Talk:User Functions Repository

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I think it may be wise to move waypoint files to a different list, as this is intended for addons, thoughts?

I created a second list for "other files", but still in the same page. Some addons are related to other files, and it's usefull to have it close. Also some other files are as useful as addons and they are not that many that requires a diff page.

I think There should be a wiki page for every addon/script for it to be documented by the coder and a forum page for it to be discussed by everyone, like the mail mods.

Yes, lets keep waypoint scripts nearby. They can often go hand-in-hand with some addons (ie. the 'new' egg script which can take advantage of jduarted's teleport addon). Secondly, each addon or waypoint can have it's own page (but those can be added easily later) as the user above me has suggested. At least a short description would be nice.