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How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:46 pm
by Cindy
So I enter a zone, and want to kill mobs coming at me in waves until they stop, and get sent back to the previous zone (guild castle). How do I not advance to the next waypoint? ie stay in current one?

I was thinking of doing a while loop checking on what zone i am in until im back in guild castle. Incidentally anyone know what the ID is for the Guild Castle Zone? (and are the mini's in there a different zone?)

Is there a smarter way?


Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:01 pm
by lisa
you can get zone ID just by bringing up the games FPS display, control X from memory.

sounds like a while loop would work, need to do an update in the loop and I'd say just do a findenemy and if it finds an enemy do player:fight() on it

Code: Select all


if player:target(player:findEnemy(true,nil,evalTargetDefault)) then

until getZoneId() == ***
That is just to give you an idea

if that isn't ideal just do.

Code: Select all

I assume it is just mobs you can kill in there.

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:52 pm
by Cindy
Yes they come in waves, 10 or 15 sec apart, i forgot. More come each wave, there is 10 rounds (if i recall correctly). The trouble is that there is a period where there are no enemies, as the mage takes them down very fast with AoE.

Oh wow, Ctrl-X I never saw that since my button bars are over it. Thanks lisa.

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:11 pm
by Cindy
I'm thinking that this code should work

Code: Select all

while(RoMScript("GetZoneID()") ~= 354) do yrest(10000) end;
Since a round is 10 sec (if its 15, ill make the ywrest 15000), I should not move to next waypoint before next wave of mobs aggro me and I fight them. Once fight is over, will they 'yrest' resume? Should this work? (I can't test until tomorrow, since its only once a day for the mini).

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:40 pm
by Ego95
I know exactly what you want to do. But the thing is, that the zone id doesn't change. You are on the drill ground and you will get ported back to the start point of the drill ground with a short loadingscreen.


Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:13 pm
by Cindy
You are right, ZoneID stays the same... can i do ax/y coordinate based check? Also there is yellow text, "Stage x" that is readable right? maybe I could go off that.

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:43 pm
by Cindy

Code: Select all

        <!-- #  10 --><waypoint x="5120" z="2537" y="13">	
		player:target_NPC(112006); yrest(500);  --"Special Training Manager");
		sendMacro("ChoiceOption(2);"); yrest(500);
		sendMacro("ChoiceOption(2);"); yrest(500); waitForLoadingScreen(20); rest(3000);
This code failed :(

So the question is, how do I stay in this waypoint for 160 seconds, and fight like I was doing wander waypoint with distance set to 0?

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:00 am
by rock5
Did you try Lisas example above?

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:55 pm
by lisa
Cindy wrote:So the question is, how do I stay in this waypoint for 160 seconds,
Just alter the loop I did to be for time.

Code: Select all

local tt = os.time()

if player:target(player:findEnemy(true,nil,evalTargetDefault)) then

until os.time() - tt >= 160
That is off the top of my head, should work though.

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:08 pm
by Cindy
Ok will try. First one won't work because zoneid stays the same.

Re: How to "stay" in a waypoint until the fight is over?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:35 pm
by Cindy
Worked great ! thanks