Mirror wp samples. ver 5

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Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#1 Post by beanybabe » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:59 pm

I made a few test wp they work but not perfect they are made backwards. Some do not start right and you may need cancel and retry. You got to be facing the mobs at start. Hopefully someone can add wp to deal with the chests and fix order of the wp. Currently you have to run back out and loot chests manually. if you cannot solo these then this will not help you do it. these are very rough and miss some mobs.
water is not done. hopefully someone gets idea how to do it better.

Version 2
I changed the paths a little to lessen mobs and moves some to get mobs that were missed. Fixed some problems were it might get stuck. I am including some code, credit to original author, to loot some of the chests you need add to onleave-combat in player profile. This is same code used to find gift bag drops I just changed the id of the bag.

Code: Select all

 	-- get mirror chests wish agro check
	if not player.Battling then     -- if no agro  open chest	
		local mBag = player:findNearestNameOrId(GetIdName(104529)) 
		if mBag and inventory:itemTotalCount(0) ~= 0 then
            print("\n\n found bag \n\n")
            yrest(1000) -- If not enough time to pick up bag, increase it.
Version 3
added check if you are in zone and fixed the missing start tag. removed 2 wp from tower to see if it stops trying to run off at start. ruins2 should run ok yet.
I am removing these until I find why it keeps exiting incorrectly.

version 4
I removed the reversing reversed the physical order of wp so they were straight thru added a player sleep at end incase the bot skips the attempt to end with error()

Version 5
Add check at every wp if you were in right zone to prevent a character which killed slow from getting ejected into town and still moving around.

version 5.1 shrine I made small changes to avoid agro to many mobs at a time.

added hoto v1 this wp is hard for most classes. I did not add skills so you will need to set it for your class combo. Warden/druid using crystal pet can run this pretty easy scouts and rogues should be able to if you can get profile skills right, if you find combo of skils that work you might post a list here.
shrine v5.1.xml
(3.98 KiB) Downloaded 470 times
hoto v1.xml
(8.64 KiB) Downloaded 471 times
tower v5.xml
made small change at boss
(9.86 KiB) Downloaded 455 times
ruins v5.xml
(3.47 KiB) Downloaded 538 times
alter v5.xml
(4.88 KiB) Downloaded 485 times
Last edited by beanybabe on Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:40 am, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: sample mirr..

#2 Post by kajsaberhagen » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:26 am

Hey, nice waypoints. I made kinda equal ones :D What i am trying to solve is how we can make so when the char goes out from the dungeons the bot opens the mirror world window and re-enters the dungeon. Got any ideas? or anyone else?

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver2

#3 Post by beanybabe » Fri May 13, 2016 12:33 pm

I added version 2 of these they get miss less mobs and loot a few of the chests if you add the bit code to profile.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver2

#4 Post by beanybabe » Tue May 17, 2016 12:26 am

WARNING there some bug in the waypoint it does not always end. may be bug in bot.

I noticed the line with
error "done at end"
may need be changed to
error ("done at end")

I wanted to replace it with break but break was not working right today either.

This only seems to fail when using warden. Be at pc watching when this ends so you char do not go running around town. I cannot test a fix till next week.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 4

#5 Post by beanybabe » Fri May 20, 2016 3:17 pm

ok version 4 is simplified some more.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#6 Post by beanybabe » Sat May 28, 2016 4:38 am

Important stop using the early versions and get the ver 5.

Made another change to the way points for Slow chars that might not exit properly.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#7 Post by beanybabe » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:56 am

I recommend not to run these wp with warden pet or egg pet out.

The bot seems to have a bug that if warden pet is attacking something and timer ends it will not end the bot and you character ends up running were it should not be. The only way I see to stop this is to read the timer and terminate the bot before the end.

If anyone knows how and can post some code for doing this.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#8 Post by beanybabe » Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:56 am

I added an Aggro check (thanks to kenzu38) to the get mirror chest code. Now it open chest only if not being attacked. Still hoping to find way to end the waypoints by the timer if anyone knows how.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#9 Post by kenzu38 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:54 am

Easiest way I can think of is to just use a timed function to constantly check if you're on the loading screen or you're in Varanas. IIRC, when I checked out the Mirrorworld instances before, I remember relogging forced you to teleport back to the shards exchange NPC in Varanas.

So, anyway, you can create timed functions with registerTimer(). So something like this should work:

Code: Select all

	function checkstate()
		if not isInGame() or getZoneId() == 2 then	-- not sure if Varanas Id is 2
			if not isInGame() then
				until isInGame()
			print("Not in Mirrorworld instance.")
			-- put your custom code here
	registerTimer("checkstate", 2000, checkstate)	-- adjust 2000ms depending on how fast you load, decrease if you load fast				
Also put unregisterTimer("checkstate") in your last waypoint.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#10 Post by beanybabe » Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:43 am

I did not quite understand how to do the timer.

I added a waypoint for hoto and updated one for shrine. The hoto wp is hard unless you can heal and got chain armor at least. if you in cloth or leather you will need bits of code to make it work. hopefully people post there mods.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#12 Post by beanybabe » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:18 pm

I made a couple really rough wp for 2 of the new mirror but decided not to run them more. They are far from perfect but will get most the drops.
These instances seem bugged and rom may change them soon so I stopped working on these new instances.

The water cave is just to unaligned to make a wp for that will work with any class.
mirror cave v0.xml
(6.14 KiB) Downloaded 441 times
mirr fortress v0.xml
(6.59 KiB) Downloaded 448 times

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#15 Post by beanybabe » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:42 pm

The water cave might need teleport. I started a wp for it but gave up making it. There is only a couple class combinations could use it anyway with those worms.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#16 Post by dr-nuker » Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:15 pm


I did not have a look at your script but maybe you can answer this:

Is there a way to automatically join a mirror world?

I made waypoints for all instances but I have to manually enter all the time :evil:

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#17 Post by beanybabe » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:46 pm

I never looked into that. I would imagine there could be a way. I had so much problem with some class combinations not stopping at end of it that i stopped working on the wp. I looked into adding a timer but just never got the hang of that.

if you got a wp made id like to see the water one i got a hoto that sort of works but still has some bugs.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#18 Post by dr-nuker » Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:57 am


my char is able to solo them usually if it does not get stuck somewhere.
For the water dragon i have added a routine in my userprofile that will cast DoT Spell on the bugs when they are in combat with me and have their protection buff on. This usually works if i fail to 1-hit them.#

for hoto i'm lucky since i bot on m/p so i can heal out the dot debuffs...

i'll see if i can add wp's for the 3 new inis, too :)

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#19 Post by beanybabe » Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:31 pm

hoto is do able on classes that can kill them in 1 hit and have an area attack if they do not die in 1 hit. I run into problems if the char cannot kill fast enough and the timer ends before the boss is dead. I wish i knew how to code to exit if that happened before timer ends.

if you happen to make some waypoints for this please pm me a copy I can see if i can mod them for here.

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Re: Mirror wp samples. ver 5

#20 Post by Nickwin » Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:48 am

Heya, I really like your waypoint files for those Mirrorworlds. Now there is a new mirrorworld I would like to make waypoints for. The Sewers. But I can't figure out the ID of this zone.

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