The mailbox no longer needs to be open. UMM will find and open it for you.
To continue mailing beyong the approximate 60 item limit you will need my fastlogin addon installed. ... 350#p10350
The available functions are:
UMM_SetSlotRange(_from, _to)
- Used to set the slot range in your bags that the functions below will search. Use it before calling the functions below. Defaults to all your bags. Must be values between 61 and 240. Does not effect UMM_SendInventoryItem or UMM_SendByRange
- When reaching the sending limit, UMM can now relog and continue sending when using a mailbox, rented portable mailbox or IS purchased convenient mailbox. By default it wont relog when using single-use convenient mailboxes as it might be wasteful. If you still want it to relog and use another single-use mailbox then set this option to true before sending.
- Takes all mail. Note: if there is more than 30 it will only get the first 30 unless you reopen the mailbox.
- Sends an amount of gold to the recipient. If "all" then will send all money.
- Sends a specific slot item. Useful if you have selected the item yourself with your own code. Can accept an item object or slot number (61 to 240) or a table of item objects and slot numbers.
- Similar to function UMM_SendInventoryItem(_recipient, _item) but sends a range of slot numbers (61 to 240).
- This function is a compilation of all the filter options so you can create your own custom sends. Eg. Lets say you want to send all clean high dura blue armor with a required level of at least 50, then you would use
Code: Select all
UMM_SendAdvanced("recipient", nil, 2, 50, nil, "Armor", 0, 105)
- Arguments
- _recipient - Who you are sending to.
_itemTable - Name or id of the items you want to send or a table of names and ids.
_quality - The minimum quality/color of the item to send. 0 = white, 1 = green, 2 = blue etc.
_reqlevel - The minimum 'required level' of the items.
_worth - The minimum 'worth' of the items.
_objtype - The item type as are listed in 'rom/cache/itemtypestable.lua'. You can list one type eg. "Cards" or multiple types in a table eg. {"Weapons","Armor"}.
_statNo - Minimum number of "named stats". From 1 to 6. Does not include inherent stats and runes. 0 has a special meaning. It means it must has zero stats ie. clean and will only send armor and weapons.
_dura - The minimum maxdurability the item must have. Note: maxdurability isn't implemented yet in the item class so it will compare against durability instead but I will implement maxdura in the item class soon.
_amount - The number of items to send. It will split stacks if necessary. If you specify more than one sort of item, _amount is the total amount sent.
_stacksize - The minimum stack size for each item sent. If "max" will only send full stacks. Useful for sending full stacks of daily items for example.
_fusedtier - The Mana Stone tier level the item would make. Eg. A green level 58 item would make a tier 4 mana stone so if this is set to 4, it will be sent. Sends only armor and weapons.
- _recipient - Who you are sending to.
Custom Functions
Below are some custom functions designed for specific purposes. They all use the UMM_SendAdvanced function but are easier for the user to use. The meaning or the arguments are the same as UMM_SendAdvanced. Arguments in square brackets are optional.
UMM_SendByQuality(_recipient, _quality)
- For sending items by quality only.
- Useful for sending your stated gear between characters.
- Useful for just sending a list of items by name. _amount has been added as an optional argument for those who want to send a certain number of items. Eg. Fusion Stones.
- Used for sending high dura items. Use _statNo if you want to send only clean items. Use _objtype if you want to use different rules for weapons and armor. Eg. You might want to send clean armor but don't care if weapons are clean.
- Used for sending items by stack size. Useful for sending only full stacks of dailys for instance, reducing the number of mails.
- Used for sending all weapons and armor that make a particular mana stone tier. Useful when making "Tier stones" and saving you having to buy belts. Eg. If set to 4 it will send white items of level 60+, green items of 58+, blue items of 54+ etc.
My modified version of Ultimate Mail Mod
Here is the modified Ultimate Mail Mod addon. Install it to your game clients 'inteface/addons' folder.
It's no longer necessary to use this version. The Mail Functions should work with versions of UMM found on curse. Changes to the original include:
- Removed all lines with "setfocus" in them. setfocus blocks the rombot macro communication and removing them has no affect on UMM functionallity.
- Fixed the tooltip for items received.
- Adding items to Compose and removing items from individual mails now works.
- Should now collect mail a lot faster.
- I also added a mail count display so now you know when you need to check the mailbox again.
Here is the functions file. Just copy it to your 'rom/userfunctions' folder.