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pawn.lua failure

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:22 pm
by aasi888
I ran update.lua many times but the problem comes back after a while of botting.


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129	if( self.Alive ==nil or self.HP == nil or self.MaxHP == nil or self.MP == nil or self.MaxMP == nil or
130		self.MP2 == nil or self.MaxMP2 == nil or self.Name == nil or
131		self.Level == nil or self.Level2 == nil or self.TargetPtr == nil or
132		self.X == nil or self.Y == nil or self.Z == nil or self.Attackable == nil ) then
134		error("Error reading memory in CPawn:update()");
135	end

Bot mods:
modif_rest_function.lua is exercuted when mob is dead

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function CPlayer:rest()
-- rest to restore mana and healthpoint if under a certain level

	if( self.Battling == true) then return; end;		-- if aggro, go back

	--if( settings.profile.options.MP_REST == nil ) then  settings.profile.options.MP_REST = 15; end;
	if( settings.profile.options.HP_REST == nil ) then  settings.profile.options.HP_REST = 15; end;

	-- some classes dont have mana, in that cases Player.mana = 0
	hf_mana_rest = (player.MaxMana * settings.profile.options.MP_REST / 100);	-- rest if mana is lower then
	hf_hp_rest   = (player.MaxHP   * settings.profile.options.HP_REST / 100);	-- rest if HP is lower then
	hf_mp_continue = (player.MaxMana * settings.profile.options.MP_CONTINUE / 100);	-- rest if mana is lower then
	hf_hp_continue   = (player.MaxHP   * settings.profile.options.HP_CONTINUE / 100);	-- rest if HP is lower then

	if( player.Mana >= hf_mp_continue  and player.HP >= hf_hp_continue   ) then	-- nothing to do
		return;								-- go back
	self:clearTarget();		-- get rid of mob, so we dont cast while resting
	hf_count = 30 + math.random( 69 );			-- set rest time, up to 99 sec pause
	cprintf(, "resting %s sec for %s mana and %s HP\n", hf_count, hf_mp_continue, hf_hp_continue);		-- resting x sec for Mana and HP
	while hf_count > 0 do
		hf_count = hf_count - 1;	

		if( self.Battling ) then          -- we get aggro,
			self:clearTarget();       -- get rid of mob to be able to target attackers
			printf("get aggro at sec %s\n", hf_count );   -- get aggro at sec x
			hf_count = 0;		-- stop countdown
		if( player.Mana >= hf_mp_continue  and		-- some chars have MaxMana = 0
 	 	    player.HP   >= hf_hp_continue ) then		-- Mana and HP are full
			printf("full at sec %s\n", hf_count );   -- full at sec x
			hf_count = 0;				-- stop countdown

		self:checkSkills(); 		-- check if we need to cast buffs/heals.

	end;			-- end of while


Re: pawn.lua failure

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:32 pm
by Administrator
Does the problem still happen if you disable the modification you made mention of?

Re: pawn.lua failure

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:53 pm
by aasi888
changed these up from value 0

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	<option name="MP_REST" value="2" />
	<option name="MP_CONTINUE" value="3" />
Haven't faced the problem for a while now.

Re: pawn.lua failure

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:02 pm
by d003232
aasi888 wrote:changed these up from value 0

Code: Select all

	<option name="MP_REST" value="2" />
	<option name="MP_CONTINUE" value="3" />
Haven't faced the problem for a while now.
You changed the mod a little and make a new option 'MP_CONTINUE'.

At the moment your modifikation goes to the rest 'while hf_count > 0 do' routine only if 'player.Mana >= hf_mp_continue', means if mana is lower then 3%. And it leaves the rest 'while hf_count > 0 do' routine if mana if higher then 3%???

I suppose what you want to do is to enter the rest function if mana is lower then 'MP_REST' and leave it if mana is higher then 'MP_CONTINUE'? That means you should change

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   if( player.Mana >= hf_mp_continue  and player.HP >= hf_hp_continue   ) then   -- nothing to do
      return;                        -- go back
back to the hf_mana_rest/hf_hp_rest variables.

The reason for the update error could be founded in the place where you call the rest function. The rest function uses a 'self:clearTarget();'. So you have to be sure, that after that the target is not needed any more. If not, you could get a problem like that. I had problems like that at the beginning also (see here). Thats also the reason that the rest function is called in an own if statement and not in the following one

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	if( player:haveTarget() ) then	

	if( player:haveTarget() ) then

Re: pawn.lua failure

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:47 am
by aasi888
Disabled the mod and I still get it. I don't get it on other characters.