Here you go. There isn't much difference as far as features, but this version should have less bugs when it is complete.
0.99 -> 1.0
* memoryRead* functions only return 1 value again. If an error occures, they return nil.
* registerKey() renamed to netPushKey().
* bit.* functions remapped to bitAnd(), bitOr(), bitLShift(), bitRShift().
* Added custom 'commands' directory for command scripts.
* Added function saveScreenshot() to save screenshots of the specified window (or 0 for desktop).
* Added function findPatternInProcess() to aid in finding addresses that may move when the game client updates.
* Added functions for getting/setting startKey and stopKey.
* Added function getAttachedHwnd() to return the handle of the attached window, or 0 if not attached.
* When attached, start and stop hotkeys only take affect when the target or MicroMacro window have focus.
* Corrected minor bugs in XML parsing.
* findWindow() and findWindowList() now can accept a second parameter; a specific control within a window.
* Made a minor improvement to keyboardType().
* Fixed a bug with function stopPE() that would cause it to not pause execution.
* Added getTime() and deltaTime() functions to get the current time, and difference between times with higher precision.
* Improved precision of yrest().
* Updated to Lua 5.1.4
* memoryReadString* functions that specify a length will read and return a string of that length, even if a NULL terminator is reached first.
* unregisterTimer() no longer generates an error when trying to unregister a non-existing timer.
* Added isDirectory() function to check if the given fully qualified path is a directory or not.
* Improved operating system detection.
* Added attachKeyboard() and attachMouse() to attach specifically one device; attach() still attaches both devices.
* Fixed window title not changing properly under Vista.
* Added memory access protection to host process; helps protect the user against malicious scripts.
* Window previews (thumbnails) will no longer be returned by findWindow() or findWindowList() unless specifically asked for (by class name).
* Removed memoryWriteU* functions. You can now use the standard memoryWrite* functions to write signed or unsigned. (only affects write functions, not read!)
* Automatic timers now run in a separate coroutine. You may now place while loops and yrests inside of timed functions without dirupting the flow of the script.
* Added getWindowClassName() function.
* Fixed network object finalizer functions causing MicroMacro to freeze.
* Improved speed of endian swapping when sending/receiving information.
* Added netGetAddress() to return the address of a remote connection.
* Fixed traceback output.
* Plugin system completely removed; Use Lua modules instead (work almost exactly the same way)
* Added cprintf_ex() function; cprintf() is now deprecated.
* Beta version number is now displayed in the log and window title.
* Window title resets back to default when re-initializing.
* Fixed a bug in the XML parser that caused negitive numbers to be returned as strings.
* Fixed an XML parser bug that caused empty strings to be returned as empty strings; they will now be returned as nil.
* Added function warning() which works almost exactly like error(), except it does not end script execution.
* Threads will no longer get out of control and block the user from stopping or killing (CTRL+L) the script.
* All memoryRead*Ptr() and memoryWrite*Ptr() functions can now accept a table of offsets for pointer chains.
* Added memory read/write functions for double type.
* Added lib/autoload.lua - place Lua and DLL files to autoload here.
* Automatically create a randomly generated network encryption key if net.lua does not exist.
* Added a proxy Lua DLL for better module compatibility.
* Fixed a bug in module loading (not running a returned function).
* Script input now assumes .lua extension if none is given (and file does not exist in current state).
* Added getModuleAddress() to return the address of a specific module inside of the given process.
* Added getTimerFrequency() to return CPU frequency and full operator support for time types.