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Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:37 pm
by Fujimo
Hey guys, I have autologout=false but the program keeps logging me out after 12 secods or so of not fighting. I am aware that this is a procedure incase a character is stuck, but seriously interfering with gridinding when i run out of mobs and waiting or respawn.

Any suggestions on what I a m missing?

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:03 pm
by Administrator
Provide more information. Exactly what is it doing when you get logged out? What messages are displayed in the MicroMacro window?

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:08 pm
by Fujimo
I set it up to kill in a small area, once they are dead it paths around looking for more. When it does not find any it assumes I am stuck and auto-logout's after about 12 seconds of no combat.

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:26 pm
by d003232
Fujimo wrote:I set it up to kill in a small area, once they are dead it paths around looking for more. When it does not find any it assumes I am stuck and auto-logout's after about 12 seconds of no combat.
I can't believe that :-) Please post the content of your MM window.

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:24 am
by Fujimo
Was my bad. I was running it on Server 2003... it didn't like it. Running on XP now and it works perfectly minus one thing I am still searching for. Buffing myself with EoM. Still searching forums to figure that out. Thanks guys.

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:29 am
by d003232
Fujimo wrote:Was my bad. I was running it on Server 2003... it didn't like it. Running on XP now and it works perfectly minus one thing I am still searching for. Buffing myself with EoM. Still searching forums to figure that out. Thanks guys.
I don't understand what you want?

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:41 am
by Fujimo
Self buff, lasts 30 minutes. I want it to buff me then again in 30 minutes.

Re: Auto-Logout issue:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:06 am
by d003232
Fujimo wrote:Self buff, lasts 30 minutes. I want it to buff me then again in 30 minutes.
That's a normal functionality of the bot. The bot will do that, if you add your buff to the skill list within your profile.