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Getting code from android app (.apk)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:56 pm
by Ego95

Does anyone of you have experience with extracing the source code of apk's?
I have a runes of magic chat app and there are some additional features like using the mailbox, but you need to buy them for about 3 dollar per month. The thing is this app is not aviable anymore so all payment stuff is gone too. If I got the source code I could maybe edit the payment part to get it.

If you want the app, just PM me, I can send the apk to you.

Re: Getting code from android app (.apk)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 4:37 pm
by Administrator
I don't think that is likely to work. If it were that easy to get the source, that would be kind of broken. Your best bet is to look around for a pre-cracked version, but this is such a niche product that I doubt it exists.

Re: Getting code from android app (.apk)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:40 am
by Ego95
Well ok. Got all the source got of the app now. Never did anything with java and never saw how java looks like. So in fact I don't know anything about it :D Could be difficult then. Thought the basics were maybe as easy as lua. Not that I know much about lua. But when reading rombot scripts I can at least understand what each part does. I just found the payment part, but cant do anything with that. Think I extracted the code for nothing. But well, at least I know, how it works now :)

The app is really nice. It is simply just for chatting, your character does not get loaded, so you are online but no one can see you. Additionally the app has some nice functions I would like to use in normal game aswell. If you are logged in the app with one character and on the computer with an other one and the one on the computer does an AskPlayerInfo on him, I get a message on the mobile, "Player xxx is looking for you". Always funny, if you write something in the world chat with your app and you get over ten messages, of who clicked the AskPlayerInfo on you.

In source code I found

Code: Select all

public static final int looking_for_you = 2130968673;
but I dont know if anything can be done with this. I think this app could probably do a few more things. You are able to chose with zone chat you want to listen to aswell. So in the app you can switch the zoneids to just read an other zone chat. Really awesome these functions.

Re: Getting code from android app (.apk)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:39 am
by BlubBlab
Wasn't that the work of the one who tried to make a private ROM server? So far I remember that guy did something like this.
Anyway I think you must search the code for the part which communicate with the payment server and put it simply always true.

That App basically based on a server/client communication which is reverse engineered. I think he must put meaning of each Opcode in some classes.

Re: Getting code from android app (.apk)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:40 am
by Ego95
BlubBlab wrote:Wasn't that the work of the one who tried to make a private ROM server? So far I remember that guy did something like this.
Anyway I think you must search the code for the part which communicate with the payment server and put it simply always true.

That App basically based on a server/client communication which is reverse engineered. I think he must put meaning of each Opcode in some classes.
Yes that was the same guy. He really did awesome things and one of them is this app. Was looking for such a part, but there are a few files I think, which have to do with the payment, so its hard to find.

Probably the IInAppBillingService.class is the right one. If there were some notes, which part what does it would be easier...

Code: Select all


import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.IInterface;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable.Creator;
import android.os.RemoteException;

public abstract interface IInAppBillingService extends IInterface
  public abstract int consumePurchase(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2)
    throws RemoteException;

  public abstract Bundle getBuyIntent(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4)
    throws RemoteException;

  public abstract Bundle getPurchases(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3)
    throws RemoteException;

  public abstract Bundle getSkuDetails(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2, Bundle paramBundle)
    throws RemoteException;

  public abstract int isBillingSupported(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2)
    throws RemoteException;

  public static abstract class Stub extends Binder
    implements IInAppBillingService
    private static final String DESCRIPTOR = "";
    static final int TRANSACTION_consumePurchase = 5;
    static final int TRANSACTION_getBuyIntent = 3;
    static final int TRANSACTION_getPurchases = 4;
    static final int TRANSACTION_getSkuDetails = 2;
    static final int TRANSACTION_isBillingSupported = 1;

    public Stub()
      attachInterface(this, "");

    public static IInAppBillingService asInterface(IBinder paramIBinder)
      if (paramIBinder == null)
        return null;
      IInterface localIInterface = paramIBinder.queryLocalInterface("");
      if ((localIInterface != null) && ((localIInterface instanceof IInAppBillingService)))
        return (IInAppBillingService)localIInterface;
      return new Proxy(paramIBinder);

    public IBinder asBinder()
      return this;

    public boolean onTransact(int paramInt1, Parcel paramParcel1, Parcel paramParcel2, int paramInt2)
      throws RemoteException
      switch (paramInt1)
        return super.onTransact(paramInt1, paramParcel1, paramParcel2, paramInt2);
      case 1598968902:
        return true;
      case 1:
        int k = isBillingSupported(paramParcel1.readInt(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString());
        return true;
      case 2:
        int j = paramParcel1.readInt();
        String str1 = paramParcel1.readString();
        String str2 = paramParcel1.readString();
        Bundle localBundle3;
        if (paramParcel1.readInt() != 0)
          localBundle3 = (Bundle)Bundle.CREATOR.createFromParcel(paramParcel1);
          Bundle localBundle4 = getSkuDetails(j, str1, str2, localBundle3);
          if (localBundle4 == null)
            break label202;
          localBundle4.writeToParcel(paramParcel2, 1);
        while (true)
          return true;
          localBundle3 = null;
      case 3:
        Bundle localBundle2 = getBuyIntent(paramParcel1.readInt(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString());
        if (localBundle2 != null)
          localBundle2.writeToParcel(paramParcel2, 1);
        while (true)
          return true;
      case 4:
        label202: paramParcel1.enforceInterface("");
        Bundle localBundle1 = getPurchases(paramParcel1.readInt(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString());
        if (localBundle1 != null)
          localBundle1.writeToParcel(paramParcel2, 1);
        while (true)
          return true;
      case 5:
      int i = consumePurchase(paramParcel1.readInt(), paramParcel1.readString(), paramParcel1.readString());
      return true;

    private static class Proxy
      implements IInAppBillingService
      private IBinder mRemote;

      Proxy(IBinder paramIBinder)
        this.mRemote = paramIBinder;

      public IBinder asBinder()
        return this.mRemote;

      public int consumePurchase(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2)
        throws RemoteException
        Parcel localParcel1 = Parcel.obtain();
        Parcel localParcel2 = Parcel.obtain();
          this.mRemote.transact(5, localParcel1, localParcel2, 0);
          int i = localParcel2.readInt();
          return i;
        throw localObject;

      public Bundle getBuyIntent(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3, String paramString4)
        throws RemoteException
        Parcel localParcel1 = Parcel.obtain();
        Parcel localParcel2 = Parcel.obtain();
          this.mRemote.transact(3, localParcel1, localParcel2, 0);
          if (localParcel2.readInt() != 0)
            localBundle = (Bundle)Bundle.CREATOR.createFromParcel(localParcel2);
            return localBundle;
          Bundle localBundle = null;

      public String getInterfaceDescriptor()
        return "";

      public Bundle getPurchases(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3)
        throws RemoteException
        Parcel localParcel1 = Parcel.obtain();
        Parcel localParcel2 = Parcel.obtain();
          this.mRemote.transact(4, localParcel1, localParcel2, 0);
          if (localParcel2.readInt() != 0)
            localBundle = (Bundle)Bundle.CREATOR.createFromParcel(localParcel2);
            return localBundle;
          Bundle localBundle = null;

      public Bundle getSkuDetails(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2, Bundle paramBundle)
        throws RemoteException
        Parcel localParcel1 = Parcel.obtain();
        Parcel localParcel2 = Parcel.obtain();
        while (true)
            if (paramBundle == null)
            paramBundle.writeToParcel(localParcel1, 0);
            this.mRemote.transact(2, localParcel1, localParcel2, 0);
            if (localParcel2.readInt() != 0)
              localBundle = (Bundle)Bundle.CREATOR.createFromParcel(localParcel2);
              return localBundle;
          Bundle localBundle = null;

      public int isBillingSupported(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2)
        throws RemoteException
        Parcel localParcel1 = Parcel.obtain();
        Parcel localParcel2 = Parcel.obtain();
          this.mRemote.transact(1, localParcel1, localParcel2, 0);
          int i = localParcel2.readInt();
          return i;
        throw localObject;
I do not really know, what an Opcode is, but just googled "Opcode". Do you mean somethng like this? (from SQLiteAssetHelper.class)

Code: Select all

  // ERROR //
  public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase()
    // Byte code:
    //   0: aload_0
    //   1: monitorenter
    //   2: aload_0
    //   3: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   6: ifnull +32 -> 38
    //   9: aload_0
    //   10: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   13: invokevirtual 292	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:isOpen	()Z
    //   16: ifeq +22 -> 38
    //   19: aload_0
    //   20: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   23: invokevirtual 338	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:isReadOnly	()Z
    //   26: ifne +12 -> 38
    //   29: aload_0
    //   30: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   33: astore_2
    //   34: aload_0
    //   35: monitorexit
    //   36: aload_2
    //   37: areturn
    //   38: aload_0
    //   39: getfield 45	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mIsInitializing	Z
    //   42: ifeq +19 -> 61
    //   45: new 286	java/lang/IllegalStateException
    //   48: dup
    //   49: ldc_w 340
    //   52: invokespecial 289	java/lang/IllegalStateException:<init>	(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   55: athrow
    //   56: astore_1
    //   57: aload_0
    //   58: monitorexit
    //   59: aload_1
    //   60: athrow
    //   61: aconst_null
    //   62: astore_2
    //   63: aload_0
    //   64: iconst_1
    //   65: putfield 45	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mIsInitializing	Z
    //   68: aload_0
    //   69: iconst_0
    //   70: invokespecial 342	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:createOrOpenDatabase	(Z)Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   73: astore_2
    //   74: aload_2
    //   75: invokevirtual 318	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:getVersion	()I
    //   78: istore 6
    //   80: iload 6
    //   82: ifeq +32 -> 114
    //   85: iload 6
    //   87: aload_0
    //   88: getfield 47	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mForcedUpgradeVersion	I
    //   91: if_icmpge +23 -> 114
    //   94: aload_0
    //   95: iconst_1
    //   96: invokespecial 342	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:createOrOpenDatabase	(Z)Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   99: astore_2
    //   100: aload_2
    //   101: aload_0
    //   102: getfield 74	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mNewVersion	I
    //   105: invokevirtual 346	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:setVersion	(I)V
    //   108: aload_2
    //   109: invokevirtual 318	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:getVersion	()I
    //   112: istore 6
    //   114: iload 6
    //   116: aload_0
    //   117: getfield 74	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mNewVersion	I
    //   120: if_icmpeq +33 -> 153
    //   123: aload_2
    //   124: invokevirtual 349	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:beginTransaction	()V
    //   127: iload 6
    //   129: ifne +64 -> 193
    //   132: aload_0
    //   133: aload_2
    //   134: invokevirtual 352	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:onCreate	(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    //   137: aload_2
    //   138: aload_0
    //   139: getfield 74	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mNewVersion	I
    //   142: invokevirtual 346	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:setVersion	(I)V
    //   145: aload_2
    //   146: invokevirtual 355	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:setTransactionSuccessful	()V
    //   149: aload_2
    //   150: invokevirtual 358	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:endTransaction	()V
    //   153: aload_0
    //   154: aload_2
    //   155: invokevirtual 329	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:onOpen	(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;)V
    //   158: aload_0
    //   159: iconst_0
    //   160: putfield 45	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mIsInitializing	Z
    //   163: iconst_1
    //   164: ifeq +147 -> 311
    //   167: aload_0
    //   168: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   171: astore 7
    //   173: aload 7
    //   175: ifnull +10 -> 185
    //   178: aload_0
    //   179: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   182: invokevirtual 293	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:close	()V
    //   185: aload_0
    //   186: aload_2
    //   187: putfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   190: goto -156 -> 34
    //   193: iload 6
    //   195: aload_0
    //   196: getfield 74	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mNewVersion	I
    //   199: if_icmple +54 -> 253
    //   202: getstatic 34	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:TAG	Ljava/lang/String;
    //   205: new 51	java/lang/StringBuilder
    //   208: dup
    //   209: ldc_w 360
    //   212: invokespecial 56	java/lang/StringBuilder:<init>	(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    //   215: iload 6
    //   217: invokevirtual 60	java/lang/StringBuilder:append	(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   220: ldc_w 322
    //   223: invokevirtual 79	java/lang/StringBuilder:append	(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   226: aload_0
    //   227: getfield 74	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mNewVersion	I
    //   230: invokevirtual 60	java/lang/StringBuilder:append	(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   233: ldc_w 324
    //   236: invokevirtual 79	java/lang/StringBuilder:append	(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   239: aload_2
    //   240: invokevirtual 361	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:getPath	()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   243: invokevirtual 79	java/lang/StringBuilder:append	(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
    //   246: invokevirtual 63	java/lang/StringBuilder:toString	()Ljava/lang/String;
    //   249: invokestatic 139	android/util/Log:w	(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I
    //   252: pop
    //   253: aload_0
    //   254: aload_2
    //   255: iload 6
    //   257: aload_0
    //   258: getfield 74	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mNewVersion	I
    //   261: invokevirtual 365	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:onUpgrade	(Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;II)V
    //   264: goto -127 -> 137
    //   267: astore 9
    //   269: aload_2
    //   270: invokevirtual 358	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:endTransaction	()V
    //   273: aload 9
    //   275: athrow
    //   276: astore_3
    //   277: aload_0
    //   278: iconst_0
    //   279: putfield 45	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mIsInitializing	Z
    //   282: iconst_0
    //   283: ifeq +39 -> 322
    //   286: aload_0
    //   287: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   290: astore 4
    //   292: aload 4
    //   294: ifnull +10 -> 304
    //   297: aload_0
    //   298: getfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   301: invokevirtual 293	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:close	()V
    //   304: aload_0
    //   305: aload_2
    //   306: putfield 43	com/readystatesoftware/sqliteasset/SQLiteAssetHelper:mDatabase	Landroid/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase;
    //   309: aload_3
    //   310: athrow
    //   311: aload_2
    //   312: ifnull -278 -> 34
    //   315: aload_2
    //   316: invokevirtual 293	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:close	()V
    //   319: goto -285 -> 34
    //   322: aload_2
    //   323: ifnull -14 -> 309
    //   326: aload_2
    //   327: invokevirtual 293	android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase:close	()V
    //   330: goto -21 -> 309
    //   333: astore 5
    //   335: goto -31 -> 304
    //   338: astore 8
    //   340: goto -155 -> 185
    // Exception table:
    //   from	to	target	type
    //   2	34	56	finally
    //   38	56	56	finally
    //   158	163	56	finally
    //   167	173	56	finally
    //   178	185	56	finally
    //   185	190	56	finally
    //   277	282	56	finally
    //   286	292	56	finally
    //   297	304	56	finally
    //   304	309	56	finally
    //   309	311	56	finally
    //   315	319	56	finally
    //   326	330	56	finally
    //   132	137	267	finally
    //   137	149	267	finally
    //   193	253	267	finally
    //   253	264	267	finally
    //   63	80	276	finally
    //   85	114	276	finally
    //   114	127	276	finally
    //   149	153	276	finally
    //   153	158	276	finally
    //   269	276	276	finally
    //   297	304	333	java/lang/Exception
    //   178	185	338	java/lang/Exception

Re: Getting code from android app (.apk)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:35 am
by BlubBlab
You must search the class which implement IInAppBillingService, the whole thing you show is abstract(and a interface?) means it is a blue print for another class which implements other methods too, than you simple need to find a object from it which use it and change the answer is paid to always true.

OPCODE means operation code this is bytecode from the packets of the client/server communication. Hmm but it could be that those are in the sqllite DB.