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#1 Post by Icesythe7 » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:42 pm

Messing around with RoM and was curious if anyone knew the current W2S function address?

I think I have my lua set up decent if anyone has suggestions let me know

Code: Select all

local screenPos1 = Vector2:new(200, 200)
local screenPos2 = Vector2:new(200, 240)

local function OnDraw()
   local object = Game.mouseObject
   local target =
   if object then
      local text = string.format("%s is located at {%f, %f, %f}",, object.pos.x, object.pos.y, object.pos.z)
      Draw:text(screenPos1, text, 0xFF0000FF, 20)
      Draw:text(screenPos1, "No object under mouse", 0xFF0000FF, 20)
   if target then
      local text = string.format("%s is located at {%f, %f, %f}",, target.pos.x, target.pos.y, target.pos.z)
      Draw:text(screenPos2, text, 0xFF0000FF, 20)
      Draw:text(screenPos2, "No target", 0xFF0000FF, 20)

RegisterEvent(Events.ON_DRAW, OnDraw)

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Re: WorldToScreen

#2 Post by Administrator » Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:45 am

I took a quick look at the Runes of Magic API. Doesn't look like there's a Lua-exposed function for this, unless I'm mistaken. That of course makes it a little bit more difficult if the function is only in the C API.

If you're able to get the camera/view matrix details and such you could write your own. For more details, see: ... +to+screen

Since Runes of Magic uses their own game engine, it would end up being very specific to that game as well, so there's not likely to be much available publicly that could hint to where various functions (vtables). I did a quick symbol check and most stuff has been stripped or obfuscated so it wasn't immediately obvious where to begin, either. What I'm saying is, it's doable still, but a pain in the butt.

If there was a specific string or reference we had related to the worldToScreen() function, that would help. Maybe you could find what accesses the camera's position and rotation, then backtrack from there? Even that sounds like a time consuming effort.

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Re: WorldToScreen

#3 Post by Icesythe7 » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:28 pm

I tried that indeed, I will need to look further, I tried implementing my own and it works perfectly except for the left and right rotation so I have it close,

Code: Select all

	ImVec2 worldToScreen(const Vector3 v_world_location)
		const auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
		const Vector3 v_local = v_world_location - Globals::c_game_main->camera->camera_pos;
		Vector3 v_trans_form = {dotProduct(v_local, Globals::c_game_main->camera->matrix[0]),
						dotProduct(v_local, Globals::c_game_main->camera->matrix[1]),
						dotProduct(v_local, Globals::c_game_main->camera->matrix[2]) };
		if (v_trans_form.z < 0.01f)
			v_trans_form.z = -1.0f;
		return { (io.DisplaySize.x / 2) * (1 - v_trans_form.x / Globals::c_game_main->camera->fov / v_trans_form.z),
		(io.DisplaySize.y / 2)* (1 - v_trans_form.y / Globals::c_game_main->camera->fov / v_trans_form.z) };
I haven't finished doing all the structures yet but i have the necessary stuff done for now, I also did see they have A* pathfinding built in so I need to play with that a bit

Code: Select all

class Object
	char pad_0000[20]; //0x0000
	uint32_t id; //0x0014
	uint32_t type; //0x0018
	char pad_001C[4]; //0x001C
	uint32_t guid; //0x0020
	char pad_0024[4]; //0x0024
	Vector3 pos; //0x0028
	Vector3 rotation; //0x0034
	float base_speed; //0x0040
	char pad_0044[428]; //0x0044
	float current_speed; //0x01F0
	char pad_01F4[132]; //0x01F4
	class Object* target; //0x0278
	char pad_027C[24]; //0x027C
	char* name; //0x0294
	char pad_0298[56]; //0x0298
	double hp; //0x02D0
	double prev_hp; //0x02D8
	double max_hp; //0x02E0
	uint32_t resource; //0x02E8
	uint32_t max_resource; //0x02EC
	char pad_02F0[32]; //0x02F0
	int32_t main_class; //0x0310
	int32_t level; //0x0314
	char pad_0318[336]; //0x0318
}; //Size: 0x0468
static_assert(sizeof(Object) == 0x468);

class CGameMain
	char pad_0000[1108]; //0x0000
	class CRuController_Camera* controller_camera; //0x0454
	char pad_0458[36]; //0x0458
	class CRuCamera* camera; //0x047C
	char pad_0480[296]; //0x0480
	class Object* player; //0x05A8
	char pad_05AC[432]; //0x05AC
	class Object* mouse_object; //0x075C
	char pad_0760[96]; //0x0760
	int32_t ping; //0x07C0
	char pad_07C4[2380]; //0x07C4
}; //Size: 0x1110
static_assert(sizeof(CGameMain) == 0x1110);

class CRuCamera
	char pad_0000[260]; //0x0000
	Vector3 camera_pos; //0x0104
	Vector3 player_pos; //0x0110
	Vector3 matrix[3]; //0x011C
	char pad_0140[156]; //0x0140
	float fov; //0x01DC
	char pad_01E0[660]; //0x01E0
}; //Size: 0x0474
static_assert(sizeof(CRuCamera) == 0x474);

class CRuController_Camera
	char pad_0000[1092]; //0x0000
}; //Size: 0x0444
static_assert(sizeof(CRuController_Camera) == 0x444);

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