Need your help updating skill Ids

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#21 Post by rock5 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:58 am

beanybabe wrote:I put micromacro in the use tortisesvn and to a checkout into the scripts folder for rombot, then copy ingamefunctions over runesofmagic addon folder
I end up with c:\micromacro\scripts\rom
Sounds right. I doubt that there is anything wrong with mm and the bot. I suspect there is something wrong with your system. Do you have any other performance issues with your system? Do you keep it up to date with Windows Update? Do you use a good virus scanner and do scans occasionally? Or maybe you have some hardware problems like failing memory or bad blocks on your hard drive.
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#22 Post by beanybabe » Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:36 am

This my 3rd computer 3 different os same problem only thing in common is 64 bit os. I also suspect rom has no error handling and it just put what ever come across the net into its memory.

is this what you needed i did some need to finish rest.

540000 Attack
540001 Recall
540002 Disenchanting
540003 Enable Pk Status
540015 Blacksmithing
540016 Carpentry
540017 Armorcrafting
540018 Tailoring
540019 Cooking
540020 Alchemy
490306 Shadowstab
490309 Throw
490317 Blind Stab
490310 Projectile Training
490146 Off Hand Training
490326 Agility
490322 Nimble Hands
490344 Shadow Step
493525 Recover
494074 Antidote
493531 Savage Blessing
493540 Earth Pulse
493551 Knowledge of Nature
493533 Mother Earth's Protection
490506 Assassins Rage
490323 Low Blow
490313 Wound Attack
490504 Dagger Mastery
494964 Blind Spot
494046 Hysteric Vengeance
490347 Numbing Dagger
490312 Hide
490507 Premeditation
494047 Poison Antibodies
490337 Sneak Attack
490316 Treasure Hunter
490354 Vanish
490143 Off Hand Mastery
490341 Sprint
498027 Crippling Poison
498025 Poisonous
490355 Evasion
490338 Combo Throw
490346 Shadow Prison
494548 Slaughter Blessing
490350 Informer
490333 Fervent Attack
494923 Shadow Smash
494924 Quick Light Protection
499567 Killin' Time
499566 Malicious Intentions
$99568 Erosion
499569 Poison Shroud
540021 Smelting
540022 Woodworking
540023 Extraction
540191 Transport: Reifort
540192 Transport: Valley of Preparation
540193 Transport: Heffner Camp
540194 Black Codex Transport Spell
490048 Bow Training
499595 Shot
499591 Vampire Arrows
490420 Joint Blow
490434 Blood Arrow
490428 Throat Attack
490451 Wrist Attack
491159 Swiftness
490505 Speed Shooting Mastery
490494 Arrow of Essence
492589 Autoshoot
491128 Wind Arrows
490455 Ranged Weapon Mastery
491163 Frost Arrow
490441 Mana Drain Shot
490454 Lasso
490040 Curse Breaker
499585 Piercing Arrow
491173 Cripple Joint
490425 Eagle Eyes
499583 Snake Poison Arrow
490450 Snipe
494042 Unbinding Magic
490463 Detection
490424 Combo Shot
494327 Elven Eye
490438 Neck Strike
494380 Devour Blood
490457 Reflected Shot
490460 Concentration
494529 Focus
490464 Target Area
494919 Archers Blessing
499584 Ancestor's Blessing
499587 Efficiency Guidance
499594 Soul Blessing
493536 Spirit Guidance
494368 Shadow Contract
493532 Body Vitalization
493529 Mother Earth's Fountain
494369 Magic Turmoil
493555 Power of Protection
494941 Withering Seed
493549 Mother Nature's Wrath
494933 Curtain of Darkness
494969 Seed of Wrath
493542 Summon Sandstorm
494934 Dark Moon
499946 Wasteland
499944 Knee Ulcer
494061 Recover
493535 Antidote
493531 Savage Blessing
493540 Earth Pulse
493551 Knowledge of Nature
493558 Mother Earth's Protection
490448 Bow Training
490423 Shot
491292 Vampire Arrows
490420 Joint Blow
490434 Blood Arrow
490428 Throat Attack
490451 Wrist Attack
491159 Swiftness
490505 Speed Shooting
493538 Earth Arrow
493539 Briar Entwinement
493534 Purify
493526 Restore Life
493527 Blossoming Life
493548 Unity with Mother Earth
493537 Rebirth
493546 Weakening Seed
493543 Rockslide
494020 Life Guide
493559 Advanced Rebirth
493550 Knowledge of Nature
493541 Binding Silence
494021 Healing Arrows
493547 Curing Seed
493530 Concentration Prayer
494217 Group Exorcism
493552 Pure Healing
493544 Rock Protection
493560 Supreme Rebirth
499950 Spirit Guidance
493532 Body Vitalization
493529 Mother Earth's Fountain
494367 Mother Earth's Blessing
493555 Power of Protection
493545 Withering Seed
493549 Mother Nature's Wrath
494931 Brilliance of Nature
493542 Summon Sandstorm
494932 Spring Flower Eulogy
499954 Camellia Flower
499952 Spring Carol
499951 Warm Spring
499949 Spirit Shackles

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#23 Post by beanybabe » Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:06 am

I found skill.xml and compared some but It has them broke up in groups
on about 10 i checked the numbers are different than mine and i have some not listed. Is that what your lookin for ?

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#24 Post by rock5 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:10 am

I have a 64 bit system and I'm sure a lot of users do. So I don't know what to say. Like I said, I don't know much about memory handling.

I need the ids of skills who's Ids have changed. I also need buff ids if they have changed.

Note: some skills id change if you have a second class so it's a good idea to check the ids of primary skills without a secondary class.
beanybabe wrote:I found skill.xml and compared some but It has them broke up in groups
on about 10 i checked the numbers are different than mine and i have some not listed. Is that what your lookin for ?
Yes if any of those ids have changed then let me know. Why are they not listed? are they new skills? Are they skills that the bot can't use for instance if they have some strange requirement? Are they passives?
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#25 Post by Bill D Cat » Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:33 am

All Rogue Skills
No changes needed

Scout Class Specific
490441 = Mana Drain Shot -- Main ID Changed

Scout/Rogue Elites
No changes needed

Scout/Knight Elites
499560 = Healing Shot -- Main ID Changed
Disarmament Arrow -- Removed from game, converted to passive Armor-Piercing Arrow.
493016 = Escape Danger -- Skill not in Database

Rogue/Scout Elites
No changes needed

Rogue/Knight Elites
491552 = Lion's Protection (Buff = 620316) -- Buff ID Changed

Knight/Scout Elites
490067 = Heavenly Arrow -- Main ID Changed

Knight/Rogue Elites
490019 = Smash -- Main ID Changed
490020 = Dance of Two Blades -- Main ID Changed

Warrior General
498031 = Defensive Formation -- Main Skill ID Changed

Warrior Class Specific
490054 = Terror -- Main Skill ID Changed

Warrior/Knight Elites
493004 = Throw Shield -- Main Skill ID Changed
491485 = Shield Bash -- Main Skill ID Changed

Knight/Warrior Elites
490064 = Quick Reflexes -- Main Skill ID Changed
490088 = Fearless -- Main Skill ID Changed

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#26 Post by Bill D Cat » Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:53 pm

rock5 wrote:Threaten requires Holy Seal. Is 501773 still the correct ids for Holy Seals buff?
I find nothing in the database with ID 501773. Holy Seal has four stacked levels.

Holy Seal 1 = 500140
Holy Seal 2 = 500146
Holy Seal 3 = 500168
Holy Seal 4 = 500169
rock5 wrote:If you want Holy Illumination and Angel Salvation added I'll need the skills.xml entrys if you please.

I don't have the Angel's Salvation skill, and the WIKI is very sparse on the information for it. So here's the basic template, but we will need someone to confirm cast time, cooldown and range.

Code: Select all

	<skill name="KNIGHT_HOLY_ILLUMINATION"				id="491632" range="0"	type="buff"			casttime="0"	cooldown="90"	target="self" />
	<skill name="KNIGHT_ANGEL SALVATION"						id="499913" range="120"	type="resurrection" casttime="5"	cooldown="0"	target="friendly"   inbattle="true" />

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#27 Post by beanybabe » Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:59 pm

need to double check this list I tend to mix numbers up some times. I noticed a couple possible errors.

druid/mage <skill name="DRUID_EARTH_ARROW" is listed in skills twice

skills that change by class -- I started this but there was to many
scout/druid <skill name="SCOUT_REFLECTED_SHOT" id="490457" range="0" type="damage"
scout/rogue <skill name="SCOUT_REFLECTED_SHOT" 499535
scout/rouge <skill name="SCOUT_COMBO_SHOT" 493292
<skill name="SCOUT_LASSO" id="490454"
<skill name="SCOUT_WRIST_ATTACK" id="490451"
<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" id="490423"
<skill name="SCOUT_WIND_ARROWS" id="491128"
<skill name="SCOUT_BLAZING_ENERGY" id="491506"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" id="493533"

not in skill.xml
scout/mage Aggro Transfer 493255
druid scout Advanced Rebirth 493559
druid scout Supreme Rebirth 493560
druid/rouge Advanced Rebirth 493559
druid/rouge Supreme Rebirth 493560
druid/rogue Seed of Weakening 494969
druid/mage rockslide 493543
druid/mage Advanced Rebirth 493559
druid/mage Supreme Rebirth 493560
rogue/scout Paralyzing Shot 499479
rogue/druid Poisonous 498025
mage/scout Magic Crossbow 497972
mage/druid Elven Mystic 494928
mage/rogue Shadow Protection 499601

********************** mana drain shot is ok on these below.
<skill name="SCOUT_CURSE_BREAKER" 494040 id="490040" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="10" target="self" />
<skill name="SCOUT_SNAKE_POISON_ARROW" 499583 id="494041" range="0" type="damage" casttime="0" cooldown="15" target="enemy" addweaponrange="true" />
<skill name="SCOUT_UNBINDING_MAGIC" 494042 id="490042" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="10" target="self" />

<skill name="SCOUT_COMBO_SHOT" 493292 id="490424" range="0" type="damage" casttime="1" cooldown="8" target="enemy" addweaponrange="true" />
<skill name="SCOUT_REFLECTED_SHOT" 499535 id="490457" range="0" type="damage" casttime="0" cooldown="10" target="enemy" addweaponrange="true" aoecenter="target" aoerange="65" />
<skill name="SCOUT_LASSO" 492343 id="490454" range="150" type="buff" casttime="1" cooldown="0" target="enemy" buffname="500924" />
<skill name="SCOUT_WRIST_ATTACK" 490428 id="490451"
<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 493093 id="490423"

<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 499528 id="490423"
<skill name="SCOUT_WIND_ARROWS" 499540 id="491128"
<skill name="SCOUT_BLAZING_ENERGY" 499538 id="491506"
<skill name="SCOUT_COMBO_SHOT" 493014 id="490424"
<skill name="SCOUT_IGNITE" 492949 id="491509"

<skill name="DRUID_RECOVER" 494061 id="493528"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 493558 id="493533"
<skill name="DRUID_SPIRIT_GUIDANCE" 499950 id="493536"
<skill name="DRUID_CAMELLIA_FLOWER" 499954 id="494019"
<skill name="DRUID_WARM_SPRING" 499951 id="494366"

<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 493558 id="493533"
<skill name="DRUID_EARTH_ARROW" 499948 id="493538"
<skill name="DRUID_EARTH_ARROW" 499945 id="493538"
<skill name="DRUID_WITHERING_SEED" 494941 id="493545"

<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 493558 id="493533"
<skill name="MAGE_FIREBALL" 494341 id="490204"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_NATURES_WRATH" 494955 id="493549"
<skill name="DRUID_SUMMER_BANQUET" 499933 id="494936"

<skill name="ROGUE_SHADOWSTAB" 493329 id="490306"
<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 491531 id="490423"
<skill name="SCOUT_THROAT_ATTACK" 491533 id="490428"
<skill name="ROGUE_LOW_BLOW" 491534 id="490323"
<skill name="ROGUE_SUBSTITUTE" 499501 id="492626"

<skill name="DRUID_ANTIDOTE" 494074 id="493535"
<skill name="ROGUE_KILLIN_TIME" 499567 id="494329"
<skill name="ROGUE_POISON_SHROUD" 499569 id="494048"
<skill name="ROGUE_POISON_SHROUD" 491182 id="494048"
<skill name="ROGUE_COMBO_THROW" 491187 id="490338"

<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 497973 id="490423"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" 497971 id="490238"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" 497977 id="490247"
<skill name="MAGE_FIRE_ROSE" 493029 id="491343"
<skill name="MAGE_FLAME_SPIRIT" 491577 id="492631"
<skill name="MAGE_FIRE_ARROW" 497974 id="491573"
<skill name="MAGE_POWER_OF_THE_WIND" 497975 id="492926"

<skill name="MAGE_FIREBALL" 494076 id="490204"
<skill name="DRUID_EARTH_PULSE" 499622 id="493540"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 494337 id="493533"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" 491156 id="490238"
<skill name="MAGE_FLAME" 494077 id="491150"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" 497977 id="490247"
<skill name="MAGE_MAGMA_BLADE" 494577 id="494564"

<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" 497971 id="490238"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" 497977 id="490247"
<skill name="MAGE_DEMORALIZE" 492943 id="491348"
<skill name="MAGE_KISS_OF_THE_VAMPIRE" 497768 id="491345"

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#28 Post by beanybabe » Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:50 pm

Im not sure how to update my skill.xml now each class/combo gets a different number for some skills check scout combo shot or shot as an example they change by class/combo.

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#29 Post by Bill D Cat » Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:26 pm

Honestly, I'd just wait for Rock to compile the list of all the changes and update the file from the SVN.

All skills have a basic ID that will be used as a single class character. These really are the ones we are most interested in to start with. Of course, elite skills are a little different in that you need two classes to get them, but they are specific to that class combination. So as long as we have the single class ID for a skill, the bot can use it. Even if that skill ID changes due to a modification done by an elite skill. As long as the skill NAME doesn't change, the bot will still be able to use it with the basic ID even if it has been modified by an elite skill and now has a new ID.

Buffs on the other hand don't work the same way. For those we need to know all possible IDs that it may have so that we can properly detect them. So we need to check the buffs as a single class character whenever possible, as well as with any dual class where it gets modified by an elite skill. The exceptions to this, as Rock mentioned before, are buffs whose duration is shorter than it's cooldown. ie: A buff that has a 15 second duration and a 3 minute cooldown would not need to have its buff ID listed in the database because the whole purpose is to check if you are still buffed before trying to recast the buff. In these cases, the cooldown will prevent the recast even though the buff has expired.

I think I have that all correct. And I'm sure Rock will correct me if I'm not. :-)

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#30 Post by beanybabe » Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:53 pm

Well that a lot to swallow. Its like you tossed a bag of marshmallows at me one at a time. I was gonna try to poke some in for my class and see if it stopped some of the strangeness.

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#31 Post by rock5 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:25 am

Bill D Cat wrote:I find nothing in the database with ID 501773. Holy Seal has four stacked levels.

Holy Seal 1 = 500140
Holy Seal 2 = 500146
Holy Seal 3 = 500168
Holy Seal 4 = 500169
They must have changed the id.
Bill D Cat wrote:I don't have the Angel's Salvation skill, and the WIKI is very sparse on the information for it. So here's the basic template, but we will need someone to confirm cast time, cooldown and range.
It's not that important as the bot doesn't use resurrection spells. They are included only so users can manually cast them.
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#32 Post by rock5 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:01 am

beanybabe wrote:druid/mage <skill name="DRUID_EARTH_ARROW" is listed in skills twice
I only have it listed once.

beanybabe wrote:skills that change by class -- I started this but there was to many
Don't worry about skills that change with different secondary classes. Just give me the id of the skill when you have no second class.

beanybabe wrote:scout/druid <skill name="SCOUT_REFLECTED_SHOT" id="490457" range="0" type="damage"
scout/rogue <skill name="SCOUT_REFLECTED_SHOT" 499535
scout/rouge <skill name="SCOUT_COMBO_SHOT" 493292
<skill name="SCOUT_LASSO" id="490454"
<skill name="SCOUT_WRIST_ATTACK" id="490451"
<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" id="490423"
<skill name="SCOUT_WIND_ARROWS" id="491128"
<skill name="SCOUT_BLAZING_ENERGY" id="491506"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" id="493533"
Looks like none of those skills changed. I only need to know about skills that change.

beanybabe wrote:-------------------
not in skill.xml
scout/mage Aggro Transfer 493255
druid scout Advanced Rebirth 493559
druid scout Supreme Rebirth 493560
druid/rouge Advanced Rebirth 493559
druid/rouge Supreme Rebirth 493560
druid/rogue Seed of Weakening 494969
druid/mage rockslide 493543
druid/mage Advanced Rebirth 493559
druid/mage Supreme Rebirth 493560
rogue/scout Paralyzing Shot 499479
rogue/druid Poisonous 498025
mage/scout Magic Crossbow 497972
mage/druid Elven Mystic 494928
mage/rogue Shadow Protection 499601
If you want a skill added you'll need to provide the skills.xml line to add. But I'm sure some of theses skills are already in skills.xml.

beanybabe wrote:********************** mana drain shot is ok on these below.
I don't know what you mean by this.
beanybabe wrote:-----------------------------------------
<skill name="SCOUT_CURSE_BREAKER" 494040 id="490040" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="10" target="self" />
<skill name="SCOUT_SNAKE_POISON_ARROW" 499583 id="494041" range="0" type="damage" casttime="0" cooldown="15" target="enemy" addweaponrange="true" />
<skill name="SCOUT_UNBINDING_MAGIC" 494042 id="490042" range="0" type="buff" casttime="0" cooldown="10" target="self" />
Ok, updated these ones.
beanybabe wrote: scout/rouge
<skill name="SCOUT_COMBO_SHOT" 493292 id="490424" range="0" type="damage" casttime="1" cooldown="8" target="enemy" addweaponrange="true" />
<skill name="SCOUT_REFLECTED_SHOT" 499535 id="490457" range="0" type="damage" casttime="0" cooldown="10" target="enemy" addweaponrange="true" aoecenter="target" aoerange="65" />
<skill name="SCOUT_LASSO" 492343 id="490454" range="150" type="buff" casttime="1" cooldown="0" target="enemy" buffname="500924" />
<skill name="SCOUT_WRIST_ATTACK" 490428 id="490451"
<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 493093 id="490423"

<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 499528 id="490423"
<skill name="SCOUT_WIND_ARROWS" 499540 id="491128"
<skill name="SCOUT_BLAZING_ENERGY" 499538 id="491506"
<skill name="SCOUT_COMBO_SHOT" 493014 id="490424"
<skill name="SCOUT_IGNITE" 492949 id="491509"

<skill name="DRUID_RECOVER" 494061 id="493528"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 493558 id="493533"
<skill name="DRUID_SPIRIT_GUIDANCE" 499950 id="493536"
<skill name="DRUID_CAMELLIA_FLOWER" 499954 id="494019"
<skill name="DRUID_WARM_SPRING" 499951 id="494366"

<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 493558 id="493533"
<skill name="DRUID_EARTH_ARROW" 499948 id="493538"
<skill name="DRUID_EARTH_ARROW" 499945 id="493538"
<skill name="DRUID_WITHERING_SEED" 494941 id="493545"

<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 493558 id="493533"
<skill name="MAGE_FIREBALL" 494341 id="490204"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_NATURES_WRATH" 494955 id="493549"
<skill name="DRUID_SUMMER_BANQUET" 499933 id="494936"

<skill name="ROGUE_SHADOWSTAB" 493329 id="490306"
<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 491531 id="490423"
<skill name="SCOUT_THROAT_ATTACK" 491533 id="490428"
<skill name="ROGUE_LOW_BLOW" 491534 id="490323"
<skill name="ROGUE_SUBSTITUTE" 499501 id="492626"

<skill name="DRUID_ANTIDOTE" 494074 id="493535"
<skill name="ROGUE_KILLIN_TIME" 499567 id="494329"
<skill name="ROGUE_POISON_SHROUD" 499569 id="494048"
<skill name="ROGUE_POISON_SHROUD" 491182 id="494048"
<skill name="ROGUE_COMBO_THROW" 491187 id="490338"

<skill name="SCOUT_SHOT" 497973 id="490423"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" 497971 id="490238"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" 497977 id="490247"
<skill name="MAGE_FIRE_ROSE" 493029 id="491343"
<skill name="MAGE_FLAME_SPIRIT" 491577 id="492631"
<skill name="MAGE_FIRE_ARROW" 497974 id="491573"
<skill name="MAGE_POWER_OF_THE_WIND" 497975 id="492926"

<skill name="MAGE_FIREBALL" 494076 id="490204"
<skill name="DRUID_EARTH_PULSE" 499622 id="493540"
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" 494337 id="493533"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" 491156 id="490238"
<skill name="MAGE_FLAME" 494077 id="491150"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" 497977 id="490247"
<skill name="MAGE_MAGMA_BLADE" 494577 id="494564"

<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" 497971 id="490238"
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" 497977 id="490247"
<skill name="MAGE_DEMORALIZE" 492943 id="491348"
<skill name="MAGE_KISS_OF_THE_VAMPIRE" 497768 id="491345"
Could you redo this list and remove the skills that changed because of the secondary class. There are too much repetition. Remember to see if the Id really changes for main and primary skills, unselect your secondary class first.
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#33 Post by rock5 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:10 am

Bill D Cat wrote:Buffs on the other hand don't work the same way. For those we need to know all possible IDs that it may have so that we can properly detect them. So we need to check the buffs as a single class character whenever possible, as well as with any dual class where it gets modified by an elite skill.
If a buff applies different level buffs eg. Holy Seal I, Holy Seal II, Holy Seal III, etc. I'm pretty sure it parses the name so you only need the 1 buff Id. If the buff name is different for different class combos (is that possible?) then we would need the ids for those too.
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#34 Post by Bill D Cat » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:16 am

rock5 wrote:
Bill D Cat wrote:If the buff name is different for different class combos (is that possible?) then we would need the ids for those too.
Other than buffs like Enhanced Armor and the S/K Significantly Enhanced Armor, I'm not aware of too many that differ based on an elite skill.

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#35 Post by beanybabe » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:57 am

Is there some way to stop the class check. I used that code to disable skills but that does not stop the crashing.

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#36 Post by rock5 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:59 am

What class check? What crashing?
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#37 Post by beanybabe » Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:58 pm

The ids were working on in this thread, some are wrong at the moment and it make me crash in some places on my wp. I hope that is all it is anyway. I thought of a solution till them just drop the classes that crash. I attached a clipping of the code that it happens in. seems to happen r/w
crash in drill.xml
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#38 Post by rock5 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:51 pm

I should depend on the skills. If you try to avoid the skills that cause crashing then it shouldn't crash
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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#39 Post by beanybabe » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:56 pm

Here are some I found you might already have them. I updated my skills.xml and am going to test it
supreme rebirth 493560
advanced rebirth 493559
<skill name="DRUID_MOTHER_EARTHS_PROTECTION" id="493533" 493558
<skill name="SCOUT_MANA_DRAIN_SHOT" id="491160" 490441
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYSIS" id="490238" 497971
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_WEAKNESS" id="490247" 497977
<skill name="WARDEN_HEART_OF_THE_OAK" id="493346" 491668

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Re: Need your help updating skill Ids

#40 Post by Bill D Cat » Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:49 pm

Just checked my Warlock/Rogue. No changes needed to any skills.

Champion Class Specific
498538 = Agitated Whirlpool -- Typo in database has 468538

No changes needed for C/R elites.

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