Reading a memory address

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Reading a memory address

#1 Post by Impala » Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:15 am

how would I go about making a script that looks at an address (HP of a character) and watches that address until the value goes to a certain point. When it reaches that point, I'd like to simulate pressing 1 on the keyboard.

Also, how do I simulate pressing spacebar in given intervals?

I am going to make a script for this new game that is in beta, it has a bot built into the game.

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Re: Reading a memory address

#2 Post by Administrator » Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:34 pm

Read the address into a variable using memoryReadInt or a similar function, then use a conditional statement.

Code: Select all

  local HP = memoryReadInt(proc, 0x12345678);
  local MaxHP = memoryReadInt(proc, 0x87654321);

  -- make sure we don't divide by 0
  if( MaxHP == nil or MaxHP == 0 ) then MaxHP = 100; end;

  local healPercent = 50;
  local currentPercent = HP / MaxHP;
  if( currentPercent <= healPercent ) then
    -- we are below 50% HP, heal.

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