HEAL_FIGHT crash client

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HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#1 Post by OluxZarjaNebesnogo » Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:58 pm


when I try to configure my bot not only to heal but also to deal damage, the bot game client window freezes with a critical error message after ~1 minutes of intense combat each time. I tried changing the subclass's attack skill to the healer's attack skill. I didn't minimize the window and used different graphics settings but nothing changed.

Party settings:

Code: Select all

<option name="PARTY"			value="true" />
<option name="PARTY_ICONS"		value="false" />
<option name="PARTY_INSTANCE"		value="true" />
<option name="ICON_FIGHT"		value="false" />
<option name="PARTY_FOLLOW_NAME"	value="" />
<option name="HEAL_FIGHT"		value="true" />
<option name="PARTYLEADER_WAIT"		value="true" />
Skill settings:

Code: Select all

<skill name="PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE" 	hotkey="MACRO" priority="110" rebuffcut="10" inbattle="false" />
<skill name="PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATTACK"	hotkey="MACRO" priority="105" rebuffcut="10" inbattle="false" />
<skill name="PRIEST_SOUL_SOURCE"     	hotkey="MACRO" priority="100" inbattle="true" hpper="15" />
<skill name="PRIEST_CLEANSE"		hotkey="MACRO" priority="95" inbattle="true" autouse="false" />
<skill name="PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE"	hotkey="MACRO" priority="90" hpper="70" inbattle="true" autouse="false" />
<skill name="PRIEST_GROUP_HEAL"		hotkey="MACRO" priority="85" hpper="60" />
<skill name="PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL"     	hotkey="MACRO" priority="80" hpper="80"  />
<skill name="PRIEST_REGENERATE"      	hotkey="MACRO" priority="75" hpper="90" />

<skill name="WARLOCK_PSYCHIC_ARROWS"   	hotkey="MACRO" priority="70" />

Code: Select all

<skill name="PRIEST_RISING_TIDE"     	hotkey="MACRO" priority="70" />
If the bot only heals, then everything is fine.

I also tried the partydps function with these settings and it was also... ok, but I'm not sure if that's the case. Maybe I didn’t understand how to configure it correctly, but it attacks any enemy in the range specified in the settings. Only if I set "PARTY_ICONS" and "ICON_FIGHT" to "true", the bot attacks the target that the party leader will attack. In any case, partydps works without critical errors

*I forgot to add a message in the console:

2023-12-19 16:29:35 - ...c/interface/addons/micromacro/scripts/rom-bot/macros.lua:151: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'macro_address' (a nil value)

Sorry, it's hard for me to explain in sufficient detail. I hope you understand me :oops:
Sorry for my English!

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Re: HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#2 Post by Administrator » Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:29 pm

Taking a look at the party healing function, it looks like it was pretty much hard-coded to do only one or the other, but not both.
The only way to get it to work would require a pretty big refactoring.

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Re: HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#3 Post by OluxZarjaNebesnogo » Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:30 pm

I can only guess that the problem is switching targets, perhaps. Based on this, I tried to set “true” for “PARTY_ICONS” and “ICON_FIGHT”, as in the partydps settings. But the game client still froze with a critical error message. I definitely won’t be able to do a big refactoring, because I didn’t even find these functions in the bot code :mrgreen:

It’s a pity, I wanted to optimize the game with the bot as much as possible, but I’ll try again. Maybe I'm making a mistake somewhere, or maybe it's a client optimization problem.

Thanks for the answer!
Sorry for my English!

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Re: HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#4 Post by Administrator » Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:02 am

Code is in
, around line 42:
function Party()
function healfight()
is around line 425.

I just noticed something: You'll need to have
set to
in your options. Then, the heal bot should also try to fight whichever targets you have set an icon for.

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Re: HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#5 Post by OluxZarjaNebesnogo » Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:00 pm

I think I found the cause of the critical client error, although it seems strange :?

My main damage dealer class is warrior. In the skill rotation, this class has the skill
. When this skill is animated, the active client window loses focus (I don’t know how to explain this), something like it was inactive.

I removed this skill from the warrior skills used and my combat healer now both deals damage and heals. This is a miracle! :lol:

I tested just half an hour of battle, with opponents of high defense, to use the rotation of different skills several times, without using
, and never received an error or freezing window with the bot. I guessed that this might be an optimization problem in the game client...

Now I'll have to reconsider the concept of my main character, taking into account this feature. This can probably happen with animations of other skills as well. Now I'll keep it in mind :!:

And yes, I found the party functions and figured out how to configure the PARTY BOT correctly :mrgreen:

Thanks a lot!
Sorry for my English!

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Re: HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#6 Post by Administrator » Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:02 pm

For the Thunder skill, is it a ground-targeted AoE by chance?

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Re: HEAL_FIGHT crash client

#7 Post by OluxZarjaNebesnogo » Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:14 pm

This is a target skill with a stun effect. Visually looks like knocking the enemy to the ground

*This seemed strange to me, because I turned off the visual effects of other players for the window with the heal bot, but apparently the reason is precisely the loss of focus of the main window with the warrior. I often play this class and the animation of this blow always worked like that, even when it is the only window of the game client
Sorry for my English!

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