Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#81 Post by rock5 » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:11 pm

Deadlifer wrote:I tried that, but dont work:
<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-4499" z="6658"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 2 --><waypoint x="-4772" z="6555"> </waypoint>

sorry, dont know how to make the list.

i have made something wrong? my char don't move.. that launch that error:
"...acro/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/waypointlist.lua:21: XML Parse Error.
File: ...micromacro/micromacro/scripts/rom/waypoints/try2.xml
Line: 4
Column: 3
Pos: 103
Message: mismatched tag"

(try2.xml is the name of the waypoint created)
The file starts with a <waypoints> tag and ends with a </waypoints> tag. In between there are points that open with <waypoint> tags and close with </waypoint> tags. The opening tags have other info in them as well. All lua code must go between the opening and closing waypoint tags or they wont get executed. Here's an example;

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-4499" z="6658"> Some code at point 1	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-4772" z="6555"> Some code at point 2	
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="-4772" z="6555">
		Some code at point 3	
Notice that at each point the code is between the waypoint tags even though they cover multiple lines. Also anything between <!-- and --> is considered a comment.

Also remember it's one of the rules of this forum to always put code you post here between

Code: Select all

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#82 Post by Deadlifer » Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:14 pm

rock5 wrote:
Deadlifer wrote:I tried that, but dont work:
<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-4499" z="6658"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 2 --><waypoint x="-4772" z="6555"> </waypoint>

sorry, dont know how to make the list.

i have made something wrong? my char don't move.. that launch that error:
"...acro/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/waypointlist.lua:21: XML Parse Error.
File: ...micromacro/micromacro/scripts/rom/waypoints/try2.xml
Line: 4
Column: 3
Pos: 103
Message: mismatched tag"

(try2.xml is the name of the waypoint created)
The file starts with a <waypoints> tag and ends with a </waypoints> tag. In between there are points that open with <waypoint> tags and close with </waypoint> tags. The opening tags have other info in them as well. All lua code must go between the opening and closing waypoint tags or they wont get executed. Here's an example;

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-4499" z="6658"> Some code at point 1	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-4772" z="6555"> Some code at point 2	
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="-4772" z="6555">
		Some code at point 3	
Notice that at each point the code is between the waypoint tags even though they cover multiple lines. Also anything between <!-- and --> is considered a comment.

Also remember it's one of the rules of this forum to always put code you post here between

Code: Select all


all right! I follow your example and that works.. but if i dont put the waypoint exactly in the harvestpoint, my character dont go there.. i'll try to put the waypoint deviation in 60 or something..

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#83 Post by rock5 » Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:20 pm

Deadlifer wrote: all right! I follow your example and that works.. but if i dont put the waypoint exactly in the harvestpoint, my character dont go there.. i'll try to put the waypoint deviation in 60 or something..
With the latest revision you don't need to be right on top of the harvestpoint. You don't even need to be facing it.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#84 Post by Deadlifer » Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:12 pm

rock5 wrote:
Deadlifer wrote: all right! I follow your example and that works.. but if i dont put the waypoint exactly in the harvestpoint, my character dont go there.. i'll try to put the waypoint deviation in 60 or something..
With the latest revision you don't need to be right on top of the harvestpoint. You don't even need to be facing it.
oh i see, but i tried with 2 points. first with mineral and for second with plants.. the character got the mineral, but dont the plant.. it was strange.. this morning I made rom/update and i think i'm in latest. =S

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#85 Post by rock5 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:07 am

Deadlifer wrote:oh i see, but i tried with 2 points. first with mineral and for second with plants.. the character got the mineral, but dont the plant.. it was strange.. this morning I made rom/update and i think i'm in latest. =S
rom/update is for updating the memory addresses when the game changes. To update the bot you have to either update via SVN (recomended) or download the files manually. I believe SVN is more up-to date.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#86 Post by jpp » Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:36 pm

Just super bot. But I have few observations to make it better.

1. <option name="MAX_TARGET_DIST" value="??" />
By default we got MAX_TARGET_DIST = 999, -- maximum distance to select a target (helpfull to limit at small places)
I found it usefull to change to 50 or 100. When used with 999 then person runs all over area and fights everything instead of using the path - the chances to get trapped are very high and it simply does not work. I use bot together for harvesting and leveling during fight, so need to do also harvesting instead of fighting in one area only.
But may be I'm missing something and do not understand why it is set to 999?

2. Need description of some options (Then I'm dummy)
<option name="HARVEST_SCAN_WIDTH" value="5" /> -- steps horizontal
<option name="HARVEST_SCAN_HEIGHT" value="5" /> -- steps vertical
<option name="HARVEST_SCAN_STEPSIZE" value="60" /> -- wide of every step
<option name="HARVEST_SCAN_TOPDOWN" value="false" /> -- true = top->down false = botton->up
<option name="HARVEST_SCAN_YREST" value="7" /> -- scanspeed
<option name="HARVEST_SCAN_YMOVE" value="1.1" /> -- move scan area top/down ( 1 middle of screen )
What is scan speed (HARVEST_SCAN_YREST)? Is it wait time in ms between grid points? Should we make it smaller or bigger for faster CPU's? I do not understand this becuase when character stops it should just search for harvestable in maximum speed - nothing to wait for.
What are units of steps (HARVEST_SCAN_STEPSIZE)? pixels, so it depends on screen resolution?
I guess HARVEST_SCAN_TOPDOWN is just irrelevant and for fun.
Simmilary HARVEST_SCAN_YMOVE=1.1 means we start in the middle of screen for both Y and X or only Y a bit below center? Why not in the middle and what about X?

3. Harvesting interrupted by fight
I noticed that when harvesting is interrupted then character just goes to next waypoint leaving unfinished harvesting. Whn GM would look at this it does not make sense, so just for this reason it could be fixed.
I did woraround, that after making waypoint file I do duplicte all harvesting points, so usually nothing happens, but if there is fight then character returns and continues harvesting.

4. For some reason harvesting fails
I do use yGather, so need to build waypoint file only once (this is great hint when I compare what was written as "advice" to run waypath many times, note points etc.).
With yGather it is enough to run around map (on horse of course) only one time to find all gathering points regardless there is something or not at then moment of walking - when you add that you can make waypoint with your main character, so most probably all gathering points are already there - it is really not big deal to make waypoint file.
Then the only problem is that we see gathering icon on the minimap and need to move to this point without actually seeing the harvestable and in effect sometimes point is exactly at harvestable. After small time of experience you can learn how to approach such empty slots, so may be it is not big problem.
But in such cases I noticed that character starts to move very big distance away and returns exactly to the same point, so it also does not make sense. It would be better just to make step back and try again instead of going c.a. 20 steps back and approach exactlysame point - with the exactly same failed result.

5. LOOT_TIME = 2000
I do use QuickLoot addon and decreased this too 1000 - just hint from my side even if I'm not sure what this parameter means and if by this I do what I want to do.

6. Two enemies
Seems that when enemy dies then character notices it with long time, so first could be fixed to notice deatch of enemy much faster. Then after first enemy is slaid character just stands for a moment getting hitted by second enemy - it is really frustrating.

7. Some meals/potions are good
Usually meals and potions are expensive, so are used with big care, but when we got harvesting then they are really cheap and easy to get in unlimited amounts. Some are short effect (like 60s) and some are long lasting (600s), so we could decide to either use them on fight or just constantly. This could allow to push character into more difficult areas.

8. Two enemies are very difficult
and usually people avoid getting to fight with two enemies. But bot does not. And just small fix could fix this:
After hitting or knowing that something is attacking make few steps back - from where you came from. In 90% it is better to do this becuase the place you are caming from should be clear and you might avoid beeing noticed by other enemies while you are fighting.

9. option name="LOOT_IN_COMBAT" value="true"
Actually means loot enemies after fight. When set to false they are just not looted.

10. Always step on defeated enemy
Here we could get temporary bonus - if it is not possible to detect it then we could always do step on enemy after fight.

11. Optional harvesting ways.
Well in yGather they could detect if there is something or not in harvesting point without need to get at the point. It is just an idea to find how they have done this and define optional waypoints.
First idea behind is to awoid suspicious behaviour and beeing spotted by GM. Second is just faster gathering.
So assume you just approached on some way with last Num1 waypoint and noticed some nice point to go, but you would need to get back sme way, so if harvestable is not there then it does not make sense to travel. So you just go there and click Num5 for example to mark optional harvestable then go back and continue creating waypath. When walking when we got to first point then we have next optional point, so we check if harvestable is there, if not then simply skip the step and go to next step, if yes then go there, harvest and get back to same point.
This is simplest scenario, but much nicer and faster.

12. Showing waypoints on minimap or map.
Just nice to have. Sometimes it would be good to change waypoints a bit in easiest way, so just seeing on map would be good idea.
I had one case when enemy pushed me sometimes to water, so I should be just a bit away from water. If I could see it on minimap then the change would be easier, I just had to find ths waypoint, change and wait to see if I did it correctly.

13. Autorepair does not work for me
I'm using Polish version, so may be it is becuase of that. Trade window does not open.

14. Overoptimization bug
When I start I notied message "detected another waypoint that is closer, skipping ..." and instead going to first waypaoint character goes to some other point. Tthen actually nothing wrong happens but some part of planned way is skipped. It is obsolete, not needed and should be removed.

15. Health and Mana low parametrs
It seems there is too many of them or I do not udnerstand:
<option name="HP_LOW" value="85" />-- what is effect of changing it? If we just define what to do if we have low values below:
<option name="MP_LOW_POTION" value="50" />
<option name="HP_LOW_POTION" value="70" />

Long list, but I just collected all my observations

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#87 Post by nokirk » Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:05 am

rock5 wrote: With the latest revision you don't need to be right on top of the harvestpoint. You don't even need to be facing it.

I don't get it. My bot just won't work in the background and it just won't use memory to harvest. I've updated and reinstalled everything like 50 times with SVN to current revision 469, hoping it would eventually download the missing / broken files. I've gone through the mouse memory addresses topic a couple of times and the eggs topic and tried to implement code lines, nothing. It still uses mousemovement to find resources. Any idea why it doesn't work? A little more help than

MrStraatsoldaat wrote: All the answers are in this topic.. even about the updating
would be much appreciated, I just can't find out why it doesn't work.

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#88 Post by rock5 » Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:11 am

nokirk wrote:
rock5 wrote: With the latest revision you don't need to be right on top of the harvestpoint. You don't even need to be facing it.

I don't get it. My bot just won't work in the background and it just won't use memory to harvest. I've updated and reinstalled everything like 50 times with SVN to current revision 469, hoping it would eventually download the missing / broken files. I've gone through the mouse memory addresses topic a couple of times and the eggs topic and tried to implement code lines, nothing. It still uses mousemovement to find resources. Any idea why it doesn't work? A little more help than

MrStraatsoldaat wrote: All the answers are in this topic.. even about the updating
would be much appreciated, I just can't find out why it doesn't work.
Copy the part of your waypoint file that is not behaving and paste it here so we can have a look at it.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#89 Post by nokirk » Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:23 am

rock5 wrote: Copy the part of your waypoint file that is not behaving and paste it here so we can have a look at it.

well to reduce complexity and to find out about the problem I'm using this waypoint file, trying to harvest one particular ressource of ash wood (560018 being ash wood)

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-2401" z="-7939">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-2360" z="-7830">	
               		while player:harvest(560018) do
Still rombot tells me that rom has to be in the foreground and when it is and the char reaches the second waypoint he starts scanning the screen with the mouse.

So I think in my version memory scanning is not implemented yet. Doesn't matter if userfunctions.lua and/or object.lua posted in Mouse memory addresses-topic is in my rom folder or not.

When I try to use harvestmem instead of harvest, I get an error message.
Rom folder is SVN updated to 469.

Do you have an idea what I have to change?

Thank you.

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#90 Post by rock5 » Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:04 am

nokirk wrote:
rock5 wrote: Copy the part of your waypoint file that is not behaving and paste it here so we can have a look at it.

well to reduce complexity and to find out about the problem I'm using this waypoint file, trying to harvest one particular ressource of ash wood (560018 being ash wood)

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-2401" z="-7939">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-2360" z="-7830">	
               		while player:harvest(560018) do
Still rombot tells me that rom has to be in the foreground and when it is and the char reaches the second waypoint he starts scanning the screen with the mouse.

So I think in my version memory scanning is not implemented yet. Doesn't matter if userfunctions.lua and/or object.lua posted in Mouse memory addresses-topic is in my rom folder or not.

When I try to use harvestmem instead of harvest, I get an error message.
Rom folder is SVN updated to 469.

Do you have an idea what I have to change?

Thank you.
First, you shouldn't be specifying an id for wood, herbs or ore. In this version, if you specify an id, it assumes that it's not a wood, herb or ore but some other object.

Second, the current version works as intended. So if you have any functions or files you copied from anywhere else besides the SVN regarding harvesting, then remove them as they may be interfering with the new functions included in the current revision.

Other than that, all I can say if you have a correctly update version 469 of the rombot, it shouldn't be mouse scanning.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#91 Post by nokirk » Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:12 am

rock5 wrote: First, you shouldn't be specifying an id for wood, herbs or ore. In this version, if you specify an id, it assumes that it's not a wood, herb or ore but some other object.

Second, the current version works as intended. So if you have any functions or files you copied from anywhere else besides the SVN regarding harvesting, then remove them as they may be interfering with the new functions included in the current revision.

Other than that, all I can say if you have a correctly update version 469 of the rombot, it shouldn't be mouse scanning.
ok, this is what I did:

1. got a fresh copy of micromacro and rombot again, installed them in a new folder, put /rom in the /scripts folder
2. started SVN checkout and used http://rom-bot.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/rom as URL of repository. Folder was ok and I left everything else as it was. It downloaded a couple of files and updated one and after that it said update was completed at revision 469. However there's still an exclamation mark on the rom folder and also on a couple of other folders and files inside the rom folder. Don't know if that's ok or not. I didn't add oder alter anything this time.
3. made a rom/update.lua update
4. made a new waypoint file to test-harvest, this time as you adviced without id, just

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="TRAVEL">
   <!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-2401" z="-7939">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-2360" z="-7830">   
                     while player:harvest() do
5. made a new profile file for my farming char.
6. started the bot with rom/bot.lua update

-> waypoints work, when the char reaches the ressource he starts mouse scanning. When rom is not in the foreground, error message.

This is so frustrating. I just don't understand why it doesn't work? Am I making a mistake in updating the rom folder? Checkout depth is "fully recursive" that's right isn't it? "Omit extrernals" is not crossed and revision is on "Head Revision". I hope you have an idea why it's not working.

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#92 Post by rock5 » Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:29 am

nokirk wrote:However there's still an exclamation mark on the rom folder and also on a couple of other folders and files inside the rom folder. Don't know if that's ok or not. I didn't add oder alter anything this time..
Ok we're getting closer.

The exclamation mark means it's not exactly the same as 469. Probably 469 is so different from the first bot you installed that it didn't merge properly. For future reference you don't need to install rombot first before doing an SVN checkout, just install micromacro. Then create the rom folder and do the SVN checkout.

Anyway the easy fix is right click the rom folder and select TortoiseSVN/Revert. That should make all the files the same as 469. Then do a rom/update and you're ready to go.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#93 Post by nokirk » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:27 am

awesome, it works! Thank you so much! :D

Maybe the advice with SVN/Revert could be included in the main bot guide, or the "basic" rombot version be updated, maybe more people had or have the updating problem. Anyway, thank you again rock5 great advice !

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#94 Post by Bekki » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:45 am

any1 knows why my bot dont loot "gold eggs" only normal eqqs?


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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#95 Post by rock5 » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:22 am

Bekki wrote:any1 knows why my bot dont loot "gold eggs" only normal eqqs?

You should have asked this is the "Eggs" thread. Go to

Code: Select all

And post what command you used to collect the golden Eggs. You may even find the answer to your question there.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#96 Post by wizzyslo » Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:14 am

It's posible to change range of harvesting? Somethimes bot wont to harvest material wich one is on hill or next wall.

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#97 Post by rock5 » Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:19 am

wizzyslo wrote:It's posible to change range of harvesting? Somethimes bot wont to harvest material wich one is on hill or next wall.
Add this to your profile in the options section,

Code: Select all

		<option name="HARVEST_DISTANCE"   value="120" />
120 is the default value. Raise it to what you want.
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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#98 Post by wizzyslo » Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:52 am

Ty for help.

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#99 Post by wizzyslo » Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:30 am

Now i'm doing on waypoints wich bot need to pick tombstone but it's don't works. I puted ID but still don't find it only say "No nearby harvestables found". First i was thingking that maybe tombstone changing ID but it's not. Any idea?

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Re: Harvesting with the bot - How To For Dummies

#100 Post by rock5 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:50 am

wizzyslo wrote:Now i'm doing on waypoints wich bot need to pick tombstone but it's don't works. I puted ID but still don't find it only say "No nearby harvestables found". First i was thingking that maybe tombstone changing ID but it's not. Any idea?
Which tombstones are you talking about? Do you have the latest version of rombot?
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