Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

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Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#1 Post by Administrator » Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:18 pm

For awhile now, I've been planning and discussing the future of MicroMacro with the other RoMBot script developers. Over the years as the project has grown, its weaknesses have been exposed. As such, a complete rewrite is in order. The very core of the project is getting reorganized to fit a better pattern.

Why all the work, you ask? Because it needs to be done. Too many patches and bad practices have been applied, and now it is time to fix it. The planned changes are well worth the effort. That and large chunks of code can be salvaged (although will require some reworking).

Easier development; quicker to add new modules and functionality
Cleaner code; Both the C++ code and Lua scripts will be easier to follow
Removing old, deprecated stuff, replacing with new shiny stuff
Improved efficiency and error checking
Lots of new features (I'll detail what's planned some other time)

While it is still quite some time off yet, I figure you guys might like to know what's going on behind the scenes. The latest (stable) version of MicroMacro will still be available and supported after completion.

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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#2 Post by lisa » Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:32 pm

I laughed when I read the "...eventually" =)

It is very interesting indeed but yeah still a bit of work ahead of you yet.

I have been thinking might need to find a new game to work on when you finish MM2, since RoM is kind of dead in the water =(
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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#3 Post by rock5 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:03 am

I did quite a lot of work on an Aion bot once but the amount of work involved to finish it eventually put me off. I think what makes it difficult for me is I'm a perfectionist so I had to do everything at once which was too much. I think you'll have more success because (if I know you) you'll start by making a minimal bot that does the minimum of what you want it to do then add to it later.

My experiences with Aion has shown me that I will find it difficult to move to a different project but I am seeing the need for it. It wont be easy to find a good new game to move to because a lot of them have protections that are hard to get around. And you need a game that is not only good but also popular with an established population so it will be worth doing. Of course providing a quality bot for a good game might draw more players to the game and make it popular. :D

Or are you just talking about playing a new game.
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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#4 Post by Administrator » Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:43 am

Indeed, rock, I can understand how it is hard to start a new project because of the perfectionist thing. I fall into that same trap myself. The important thing is to write some code to specifically work as a scaffolding/placeholder to get things functional as you work on the real stuff that matters. Come back later to replace and improve.

When writing a bot script for a game, the first thing you'll want to do is of course find the memory addresses you'll need to work with, but then to get the code to move around efficiently. Once you've got that, just keep tacking on features around it.

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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#5 Post by botje » Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:58 pm

+1 for aion bot, that game is gorgious :P

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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#6 Post by rock5 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:57 pm

What I did already with Aion is, let me see if I remember.
  • - Logging in (although that's pretty useless as it seems to change with each patch and it can't change character so it's useless).
    - player and target classes
    - player:moveTo()
    - Following a path
    - Targeting.
    - And a lot of work on using dialogs. I hadn't finished with that when I stopped.
Probably all the addresses are wrong by now. I did also do an update.lua but I don't know how well it works after a patch.

About 6000 lines of code so far.
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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#7 Post by botje » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:19 am

damn, thats much man xd

we should see if update.lua works, i still got the game installed ^^

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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#8 Post by lisa » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:47 am

rock5 wrote:you'll start by making a minimal bot that does the minimum of what you want it to do then add to it later
yup, I find addresses for the basics and go from there, If I can't even find player HP reliably then I tend to move on to a different game.
botje wrote: i still got the game installed ^^
Pretty sure I uninstalled it a while ago =(
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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#9 Post by rock5 » Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:43 am

botje wrote:damn, thats much man xd

we should see if update.lua works, i still got the game installed ^^
I already didn't work properly with the 4.0 patch. I doubt anything would work with 4.5.
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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#10 Post by botje » Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:07 pm

bummer :(

would love to see a working bot for it thats free... >.<

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Re: Announcing: MicroMacro 2 comming...eventually

#11 Post by BlubBlab » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:11 pm

For a few sec I thought their were a free bot for Aion. Strange I could swear their was one hm maybe he stopped working on it.
Because I remember the description:"You must force you AIon client into running in 32-bit mode so that the bot can work.(or similar)".


Rent a bot for a f2p game is in my eyes a ridiculous concept when I want to f2p I don't want spend money or extra money on it and goldsellers have their own bots when they using bots.

Starting with a minimal setup a new bot is a good thing I guess. At the moment I'm working on a DSO bot first it should only run, kill, loot than I want to generalize the bot so it can be adjusted to width majority of games but like admin I can't guarantee anything it's a long term project.

It's seems a couple of people working on bots for different games. If some has finished its work it maybe a good idea mention it here: because I always end in that other board when I'm seeking a bot.( a lot of people post their links to their bots)

EDIT:Okay yesterday it was late. I forgot the 2 most important reasons why people want to use a bot.
1.The task is very repetitive and so its stupid to do it at some point.
2.In case you done some coding by yourself it showing want you can do or you have fun by coding.

The problem with 1 is e.g. When I'm playing Neverwinter their is a in-game bot for rent for the game but I haven't seen even 1 until
today using it in-game in 3 months.


The other thing I forgot doing a large project open source is much better because e.g their were 2-3 attempts to make a private rom server, all failed because they want to make the server alone(huge project) and anyone of this must have started with 0 again.(okay with that subordinate clause is something wrong I think).


I still not 100% sure what admin want to make others with MM 2.0 the only time I really hit the limits with MM and rombot was when I wanted to check with a timer the chat while I was moving the char. I could have used threads for this but I would have to add locks to every update() and to the wait for loadingscreen() that was to much at that point.

The other side is I don't know what happens when multiply threads in MM access the same process use they the same pipe or the same heap or something like that for read/write to memory? if so it would end bad.(data salad yummy) So I didn't done it

I can imagine he wants to make those updates in MM and if they change make a call back to registered lua function is that right?

WHAA that is a long text...
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