Shaiya bot

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Re: Shaiya bot

#341 Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:03 pm

GameGuard patch has been updated.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#342 Post by Dreadful_Warrior » Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:28 pm

Once again many thanks elverion ^_^
works great again...

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Re: Shaiya bot

#343 Post by Anaphase » Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:32 pm

I'm having an issue with the bot not reacting to an attack while resting. Like... if its hp falls below that certain hp value I set, it will sit to regenerate health till max. But if an aggro mob attacks during the resting period, the bot will get hit, "Exiting rest...under attack", "Standing... Resuming bot", then try to rest again (rinse, repeat).

Is there something I should've changed to avoid this?

Edit: Only happens occassionally... can't figure out what the pattern is yet though. Has this happened before to anyone else?
If attacked by two mobs and hp falls below the critical value, after killing first mob, it will try resting while the second mob is still attacking. Will not respond to second mob until, I think, HP is full.
Last edited by Anaphase on Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#344 Post by Administrator » Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:53 pm

Probably because it can't find a target. Does it only happen when the monster is behind your character (or something else that would prevent you from targeting that monster)? I'll look into writing up a simple fix.

I've attached an experimental script that should fix the problem.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#345 Post by Anaphase » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:06 pm

Thanks a ton for the help Elverion, I'll try the script out right now.

Edit: It switches to the other mob now (yay) however, it doesn't want to sit and rest anymore when it's HP falls below 35%, it just keeps moving on to the next mob. (I guess the temporaryDisablesitting works so it doesn't stop fighting when getting hit by other mobs, but then it doesn't try sitting anymore afterwards.)

Edit2: Tried changing HP_sit to something ridiculous like 150% (I saw that it caused the player to sit after every fight for someone else when set to this) however the bot still won't sit.
Last edited by Anaphase on Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#346 Post by Administrator » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:34 pm

Woops. Change

Code: Select all

    if( sittingTempDisabled ) then

Code: Select all

    if( not sittingTempDisabled ) then
On line 343. That should do it. I'll also re-attach the fixed script in case anybody else tries to download it.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#347 Post by Anaphase » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:49 pm

Awesome, looks like it's working =D
Thanks again for the tremendous amount of help.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#348 Post by Administrator » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:56 pm

I've been experimenting with a new system to replace our current way of handling GameGuard patch updates. I'm looking for testers.

Basically, I've wrote a (very) small and simple program that examines the changes made to the file and dumps out a patch descriptor file. This patch descriptor file just describes what differences there are between an unpatched version and a patched version of the executable.

Simply put, instead of downloading large (~3mb) replacements, you will just need a new patch file (just a few kb). Of course, you'll also need the patching program, too, but you'd only need to download it once, and it's only 12kb. Then, with a click of your mouse, you're fully patched.

I disabled GameGuard myself and used this program to create a patch from it. The patch file came out to be only 38 bytes! Jewbacca's client has many more differences (tens of thousands), and dumped a patch file of 64kb.

I could, actually, remove the block comparison checks (to make sure you're using the right version of the client before patching, to prevent corrupting it) and that would, essentially, half the size of the patch files.

If somebody is using the most up-to-date, non-patched Shaiya, please try using the attached patcher instead. It's only 34kb zipped. Just unzip all the files into your Shaiya directory, then open INSTALL_PATCH, then you're ready to go.
Experimental Shaiya patcher, updates to Jewbacca's newest client
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Re: Shaiya bot

#349 Post by shakey » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:43 pm

Script works great. But is there a way to incorperate the "no ks" from the other script into this one? It always becomes jacked up if I just copy and past the code.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#350 Post by Administrator » Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:23 am

The anti-KS feature is pretty in-depth and you probably aren't copying all of the necessary code, or the variables are differently named. I'll consider adding a cheap anti-KS to this eventually, but it's main goal is just to be a simple and easy to set up bot.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#351 Post by shakey » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:08 pm

I agree to that. It's simple and effective. I just keep running into trees, walls, etc ... and since my plox doesn't work anymore, I'm pretty much hosed. Unless you happen to have a working copy ^^

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Re: Shaiya bot

#352 Post by Administrator » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:18 pm

What is a plox and why doesn't it work?

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Re: Shaiya bot

#353 Post by shakey » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:47 pm

A program made by jewbacca, allows you to no_clip, cast while running, and a few other neat things.

Here,, is the link I had to the download.

And to the thread, ... &start=930

It used to work, until very recently ><

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Re: Shaiya bot

#354 Post by Administrator » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:32 am

I see. In that case, no I do not have a new copy because Jewbacca has not released one. When he does, I'll make a patch file for it, but until then there is nothing I can do.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#355 Post by jskyb » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:04 am

i tried to run shaiya.lua in chinese shaiya verison, but it come out with "shiya.lua:212: bad argument #1 to 'memoryReadintptr' <<null>>"

function update_vars()
HP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, HP_offset);
MaxHP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MaxHP_offset);

MP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MP_offset);
MaxMP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MaxMP_offset);

SP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, SP_offset);
MaxSP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MaxSP_offset);

is this because chinese version has different offset from english version?
i guess may be i need to ues CE to search the hp, mp and sp offset?
can u teach me how?


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Re: Shaiya bot

#356 Post by Administrator » Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:51 am

Yes, you will need to find new addresses and offsets for the Chinese version. There's a tutorial on pointer lookups here

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Re: Shaiya bot

#357 Post by jskyb » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:12 pm

I need a no GG clinet for chinese shaiya before i can run CE during the game.
elverion can sent tutorial about how to make no GG client to my email?

thank you

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Re: Shaiya bot

#358 Post by Administrator » Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:36 pm

If it were that simple, everybody would be doing it. Send me the game.exe file and I'll try doing it for you, but that's assuming there are no additional dependencies from the US version.

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Re: Shaiya bot

#359 Post by jskyb » Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:00 pm

here's the game.exe file. Thank you very much.
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Re: Shaiya bot

#360 Post by Administrator » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:41 pm

It's encrypted. There's nothing I can do to help here. Maybe you can contact somebody who specializes in these kinds of things. Jewbacca/Ploxasaurus might have some information, or be able to refer you to somebody that does.

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