169 then
      	if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then 
	bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Dunkle Blutraupe")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
   	player:cast ("SCOUT_SHOT");
	bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Lebensdieb")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
My MM always says :

Code: Select all

Welche Wegpunktdatei möchten Sie nutzen? Geben Sie die Nummer ein und drücken Si
e EINGABE > 69
Sie haben ausgewählt: 69
haltOnError:    false
Did not find any crashed game clients.
5:3pm - ...lfer/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/waypointlist.lua:22: XML Parse Er
File: ...Helfer/micromacro/scripts/rom/waypoints/Ursprung.xml
Line: 61
Column: 50
Pos: 2138
Message: not well-formed (invalid token)

Please enter the script name to run.
Type in 'exit' (without quotes) to exit.
But wheres Line:61 or the other sh... :? If i know that i can look for my own, but i looked here and in rombotwiki and found nothing that help me -.-

Edit: But dont think lisa i dont want your DoD WP and all the needed things. Thats for my grp. Origin is for Solo-farming, takes same time and you´ll get 3 memos. DoD is better to handle for grps i think and with your WP i will farm it on normal. In my case 8 memo each run. :mrgreen:

Edit: once again :lol:

Lifeleecher = Lebensdieb
Dunkle Blutraupe = That lousy worm <-- didn´t know his name or id, because my rom\getid won´t work correct :( But that´s another Story

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#184 Post by lisa » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:29 am

Forget all the buff stuff and test this for me.

Ok usage is simple enough, save it into the rom/userfunctions folder

Use this code any time you want to make sure all party members are at same place.

Code: Select all

until checkparty() == true

Ok so for it to return true and carry on with the WP all party members need to be within 200 of the bot. The 5 second rest afterwards is to make sure all of the other bots get a chance to return true aswell. Could make it more to be sure.

Not sure if 200 is a good distance or not.
Do some testing and you can always change distance

Code: Select all

if distance(partymemberpawn[i].X,partymemberpawn[i].Z,player.X,player.Z) > 200 then
just change the 200 to what you want.

Next version i will probably add an argument for distance.
See how this goes first =)

--=== Edited ===--

Removed the userfunction as I included it as part of default bot. it is not in rom/classes/party.lua
Remember no matter you do in life to always have a little fun while you are at it ;)

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#185 Post by miesermetzler » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:25 pm

You are the best :P
That will work

The Knight WP

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="1709" z="-4770" y="752">		player:merchant("Isaac Haden");
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="1674" z="-4888" y="752">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="1678" z="-5165" y="759">	waitForLoadingScreen();
	until checkparty() == true
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="1874" z="2884" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="2039" z="2705" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="2200" z="2514" y="401">
	until checkparty() == true
	if not player:hasBuff("Ger\148stete Lammkeule") then
	if not player:hasBuff("Gem\129sesandwich") then
	if not player:hasBuff("Elixier des Weisen") then
	inventory:useItem("Elixier des Weisen");
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2278" z="2422" y="401">
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2253" z="2448" y="401">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2126" z="2600" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="1906" z="2868" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1695" z="2917" y="433">	waitForLoadingScreen();
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908" y="752">
	until checkparty() == true
   	SlashCommand("ILG destroy");
   	SlashCommand("ILG inv");
   	SlashCommand("ILG inv");

And the mage

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="1704" z="-4759" y="752"	>	player:merchant("Isaac Haden");
   	if not player:hasBuff("Teeduft-Waffel") then
   	if not player:hasBuff("K\148stliches Sumpf-Allerlei") then
   	inventory:useItem("K\148stliches Sumpf-Allerlei");
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="1675" z="-4874" y="752">
	changeProfileOption("AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR", 1);
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="1676" z="-5165" y="758">	waitForLoadingScreen();
	until checkparty() == true
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="1793" z="2880" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="1902" z="2872" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="2028" z="2720" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2194" z="2518" y="401">
	until checkparty() == true
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2222" z="2363" y="401">
   	if not player:hasBuff("Teeduft-Waffel") then
   	if not player:hasBuff("K\148stliches Sumpf-Allerlei") then
   	inventory:useItem("K\148stliches Sumpf-Allerlei");
	if not player:hasBuff("Elixier des Weisen") then
	inventory:useItem("Elixier des Weisen");
	changeProfileOption("AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR", 2500);
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2262" z="2424" y="401">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2102" z="2629" y="432">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1896" z="2866" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1695" z="2912" y="433">
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908" y="752">
	until checkparty() == true
At my ten testruns they stay syncronized. They´ll meet downstairs and when the mage go on the right side of Okander, he will trigger the tank to buff himself and attack Okander. He stand aside to avoid the charge, because he had not much pdef , but they keep fight, loot and i have no special loot options only killsteal is true in my profiles, because of the npc who fights for eternity in Xaviera. And the Tank is melee, due hes first at loot. he grabs everthing and when the range dd is come he can loot also

Keep in Mind outhere my WP are desingnet for a Knight and Mage and also you should have all addons posted a few replys before

Unfortunatly the last two Days DoD on my Server is like under Siege :x Most of the Time my Char leads a random grp a farm Okander. I dont know if they realize thats not me playing :D
That works Great :mrgreen:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="1712" z="-4777" y="752">		player:merchant("Isaac Haden");
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="1672" z="-4881" y="752">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="1678" z="-5165" y="759">	waitForLoadingScreen();
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="1896" z="2858" y="433">
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="2010" z="2740" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="2200" z="2514" y="401">
	if not player:hasBuff("Unglaublicher Salat") then
	if not player:hasBuff("Elixier des Weisen") then
	inventory:useItem("Elixier des Weisen");
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2270" z="2428" y="401">
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2220" z="2493" y="401">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2066" z="2671" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="1901" z="2844" y="433">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1695" z="2921" y="433">	waitForLoadingScreen();
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908" y="752">
	if not player:hasBuff("Elixier des Weisen") then
	inventory:useItem("Elixier des Weisen");
	SlashCommand("ILG destroy");
	SlashCommand("ILG inv");
	SlashCommand("ILG inv");	
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="1649" z="-4896" y="752">	sendMacro('SetInstanceLevel("normal")'); 
Yes, this time i would like to thank God, my lawyer.... and especially lisa

But back to the DOD Siege Problem on my Server. If its morning, evening or night, some players with I-love-you-all-and-have -to-chat-syndrome anywhere. No as bad as it seems you think? On my server ars so many netcops only looking for suspicious Gamers. And when the I-love-you-all-and-have-to-chat-syndrome players ask stupid questions, in the Worldchat about my Char doing this and that accept write with them, then the netcops come creep from everywhere. I get banned for 30 Days because even that happen. My Guildmembers told me so

Long writing, short meaning. I´ll try to take the knowledge that you gave to me lisa and try some WP for Origin. I check it. Only some Questers here and i check the equipment, movings and talk a little bit and i´m sure there are real beginners, so they wont figure it out whats goin on. And btw Origin is far away from anything, even a merchant to repair and sell. An opition to go every 10th run repair and sell. And a good option to avoid the Fearcast from Lifeleecher or kill the worms or both if you failed. Then i think about lisas madman addon and as omg he/ she :?: said you can use it for other bosses with Fullscreenchats/ keywords. But run into the Fearcast is not useful i think. Next Question is how to make him for example to cast Throat Attack instead of only run. At this point my poor Kung-Fu is to see for everyone :( And when i check the forums or wikis, keep in mind that another noob like me MUST asked it before, theres only :

Code: Select all

No Machtes or Tags found. Try another Keywords
So i go to Origin and take a closer look and lisa i think we meet again (when i have some Frankenstein-Waypoints, they dont work)


So theres a little problem, what else. And once again the mage. So if i remove

Code: Select all

   changeProfileOption("AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR", 2500)

The mage wont attack correctly, if i leave id then the mage will cast imedeadly Flame if he see´s Okander without moving to his correct waypoints even the Triggerpoint near behind the tank. And i found a topic in the forum about AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR but , that was a highend topic :? All i understood was either to aviod Elites while ouside farming or Bosses. And that the value 2500 has somthing to do with my own LP.
But i dont have any clue about the right value for my mage. The tank dont need this, because he casting Whirlwind Shield anyway to open battle. But until that point the mage have go to his right position buff him self and enter the battle then not before. At my testruns, he join battle after 1-3 sec the Tanks open it. Seems a bit of luck.
TEN times :| And before i search for any complicated variables, which told me at the end Ha-Haa we wont work either :evil: lisa, i think you know some little sentences to make the guys happy who also download your XML in your former Post

Edit 2 :

My Guildmember said some target variables coud fix.
But i think maybe target variables causes the madman addon to work not proper. As far i understood its Target based too and dont forget the changes in your profile for the madman addon. Target based?? At the end it could be like my former if buff, then buff problem

I wont rest until that works. The last within 8-9 days, I spend all my time and energy in this project.

Edit 3:

I´ve updated the WP from The Knight and the Mage. Now they really work. Feel free to use them.
Last edited by miesermetzler on Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#186 Post by lisa » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:26 pm

The madman addon i made isn't affected by target, it purely monitors for the text in the text box of the addon. If it sees that text in /say then it will run forward for a period of time.

The code I posted for player profile onskillcast however is affected by target, purely so that the bot isn't constantly checking the madman addon when it doesn't need to be.

Sounds like the code I posted for party checking is working for you, something to keep in mind is over time the game itself has issues with syncronization and easiest way to force different clients to sync is to jump, so it would be a good idea to have a jump just before the repeat.

As for lifeleacher, If you can kill it quickly then it is very easy, if you can't kill it quickly then you have other issues.

1. the bugs that appear and come blow up on you, pretty sure they do a % of max hp damage, so doesn't matter if you have 100k HP, it will still hurt.

2. The clone that appears and 1 character in party is designated to receive damage that the clone receives. Fortunately the bot keeps attacking the real boss so the damage won't be an issue. The real issue is the character designated to receive damage also can't move and I think can't use skills, can't remember exactly how it works.

3. You need to get farely close before bot initiates attack and by then the boss will probably attack you anyway.

4. Little holes in the ground that keep spawning mobs, they need to be killed.

On the good side.
1. The entrance is very remote so unless someone else is sitting at entrance for some reason then you won't be seen by anyone.

2. The GY respoint is close to the town so can easily go repair or sell up by leaving party while inside instance. Long walk back though.

3. Not a lot of mobs between entrance and first boss, so runs can be quick.
Remember no matter you do in life to always have a little fun while you are at it ;)

wiki here

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#187 Post by miesermetzler » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:38 am

So i get the mage do his job in a easy way.
I just set

Code: Select all

changeProfileOption("AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR", 1); at the second waypoint and changeProfileOption("AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR", 2500); when hes arrive his position. Simple but it works

And i have to ask again. Is there any way to make your char jump when hes move away from Okanders A..-to-Head-Bomb? Sometimes iam far away and then he lands on my head, because the server say haha you didnt move although i had. -.-

And to Origin i have to say to avoid the Worms i had this in Onskill cast

Code: Select all

bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Dunkle Blutraupe")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
   	player:cast ("SCOUT_SHOT");

and I make the Basic waypoints to Lifeleecher open battle manually and when the worm comes my char will change target and kill the worm. The problem is to open battle in the right moment. I´ll stay on the the Bughole :?: like we all do in the past, i think. And i want that the chars wait until the boss is comming out of the forrest and
then buff and charge. And when the fearcast is come cast Lightning
( Mage ) and to be sure Throat Attack ( knight/ scout) on the Boss.
The code in onskillcast kills the worm, so you dont need to worry about them. In the forum i found a WP but its useless to me, it uses some kind of hacks.
And no my char cant kill the Lifeleecher fast.
The Knights is no DD, he can take out the most bosses but it takes a bit of time.
And the Mage is Lvl 56 with 20k hp and 15k Matk unbuffed and i had bad luck i cant play a mage. I know Stun, spam Purgatory Fire or Flame.
Thats all^^Im only Tank :mrgreen:

Edit 1:

I have an idea. When the Onskill entry kills the worm, then a another entry with the lifeleecher in target should be do the same to him? But the Chars should wait until everyone is ready. So thats my whole Onskill entry in profile:

Code: Select all

          	target = player:getTarget();
   	if target.Id == 103857 or target.Id == 103169 then
      	if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then 
	bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Dunkle Blutraupe")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
   	player:cast ("SCOUT_SHOT");
	bug = player:findNearestNameOrId("Lebensdieb")
      	if bug and 180 > distance(player.X, player.Z, bug.X, bug.Z) then
Edit 2:

Code: Select all

could this be placed anywhere in your madman onskill entry lisa?
to make the char jump?

Edit 3:
I´ve updated the waypoints in my former post. Now i try to join a another Char. If you have any issues about my porblems in Origin, please let me know ;-)

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#188 Post by rubenr » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:46 pm

Mieser, i have a few questions for you, before testing:

1) How many hp/pdef does your tank has?
2) How many hp/pdef/mattack/mdamage (or staff) does your mage has?
3) Can you use the mage script with, lets say, a scout?
4) You run it in easy or normal mode?

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#189 Post by miesermetzler » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:21 pm


1. My Tank has 120k lp and 120k pdef unbuffed

2. And the mage has the staff for mages that drops at Sirloth +12 tier 8
he had 20k lp and 18k Matk and 13k Pdef unbuffed. At the moment I push him to make mor Dmg.
( The reason to make a grp WP is my tank dont take okander out within 25 sec, when he do the first jump. So i decieded to put an another char to incrase Dmg. Well, my Tank is (un)buffed able to take Okander down alone ( in easy or normal), but lisas madman addon and no other way work 100% proper to avoid the A..-to-Head-Bomb from Okander. And on easy both chars dont die, if Okander lands on their heads ( because fate, god, universe, whatever dont like you and lisa´s addon wont work properly, even you follow all instructions and hints and whatever). But then he´s screwed, a second jump isnt he able to make. Sometimes when the chars have an critical hit often enough he cant make the first jump.)

3. Tell me what you want him to do, and is he alone or leader or member of the group? Say what you want, and i´ll look what my poor Kung-Fu is able to do for you.

4. At the moment i´ll farm easy, thats the reason why i´m push my mage to incrase Memo´s on framing normal mode. I´am working at an Origin WP because i think its less dangerous to be seen from other chars and you´ll get 3 memos instead of 2 in DoD (easy). And as you can see i have found some soloutions for Origin. But i´ve lost almost a week ( to create a 100% WP and do nothing other ) and for next days i´ll run these WP to minimize my losses :?:

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#190 Post by rubenr » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:47 pm

miesermetzler wrote:Hallo,

1. My Tank has 120k lp and 120k pdef unbuffed

2. And the mage has the staff for mages that drops at Sirloth +12 tier 8
he had 20k lp and 18k Matk and 13k Pdef unbuffed. At the moment I push him to make mor Dmg.
( The reason to make a grp WP is my tank dont take okander out within 25 sec, when he do the first jump. So i decieded to put an another char to incrase Dmg. Well, my Tank is (un)buffed able to take Okander down alone ( in easy or normal), but lisas madman addon and no other way work 100% proper to avoid the A..-to-Head-Bomb from Okander. And on easy both chars dont die, if Okander lands on their heads ( because fate, god, universe, whatever dont like you and lisa´s addon wont work properly, even you follow all instructions and hints and whatever). But then he´s screwed, a second jump isnt he able to make. Sometimes when the chars have an critical hit often enough he cant make the first jump.)

3. Tell me what you want him to do, and is he alone or leader or member of the group? Say what you want, and i´ll look what my poor Kung-Fu is able to do for you.

4. At the moment i´ll farm easy, thats the reason why i´m push my mage to incrase Memo´s on framing normal mode. I´am working at an Origin WP because i think its less dangerous to be seen from other chars and you´ll get 3 memos instead of 2 in DoD (easy). And as you can see i have found some soloutions for Origin. But i´ve lost almost a week ( to create a 100% WP and do nothing other ) and for next days i´ll run these WP to minimize my losses :?:

3) Just nothing, because that scout has limited hp, i just want him to pick up mementos and left.

4) But the most minimum lag in origin will get you stuck. And it takes longer to farm it (plus, you have to kill a few more elites). I think dod is easier, but, as you say, it depends the server. In our server dod farming is preety quick, no chating, certainly no bothering from other users aswell.

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#191 Post by miesermetzler » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:09 am


rubenr said :

Code: Select all

3) Just nothing, because that scout has limited hp, i just want him to pick up mementos and left.
I have tried some things, but nothig will work. I think you´ll need more advanced loot variables. But i´m not able to create them :|

My mage will loot, because hes an active part in the battle, i think and i have Killsteal = true in my Profile. Thats an entry from my former tries to create a Butterfly- WP in Xaviera. But i never tried to set it false.
Its works to me and never change a running system :mrgreen:

Edit 1 :

I dont care about the Elites in Origin. In my former post you´ll see i have Travel waypoints and then the bot will not attack anyone.
Even he gets aggro he still walk trough. Tonight i try some ideas.
One is, to let the Knight go straight ahead and take all bugs and worms with him to a trigger-wp, then the mage can follow him easyly and then when he arrive the trigger-wp i´ll set him to cast a stun and purgatory them all to hell. But with my poor kung-fu i have to work with
many yrest(???). We will see. There is a Origin- forum here, there i will post my tries ;)

Edit 2: I tested the first idea and that works fine. But you were right, to go back to origin after repair in Silverfall takes much time. In DoD you´ll make more Memos in that time. And the problem to open battle in the right moment. Therefor i´ll need the advanced Variables, im not able to create -.-

I´ll try to optimize my DoD-WP for single and group farming 8-)

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#192 Post by nylan » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:08 am

He Joe

Thats my waypoint

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>

<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="1712" z="-4777" y="752">player:merchant("Isaac Haden");
<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="1672" z="-4881" y="752"></waypoint>
<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="1678" z="-5165" y="759">waitForLoadingScreen();
<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="1896" z="2858" y="433">
<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="2010" z="2740" y="433"></waypoint>
<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="2200" z="2514" y="401">
if not player:hasBuff("Gewürzte Rippchen") then
inventory:useItem("Gewürzte Rippchen");
if not player:hasBuff("Helden-Trank") then
<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="2270" z="2428" y="401">
<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="2220" z="2493" y="401"></waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2066" z="2671" y="433"></waypoint>
<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="1901" z="2844" y="433"></waypoint>
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1695" z="2921" y="433">waitForLoadingScreen();
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1645" z="-4908" y="752">
if not player:hasBuff("Helden-Trank") then
SlashCommand("ILG destroy");
SlashCommand("ILG inv");
SlashCommand("ILG inv");
<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="1649" z="-4896" y="752">sendMacro('SetInstanceLevel("normal")'); 
thats my profile

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<!-- Try the bot with a new char mage                   -->
		<!-- At the pioneer village. Use demo.xml waypoint file -->
		<option name="HP_LOW"				value="85" />
		<option name="MP_LOW_POTION"		value="50" />
		<option name="HP_LOW_POTION"		value="50" />
		<option name="USE_HP_POTION"		value="best" />			<!-- potion select strategy: best|minstack -->
		<option name="USE_MANA_POTION"		value="best" />			<!-- potion select strategy: best|minstack -->
		<option name="USE_PHIRIUS_POTION"	value="false" /> 		<!-- false | true if you want to use the Phirus Potions -->
		<option name="PHIRIUS_MP_LOW"		value="40" />
		<option name="PHIRIUS_HP_LOW"		value="40" />

		<!-- Rest if HP or Mana is below that level -->
		<option name="HP_REST" 				value="15" />
		<option name="MP_REST" 				value="15" />

		<!-- Shopping options, how many of what do you want to keep in your inventory -->
		<option name="HEALING_POTION" 		value="99" />
		<option name="MANA_POTION" 			value="99" />			<!-- set to "0" if not required to buy -->
		<option name="ARROW_QUIVER" 		value="2" /> 			<!-- set to "0" if not required to buy -->
		<option name="THROWN_BAG" 			value="2" />			<!-- set to "0" if not required to buy -->
		<option name="POISON" 				value="30" />			<!-- set to "0" if not required to buy -->

		<!-- either false or arrow or thrown -->
		<option name="RELOAD_AMMUNITION" 	value="false" />		<!-- false|arrow|thrown -->

		<!-- Combat options -->
		<option name="COMBAT_TYPE"        	value="" />				<!-- leave empty or choose ranged/melee if not using class default -->
		<option name="COMBAT_RANGED_PULL" 	value="true" /> 		<!-- only important for melees -->
		<option name="COMBAT_DISTANCE"    	value="200" />
		<option name="MAX_FIGHT_TIME"     	value="15" />			<!-- Max time without damage before break -->
		<option name="DOT_PERCENT"        	value="90" />
		<option name="ANTI_KS"            	value="true" />
		<option name="MAX_TARGET_DIST"    	value="225" />

		<!-- Attack monsters 3 levels above or 10 below your level -->
		<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE" value="3" />
		<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW" value="10" />

		<!-- Waypoint and movement settings -->
		<option name="WAYPOINTS"			value="" />  			<!-- leave empty to show a list -->
		<option name="RETURNPATH"			value="" />
		<option name="PATH_TYPE"			value="waypoints" />	<!-- waypoints | wander -->
		<option name="WANDER_RADIUS"		value="500" />
		<option name="WAYPOINT_DEVIATION"	value="0" />
		<option name="QUICK_TURN" 			value="true" />

		<!-- Loot settings -->
		<option name="LOOT"               	value="true" />
		<option name="LOOT_ALL"			  	value="false" />  		<!-- Loot all nearby dead mobs after combat -->
		<option name="LOOT_IN_COMBAT"     	value="true" />
		<option name="LOOT_DISTANCE"      	value="100" />
		<option name="LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER"   	value="0" />			<!-- probability in % for a short rest -->

		<!-- Auto selling options when used with player:merchant -->
		<option name="INV_AUTOSELL_ENABLE"	value="false" />		<!-- true | false -->
		<option name="INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT" value="1" /> 			<!-- 1 = bag 1 slot 1 -->
		<option name="INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT"	value="60" /> 			<!-- 30 = last slot bag 1 -->
		<option name="INV_AUTOSELL_QUALITY"	value="white,green" /> 	<!-- white,green,blue,purple  -->

		<!-- Harvest options -->
		<option name="HARVEST_DISTANCE"		value="120" />
		<option name="HARVEST_WOOD"			value="true" /> 		<!-- Choose which types to harvest. -->
		<option name="HARVEST_HERB"			value="true" /> 		<!-- "true" = harvest, "false" = do not harvest -->
		<option name="HARVEST_ORE"			value="true" />

		<!-- Eggpet options -->
		<option name="EGGPET_ENABLE_CRAFT"	value="false" />		<!-- If using same slot for assist and craft, onlt 1 can be enabled. -->
		<option name="EGGPET_CRAFT_SLOT"	value="1" />
		<option name="EGGPET_ENABLE_ASSIST"	value="false" />
		<option name="EGGPET_ASSIST_SLOT"	value="1" />
		<option name="EGGPET_CRAFT_RATIO"	value="1:1:1" /> 		<!-- mining:woodworking:herbalism ratio to produce. -->
		<option name="EGGPET_CRAFT_INDEXES"	value="" /> 	 		<!-- override auto craft index for mining,woodworking,herbalism eg. "2,,"-->

		<!-- Log out and resurrect settings -->
		<option name="LOGOUT_TIME" 			value="0" />			<!-- in minutes, 0 = timer disabled -->
		<option name="LOGOUT_SHUTDOWN"		value="false" />
		<option name="LOGOUT_WHEN_STUCK"	value="true" />
		<option name="CLOSE_WHEN_STUCK"		value="true" />
		<option name="RES_AFTER_DEATH" 		value="true" />
		<option name="MAX_DEATHS" 			value="10" /> 			<!-- Log out after this many deaths -->

		<!-- Party Bot options  -->
		<!-- <option name="PARTY"			value="true" /> -->
		<!-- <option name="PARTY_ICONS"		value="true" /> -->
		<!-- <option name="PARTY_INSTANCE"	value="true" /> -->

		<!-- Healing options -->
		<!-- <option name="HEALER_FIGHT"		value="true" /> --> 	<!-- For party bot if you want healer to also fight -->

		<!-- pvp -->
		<!--option name="PVP"			value="true" /> --> 		<!-- To enable PVP, with this set to true it will auto attack any players with red names -->
		<!-- For more options and documentation see the RoM Bot Wiki:  -->
		<!--  -->


		<!-- names of friends we help fighting or enemys we don't want to attack -->
		<!-- for umlauts use \129 (ue),\132 (ae),\148 (oe) e.g. K\132fer         -->
		<friend name="MyOtherCharacter1" />
		<friend name="MyOtherCharacter2" />
		<friend name="Elite_Mob_Name1" />
		<friend name="Elite_Mob_Name2" />

		<!-- names of mobs we want to attack 				-->
		<!-- if no names defined we will attack all mobs	-->
		<mob name="" />
		<mob name="" />
		<mob name="" />

    	<!-- to communicate with the RoM API / define ingame dummy macro at place 1 -->
		<hotkey name="MACRO"          key="VK_0" />

	<!-- define your skills depending from your actual primary class -->
	<!-- see the example for a priest/mage                           -->
	<!-- delete skills you don't have or don't want to use.          -->
	<!-- For more skills to use see /database/skills.xml             -->
	<!-- demo skills for LvL 1 character for all classes             -->
	<!-- to use a specific key instead of MACRO then use hotkey="VK_1" this example is for hotkey 1 -->

		<skill name="ROGUE_SHADOWSTAB"    		hotkey="MACRO" priority="90" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_LOW_BLOW"      		hotkey="MACRO" priority="80" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_HIDE"    			hotkey="MACRO" priority="10" autouse="false" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_INFORMER"    		hotkey="MACRO" priority="80" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_ASSASSINS_RAGE"    	hotkey="MACRO" priority="60" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_WOUND_ATTACK"    	hotkey="MACRO" priority="80" />

	<onLoad>target = player:getTarget();
			if target.Id == 103857 or target.Id == 103169 then
				if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then 

		-- Additional Lua code to execute on death
		-- pauseOnDeath(); -- Stop the script
		-- player:logout();	-- logout

		-- Additional Lua code to execute after killing an enemy

		-- Additional Lua code to execute after having a levelup
		-- and levelup the skills for a new character (mage or priest recommended)
		-- e.g. sendMacro("SetSpellPoint(_tabnr, _skillnr);"); would levelup a skill

		-- Additional Lua code to execute when casting a skill
		-- Note: arg1 contains the skill being used.
		-- i.e. arg1.Name will be the name of the skill being cast
		-- e.g.:
		--if( 15 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100 ) then
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_SOUL_SOURCE");
		--elseif( 25 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100 ) then
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_HOLY_AURA");
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL");
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL");

		-- Additional Lua code to execute directly before the actual harvesting takes place.
		-- Note: arg1 contains the object to be harvested.
		-- i.e. arg1.Name will be the name of the node you are about to harvest
		-- If this snippet returns 'false', the node will *not* be harvested.
		-- All other return values result in the player attempting to harvest the node.
		-- Note that returning 'false' here breaks out of harvesting completely;
		-- You will not attempt to harvest other nearby nodes instead.

		-- Lua code to execute when MAX_UNSTICK_TRIALS is reached.
ergebniss: Wir gehen zu wegpunkt #0 <0,0>


--=== Edited by lisa ===--
Please learn how to use code tags

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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:17 pm

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#193 Post by miesermetzler » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:02 am

Hallo, i think MM looks for 0,0 because of that:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>

<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="1712" z="-4777" y="752">player:merchant("Isaac Haden");
<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="1672" z="-4881" y="752"></waypoint>
<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="1678" z="-5165" y="759">waitForLoadingScreen();

Delete the space between
]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="1712" z="-4777" y="752">player:merchant("Isaac Haden");

That will work

Du Nappel :mrgreen:

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#194 Post by nylan » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:31 am

No it was not. He is still looking for the Waypoint 0 <0:0>

I just do not go on.

:( :?

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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:17 pm

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#195 Post by miesermetzler » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:25 pm

Hello, ok one you need to set quick turn to false or lisas addon wont work properly. Are your skills ingame and in profile the same? And maybe its because of your foreign onskill entrys. Maybe a conflict there i´ll test it and tell you in TS.


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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#196 Post by Pmaia » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:09 pm

i´v tested lisas new codes for partys and my idea is this
i still farm on easy but now with 1 more char to pick mementos
i have a mage with 55k hp and a warrior with 23k so the warrior dont tank and dont even can kill nothing
so wat i want its the warrior only follow the mage dont atack nothing and in the final pick up the mementos
but wat happens its this the warrior doesnot atak the boss and atack the other mobs
wen he stay at the waypoint to atack the boss he just turn around and get back
i have the elite factor at 2500
but i think its the waypoint its far away from the distance he could atack for melee will be 150
and mage 250
the problem was not this couse atm i cant fix it
my problem is how to make the warrior folow the mage without killing nothing and at final oly pick up the mementos?
any idea for a code?

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#197 Post by miesermetzler » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:25 am


pmaia wrote:

Code: Select all

i´v tested lisas new codes for partys and my idea is this
i still farm on easy but now with 1 more char to pick mementos 
i have a mage with 55k hp and a warrior with 23k so the warrior dont tank and dont even can kill nothing 
so wat i want its the warrior only follow the mage dont atack nothing and in the final pick up the mementos 
but wat happens its this the warrior doesnot atak the boss and atack the other mobs
wen he stay at the waypoint to atack the boss he just turn around and get back
i have the elite factor at 2500
but i think its the waypoint its far away from the distance he could atack for melee will be 150
and mage 250 
the problem was not this couse atm i cant fix it 
my problem is how to make the warrior folow the mage without killing nothing and at final oly pick up the mementos?
any idea for a code?
Ok, try this /type="TRAVEL">/ without the / after every waypoit. Or you can add these mobs and Okander as friends in your Profile, either. in that case he wont attack anyone. But you´ll have to set the wait timers in other way. Otherwise he will go out and dont wait until the fight is over. And be sure to kill okander in his lootrange.

And in the Profile you have to set loot all in loot options to true.
And to be sure he will loot add /player:lootAll()/ in your
onleavecombat- section in Profile and after every waypoint.
This will make him loot 90% percent of all mobs. This work in KS as well to my chars :mrgreen:


I´ve made a Mage-Wp for KS and it works very fine. You find it here in Almost foolproof KS-farming section<--- forgot the url and to lazy to search it.

Edit 2:

Im sure there are better ways to set all the variables and codes. But i´m a bloody noob. I´m like Dr.Frankenstein i´ll take same working solution here and there and create my own. In most cases better than the basic ones here in forum where the bots only move left and right and get fast detected. Like me, in the past using a very basic script from here. And i swear that wont happen again. I try to give them more realistic behavior. Jump sometimes like other players do, ignore low level trash mobs or other mobs while farming Items for daylies. i saw many bad programmed bots and as wrote in a former post my own tank script for DoD leads a farm grp for many hours and no one´s realizing that
( i hope) 8-)

My next try is to let the bot recognize /emotes that others make on him/ her and do the same back, like salut, hot dance etc. Many Players know my Char and when i test my Script they make emotes but i´m not.
And it would be nice to make him the bored emote now and then, when he is outside from DoD, maybe seen from other players. But randomly, not every time. In my former guild was a bored player always seekeing for bots. In TS he said ...aha.. he make this at that point... that here.. blah.. blah.. An addon to make random answers to whisper would be nice. Nothing very improved, only make him when the first whisper comes stop to farm for a while to "type" an answer like Hello after a few seconds and then whats going on? In 98% this is enough to assure them youre real person.

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#198 Post by Pmaia » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:27 pm

i c ur idea already have´d think on it
the problem is the killing of the dod boss does not take all the times the same tike to kill sometimes it takes 10s other times 30seconds
so it not the better way to make it
another problem i need to have 2 DOD waypoints 1 for mage and 1 for warriror couse wen editing the waypoint dont want edit the mage ones
my guess is if there no exist any code to for example
warrior target mage and follow him inside dungeon wen get at boss waypoint it continues with mage selected and c if it was ataking
and wen it over than pick up mementos
like if mage, target=okander"mad man" and targetHP ==0 then
loot bodies.
and after that loads the waypoints to come back alone and w8 for both players r outside to reform pt again

Ps: i know that code its not currect and dont even know if something like that works

to make it perfect to both char farm the mementos its will be better on a code like this instead an amount of time to w8 the mage kill the boss
couse the mage dont takes all time the same time kills
wen mage buffs are colled down and able to use again it takes like 4 or 5 shots to kill the boss
that takes +/-10sec and normaly buffed it takes +/-30s killing boss
but if u can post the parts of your ks waypoint to have an idea how to optimize it will be good to
and thanks for the idea

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#199 Post by miesermetzler » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:49 pm


stop if iam wrong, but afaik the warrior cant get any memos from okander. Afaik all Chars who want to get memos have to make at least 1 HP damage to the boss. When i enter Caste Grafu and my Guildmembers went troough when i wasnt in the caste i can only loot purpe items and the carp items. Short, afaik all chars has to be an active part of the batte.

Pmaia wrote :

Code: Select all

to make it perfect to both char farm the mementos its will be better on a code like this instead an amount of time to w8 the mage kill the boss
couse the mage dont takes all time the same time kills
wen mage buffs are colled down and able to use again it takes like 4 or 5 shots to kill the boss
that takes +/-10sec and normaly buffed it takes +/-30s killing boss
but if u can post the parts of your ks waypoint to have an idea how to optimize it will be good to 
and thanks for the idea

That would be no problem. I learned so mauch in the last 2 weeks. So iam able to create waypoints forcing the bots using skills that i want at that time. ive made an KS waypoint. My mage will always use Purgatory Fire until he reaches the first Boss. Then he switch to Flame, buff himself very well and then balst him off. After this he´ll switch to only purgatory fire and go on killing mobs. You´ll learn the most of coding here by learning by doing. The half discriptions in wiki or elswhere are not specific enough i think. After i try some things, all codes that i learn are so logical. Also what they do.´I know only a few things but i think i´m able to create a DoD WP for your char. Say ( in pm or here for everyone ) what your char should do when he is there or there or fighing agaist whatever. Or the buffs he have to use. If you follow my instructions, 99,99% it will work ;)

Edit 1: (whatelse^^)

I´ve been a bit drunk by wroting this. If there are any incorrect words, take them and put it somewhere safe. And keep them till eternity :lol:

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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

#200 Post by Ivan » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:43 am

Hi everyone,

I'd like first to thank Lisa, Rock and all the members for the great job they do with updating and upgrading the bot.

I am trying to farm DoD in normal mode and it is working fine but I take most of the damage from one spell. I was just wondering if it could be possible to detect Okander's Sharp Slash casting in order to "dodge" it by making my character cast a countermeasure?

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