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Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:22 am
by gloover
Hey Rock, Lisa.

in itemtypestable.lua are most of the items such like weapons etc but not such like eggs. I'm using some scrips to cleaning baggs so how to define eggs not to be dropped.

I've tried using the names, but in cause of german umlauts seems this one item.Name == "Nat\129rliches Begleiter-Ei" to be ignored.

So is it possible to define the types for the eggs, f.e. item.isType==("egg")?

Re: itemtypestable

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:10 pm
by rock5
You can't use 'type' because egg type is "other" which is pretty useless.

You could do it by id

Code: Select all

if > 204475 and 204510 > item.Id then
     -- Is an egg!
Future note: If you ever have problems with names with special characters because they mess up string searches, try changing the special characters with a dot '.'. Dots mean 'any character' in string patterns so it usually works.