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Interference with waypoint creation.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:34 pm
by Clancy2232
Every time I attempt to create a set of waypoints, micromacro ends/pauses the process. This is probably because my end button, which pauses micromacro, is overlapped with my NUMPAD 1 (establishes waypoints), but what I'm wondering is if there is a way to change my hotkeys for creating waypoints, so that this does not occur anymore. Thanks.

Re: Interference with waypoint creation.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:11 pm
by Bill D Cat
First: "This is not the place to ask questions about the RoM bot, which uses MicroMacro." but to answer your question:

At the beginning of the createpath.lua file is the configuration settings. Change whichever key(s) you need to eliminate conflicts with other key bindings.

Code: Select all

pKey = key.VK_NUMPAD1;				-- insert a movement point
harvKey = key.VK_NUMPAD2;			-- insert a harvest point
saveKey = key.VK_NUMPAD3;			-- save the waypoints
merchantKey = key.VK_NUMPAD4;		-- target merchant, repair and buy stuff
targetNPCKey = key.VK_NUMPAD5;		-- target NPC and open dialog waypoint
--choiceOptionKey = key.VK_NUMPAD6; 	-- insert choiceOption
byName = key.VK_NUMPAD6;			-- Insert Accept/Complete/ChoiceOption 'ByName' selection.
mouseClickKey = key.VK_NUMPAD7;	 	-- Save MouseClick
restartKey = key.VK_NUMPAD9;		-- restart waypoints script
resetKey = key.VK_NUMPAD8;			-- restart waypoints script and discard changes
codeKey = key.VK_NUMPAD0;			-- add comment to last WP.
targetObjKey = key.VK_DECIMAL;		-- target an object and action it.
wpTypeKey = key.VK_DIVIDE;			-- change waypoint type
flyToggle = key.VK_ADD				-- Toggles fly and optionally inserts fly command

Re: Interference with waypoint creation.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:25 pm
by rock5
Try turning Nums Lock on. Do you have a dedicated End key?