Version progress

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Re: Version progress

#21 Post by Andre235 » Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:21 pm

Maybe i am wrong, but in my opinion it is an error caused by focus Targets or Objects (Maybe multiple targets) or Release the focus from a Target or an object. In got that error as the bot had the focus to a pet from a Player :lol:
My Solution was to set the waypoint type to Travel.
If you Need to attack mobs or something, i Cant help yet.

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Re: Version progress

#22 Post by Rivva » Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:36 am

good morning!
i´m sure you have saved the old addresses-file where you can find "editBoxHasFocus_address = 0xA5DCE4,"!!!
Try to enter this in the new addresses-file....

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Re: Version progress

#23 Post by Onche » Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:31 am

Thanks to the both of you, I tried your solutions and for now it seems to work but I need to test it in real conditions (its basically a script targetting players and buffing them)

Also by reading your comment Rivva, I wanted to share the list of some updated adresses. Before @Administrator releases this rombot, I tried to figure which adresses were causing trouble by removing the ones not updating automatically. So here is the list of the adresses that could update automatically. Don't know if that will be useful though :P

Code: Select all

addresses = {
	actionKeyId_offset = 0x10,
	actionKeyType_offset = 0xC,
	actualSpeed_offset = 0x790,
	bankOpenPtr = 0xA60C4C,
	bankOpen_offset = 0x10,
	boundStatusOffset = 0x40,
	camDistanceSave_offset = 0x490,
	camDistance_offset1 = 0x454,
	camDistance_offset2 = 0x244,
	camPtr_offset = 0x47C,
	camXFocus_offset = 0x110,
	camXUVec_offset = 0x128,
	camX_offset = 0x104,
	camYFocus_offset = 0x114,
	camYUVec_offset = 0x12C,
	camY_offset = 0x108,
	camZFocus_offset = 0x118,
	camZUVec_offset = 0x130,
	camZ_offset = 0x10C,
	castingBarPtr = 0xA60D08,
	castingBar_offset = 0xC,
	channel_offset = 0xC4,
	charAlive_offset = 0x228,
	charBattle_offset = 0x74A,
	charClassInfoBase = 0xA0C1B8,
	charClassInfoLevel_offset = 0x20,
	charClassInfoSize = 0x430,
	charClassInfoTP_offset = 0xC,
	charClassInfoXP_offset = 0x4,
	charLastHitTime = 0x9E77AC,
	charPtrMounted_offset = 0x7C,
	charPtr_offset = 0x5A8,
	charStance_offset = 0x7C4,
	coolDownOffset = 0xE8,
	currencyBase_offset = 0x15AA0,
	cursorBase = 0xA622FC,
	cursorItemBagId_offset = 0x14,
	cursorItemId_offset = 0x10,
	cursorItemLocation_offset = 0xC,
	dailyCount_offset = 0xF8AC,
	durabilityOffset = 0x18,
	editBoxHasFocus_address = 0xA5E084,
	effectDuration_offset = 0x9C,
	effectIsMainFlag_offset = 0x90,
	effectType_offset = 0x94,
	eggPetAptitude_offset = 0x54,
	eggPetBaseAddress = 0xA1E998,
	eggPetCrafting_offset = 0x34,
	eggPetDex_offset = 0x68,
	eggPetEggId_offset = 0x20,
	eggPetExp_offset = 0x40,
	eggPetHerbalism_offset = 0xD8,
	eggPetInt_offset = 0x6C,
	eggPetLevel_offset = 0x2C,
	eggPetLoyalty_offset = 0x4C,
	eggPetMaxExpTablePtr = 0xA595BC,
	eggPetMaxTP_offset = 0x48,
	eggPetMining_offset = 0xD0,
	eggPetNourishment_offset = 0x50,
	eggPetPetId_offset = 0x28,
	eggPetProducts_offset = 0x16C,
	eggPetSkills_offset = 0x7C,
	eggPetSta_offset = 0x64,
	eggPetStr_offset = 0x60,
	eggPetSummoned_offset = 0x38,
	eggPetTP_offset = 0x44,
	eggPetToolId_offset = 0xE4,
	eggPetTraining_offset = 0x58,
	eggPetWis_offset = 0x70,
	eggPetWoodworking_offset = 0xD4,
	functionMousePatchAddr = 0x62F6C6,
	functionMouseX1Bytes = {0xC7, 0x86, 0xB4, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
	functionMouseX2Bytes = {0x89, 0x86, 0xB4, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00},
	functionMouseX3Bytes = {0x89, 0x8E, 0xB4, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00},
	functionMouseY1Bytes = {0xC7, 0x86, 0xB8, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
	functionMouseY2Bytes = {0x89, 0x86, 0xB8, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00},
	functionMouseY3Bytes = {0x89, 0x86, 0xB8, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00},
	functionTargetBytes = {0x56, 0x8B, 0xCD, 0xE8, 0x39, 0x3F, 0x2A, 0x00},
	functionTargetPatchAddr = 0x5F319F,
	gameTimeAddress = 0xA01F58,
	getTEXT = 0xA24AFC,
	guildBankOpen_offset = 0xBC,
	high9sBase = 0xA1E388,
	hotkeysKey_offset = 0x54,
	hotkeysName_offset = 0x4,
	hotkeysPtr = 0xA62320,
	hotkeys_offset = 0x28,
	idCardNPCOffset = 0x368,
	idOffset = 0xC,
	idRecipeItemOffset = 0xF0,
	inUseOffset = 0x1C,
	inventoryBagIds = 0xA1B3B4,
	isInGame = 0xA24A2C,
	itemCountOffset = 0x10,
	itemFlagsOffset = 0x28,
	itemInfoOffset = 0x10,
	itemQueueCount = 0xA1E8F0,
	itemRange = 0x18C,
	itemSetSkillsBase = 0xA20550,
	itemStatsOffset = 0x20,
	loadingScreenPtr = 0xA62430,
	loadingScreen_offset = 0xC,
	loginInfoPtr = 0xA60B10,
	macroBody_offset = 0x118,
	macroIcon_offset = 0x14,
	macroId_offset = 0x10,
	macroName_offset = 0x18,
	macroSize = 0x508,
	maxDurabilityOffset = 0x15,
	maxStackOffset = 0x1C,
	moneyPtr = 0xA143EC,
	mousePatchX2_offset = 0x13,
	mousePatchX3_offset = 0x7DE,
	mousePatchY1_offset = 0x21,
	mousePatchY2_offset = 0x34,
	mousePatchY3_offset = 0x7E4,
	mousePtr_offset = 0x75C,
	mouseX_offset = 0x3B4,
	mouseY_offset = 0x3B8,
	moveKeysPressed_offset = 0xAAC,
	nameOffset = 0xC,
	partyIconList_base = 0xA62510,
	partyIconList_offset = 0xC,
	partyLeader_address = 0xA26228,
	partyMemberList_address = 0xA63798,
	partyMemberList_offset = 0x68,
	pawnAttackable_offset = 0x388,
	pawnBuffId_offset = 0x20,
	pawnBuffLevel_offset = 0x44,
	pawnBuffTimeLeft_offset = 0x30,
	pawnBuffsEnd_offset = 0x270,
	pawnBuffsStart_offset = 0x26C,
	pawnCastingElapsed_offset = 0x264,
	pawnCasting_offset = 0x260,
	pawnClass1_offset = 0x310,
	pawnClass2_offset = 0x31C,
	pawnDirXUVec_offset = 0x34,
	pawnDirYUVec_offset = 0x38,
	pawnDirZUVec_offset = 0x3C,
	pawnFading_offset = 0x68,
	pawnGUID_offset = 0x20,
	pawnHarvesting_offset = 0x164,
	pawnId_offset = 0x14,
	pawnIsMyTarget_offset = 0xC,
	pawnIsPet_offset = 0x280,
	pawnLevel2_offset = 0x320,
	pawnLevel_offset = 0x314,
	pawnLootable_offset = 0x3A0,
	pawnMP2_offset = 0x2F0,
	pawnMP_offset = 0x2E8,
	pawnMaxMP2_offset = 0x2F4,
	pawnMaxMP_offset = 0x2EC,
	pawnName_offset = 0x294,
	pawnPetPtr_offset = 0x284,
	pawnRace_offset = 0x328,
	pawnSpeed_offset = 0x40,
	pawnSwim_offset1 = 0xF0,
	pawnSwim_offset2 = 0xB4,
	pawnTargetPtr_offset = 0x278,
	pawnType_offset = 0x18,
	pawnX_offset = 0x28,
	pawnY_offset = 0x2C,
	pawnZ_offset = 0x30,
	ping_offset = 0x7C0,
	playerCraftLevelBase = 0xA047A0,
	playerCraftLevel_offset = 0x152C,
	psi = 0xA06B08,
	qualityBaseOffset = 0x40,
	qualityTierOffset = 0x16,
	questGroup_offset = 0x4F0,
	realItemIdOffset = 0x98,
	rentBagBase = 0xA1BF5C,
	rentBankBase = 0xA1BF84,
	rentEggSlotBase = 0xA1BFD4,
	requiredLevelOffset = 0x58,
	skillAoEFlag_offset = 0xA4,
	skillAsLevel_offset = 0x18,
	skillAttackFlag_offset = 0xB4,
	skillBuffFlag_offset = 0xEC,
	skillCastTime_offset = 0xF4,
	skillClass_offset = 0x304,
	skillCooldown_offset = 0xE8,
	skillEffectStart_offset = 0x188,
	skillItemSetAsLevel_offset = 0x328,
	skillLevel_offset = 0xC,
	skillMaxLevel_offset = 0xF4,
	skillPassiveFlag_offset = 0x94,
	skillRangeAoE_offset = 0xA0,
	skillRange_offset = 0x9C,
	skillRemainingCooldown_offset = 0xE4,
	skillRequiredEffectFlag_offset = 0xD0,
	skillRequiredEffect_offset = 0xD4,
	skillRequiredEffectsStart_offset = 0x190,
	skillSelfBuffFlag_offset = 0xE0,
	skillTPToLevel_offset = 0x8,
	skillTargetType_offset = 0x98,
	skillTypeFlag1_offset = 0xF0,
	skillTypeFlag2_offset = 0x2FE,
	skillTypeFlag3_offset = 0x2FF,
	skillTypeFlag4_offset = 0x314,
	skillTypeFlag5_offset = 0x315,
	skillTypeFlag6_offset = 0xBA,
	skillTypeFlag7_offset = 0x300,
	skillTypeFlag8_offset = 0xE4,
	skillTypeFlag9_offset = 0x274,
	skillUsesBase_offset = 0xC0,
	skillsTableBase = 0xA63850,
	skillsTableTabEndAddress_offset = 0x8,
	skillsTableTabStartAddress_offset = 0x4,
	staticBankbase = 0xA143F4,
	staticCooldownsBase = 0xA03990,
	staticEquipBase = 0xA025E0,
	staticGuildBankBase = 0xA63A14,
	staticInventory = 0xA11418,
	staticTablePtr = 0xA63DD4,
	staticTableSize = 0xA63DD0,
	staticbase_char = 0xA0099C,
	staticbase_macro = 0xA62474,
	staticpattern_char = 0x5E6C87,
	staticpattern_macro = 0x7731D5,
	swimAddress = 0x44D939,
	swimAddressBytes = {0xC7, 0x83, 0xB4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
	tableDataStartPtrOffset = 0x1C,
	tableStartPtrOffset = 0x124,
	tablesBase = 0xA2991C,
	tablesBaseOffset = 0x28,
	typeOffset = 0x78,
	valueOffset = 0x34,
	windowSizeX_offset = 0x30,
	windowSizeY_offset = 0x34,
	zoneId = 0xA59250,
EDIT : I'm trying to check whats different from my list to the one in @Administrator rom/bot, I can see some differences such as zone_id, so don't take this list as a reliable one (even if it got updated by the bot itself),

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Re: Version progress

#24 Post by Administrator » Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:48 am

The edit box stuff is actually something I had fixed just last night. The changes I made not only prevent the crash, but improve efficiency and reliability by using direct memory writes to clear the box focus instead of relying on keyboard input.

To see the other changes that I've made so far (and this includes temporary fixes for the time being) you can view the pull request here: ... ll/1/files

To get an always up-to-date copy of the files from this branch, you can re-use the link I originally posted.

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Re: Version progress

#25 Post by Andre235 » Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:06 am

Happy new year :-)

thanks for updating the bot files :-)
the new version runs much more stable, nice 8-)
i just got a warning when i started the bot and than an error after loading the waypoint-file. after changing the class, the bot starts and i can run the waypointfile but the warning is still there. i know, that some addresses aren't updated yet, especially the skills, but the warning says "... report it to bot devs ..." and i do ;-)

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Re: Version progress

#26 Post by hanatan » Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:38 pm

Happy new year!
with the new updated version the bot when it tries to attack a mob tries to mount instead.

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Re: Version progress

#27 Post by Andre235 » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:27 pm

i have here another wish for the "needtofixlist"

the autosell function player:merchant() <== thanks lolilol for the pm
and rock5's ultimate mail mod (it works, the char can open the mailbox, but it says always "nothing to send"

i think, the problem for it is the inventorybagid... is there maybe another solution to send items to a list of chars?

...and then there is the non-working modificated fast-login addon from rock5.

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Re: Version progress

#28 Post by Administrator » Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:32 pm

hanatan wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:38 pm Happy new year!
with the new updated version the bot when it tries to attack a mob tries to mount instead.
That's certainly an odd one. What is your settings.profile.hotkeys.AttackType? What do you have on the first slot of your bottom action bar?

In other news, today I fixed harvesting, some targetting/attacking stuff, multiclient character selection, plus a few random other things.

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Re: Version progress

#29 Post by tristanlol » Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:25 pm

Same behaviour here while attacking mobs. Printing settings.profile.hotkeys.AttackType echoes "macro". And the first slot in bottom action bar is plain attack.

Thanks for your great job!

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Re: Version progress

#30 Post by Administrator » Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:58 pm

tristanlol wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:25 pm Same behaviour here while attacking mobs. Printing settings.profile.hotkeys.AttackType echoes "macro". And the first slot in bottom action bar is plain attack.

Thanks for your great job!
Does the bot complain about the macro setup at all when it starts up? If you open up the macro window (type /macro into the chat), what is the content of the RB macro? Do you have your mount hotkeyed, and if so, what hotkey are you using?

What happens if you create a new macro with this content:

Code: Select all

/script UseSkill(1,1)

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Re: Version progress

#31 Post by morc » Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:39 am

Hi All!

Bot make 2 macros:

RB Command and RB

original content "RB Command": } UseSkill(1,1) if type(a)~="table" then a={a} end z={

the content (at macro start):
RB Command: GetLanguage()
RB: true ENEU

after the RB Command and RB macro content varied (true or macro error content ex : "false [string "local a={igf_events:getLastEnemyDamage()} r..."]:1: attempt to call method 'getLastEnemyDamage' (a nil value)" )

so macro work perfectly

bot can't use skills and other stuffs (potions, etc...) from profile

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Re: Version progress

#32 Post by KeinPlan » Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:38 pm

HI zusammenm,

Und noch ein Gutes Neues Jahr.

geht bei euch ich bekomm folgende fehler meldung:

2020-01-02 18:08:48 - ...acro/scripts/rom-bot-version7.4.0.2897/classes/skill.lua:766: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'skillRemainingCooldown_offset' (a nil value)

kann mir einer da Helfen ? oder hat einer jetzt eine Version die funktioniert, wenn ja kann man diese bekommen.

vielen Dank in voraus.

P.S.: bevor ich es Vergesse vielen dank an alle die hier mit helfen

Hi together

And another Happy New Year.

goes at you get following error message:

2020-01-02 18:08:48 - ...acro/scripts/rom-bot-version7.4.0.2897/classes/skill.lua:766: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'skillRemainingCooldown_offset' (a nil value)

can someone help me there? or you can now a version the function if you can man this get.

thanks a lot in advance.

P.S.: Before I forget, many thanks to everyone who helps here
Last edited by KeinPlan on Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Version progress

#33 Post by morc » Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:46 pm


you use newest version?

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Re: Version progress

#34 Post by KeinPlan » Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:52 pm

Hi denke schon,

habe die Version runter geladen
If you want to get a copy of what I have so far, you can download the zip package here: ...

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Re: Version progress

#35 Post by morc » Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:48 pm

the newest version available on github

sry i can't link

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Re: Version progress

#36 Post by tristanlol » Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:11 pm

Administrator wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:58 pm
tristanlol wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:25 pm Same behaviour here while attacking mobs. Printing settings.profile.hotkeys.AttackType echoes "macro". And the first slot in bottom action bar is plain attack.

Thanks for your great job!
Does the bot complain about the macro setup at all when it starts up? If you open up the macro window (type /macro into the chat), what is the content of the RB macro? Do you have your mount hotkeyed, and if so, what hotkey are you using?

What happens if you create a new macro with this content:

Code: Select all

/script UseSkill(1,1)
I moved the first RB macro to another slot and made a new one for the first slot with the code you said, but same behaviour. I have the mount hotkeyed as ctrl+7. To give more information, this is printed after character selection in bot run:

Code: Select all

MACRO Test: ok
Skill <Unknown> 'uses' unknown type -1, 'usesnum' -1. Please report to bot devs.
 We might be able to use it.
<<Same line above repeated over 26 times>>
No ranged skills specified in profile; Turning COMBAT_RANGED_PULL off.
Maximum range of range attack skills is less than COMBAT_DISTANCE 200. Reducing
COMBAT_DISTANCE setting to 50.

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Re: Version progress

#37 Post by Supergala » Fri Jan 03, 2020 5:12 am

ei guys ty for this work....i try only dismat some materials example from barsaleaf sap to normal one but rombot say me this :
2020-01-03 11:12:09 - scripts\rom/bot.lua:710: No waypoints to go to in waypoint file.
any idea?maybe do i need to correct waypoint ?or i need to change id?
i find it for barsaleaf sap: id 201804
someone can check it? ty

also i try to use lyliya waypoint for minigame and i have this error:
2020-01-03 11:16:50 - ...acro/scripts/rom/userfunctions/userfunction_teleport.lua:48: bad argument #2 to 'memoryReadInt' (number expected, got nil)

i add my userfucntion.lua

and this error for dailies with bottle in kashaylan:

2020-01-03 11:40:22 - C:/Program Files/micromacro/scripts/rom/functions.lua:1900: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'questGroup_offset' (a nil value)

and also i try to create new poath but i have this error too:
2020-01-03 12:10:29 - scripts\rom/createpath.lua:91: bad argument #2 to 'memoryReadUIntPtr' (number expected, got nil)

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Re: Version progress

#38 Post by Ego95 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:03 am

Is it so hard to understand that the bot needs a complete rework? It does not matter if minigame a, b or c does not work or which of the 6000 dailies do not work.
The offsets of nearly everything need to be fixed. Your problems are not because of wrong id's or waypoints...

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Re: Version progress

#39 Post by Andre235 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 6:30 pm

@Ego95, you are right, but please don't argue.
@all: be creative at building waypointfiles, that works with the actual bot. You can run a lot of daily’s. That is much better than nothing. The Administrator has actually much to do and I’m so happy, that she shared the successfully work with us. She spent so much Time in it, her Time... for free... Try to compare the code from the new version of the bot with the old version. Then you will see, how much the Administrator did for us...

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Re: Version progress

#40 Post by Administrator » Fri Jan 03, 2020 6:39 pm

Andre235 wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2020 6:30 pmTry to compare the code from the new version of the bot with the old version. Then you will see, how much the Administrator did for us...
Can confirm. The pull request is here: ... ll/1/files

Those of you that are having the mount-instead-of-attack issue, when you open your skills menu, what is listed in the first tab? The first item in the list should be "Attack" but maybe for some unknown reason you have a mount skill?


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