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Bots that make you facepalm

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:13 pm
by Hidden
We all love to bot (thats why we are here) but have you ever encountered a bot and thought to yourself its just asking to be banned?

Found a great example tonight, Its 2am on a Saturday so cool no gm's but lots of players about.

2 bots running the Flame Seed Daily/EOJ event. running the same pattern over and over and not stopping when the event stops had myself and a few other players go hmm they botting.
If your going to bot a VERY public event keep an eye on them or don't be surprised if you cop a ban hammer.

Half the fun is making them look as though they aren't botting.

Re: Bots that make you facepalm

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:00 pm
by Hidden
Just some follow up, was playing today when another player informed me that the 2 i mentioned above had been filmed and posted to youtube...... no it wasn't me but thats what happens players get annoyed. I'll see if i can get the link.

Re: Bots that make you facepalm

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:16 pm
by BillDoorNZ
lol...was told about them by the people who reported them and video'd

Re: Bots that make you facepalm

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:01 pm
by Hidden
Yer same people told me today lol.... if only they knew :)

Re: Bots that make you facepalm

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:43 am
by rock5
I think the lesson to be learned here is, do all code at the npc in one waypoint so it doesn't move. So, only one waypoint at the npc and no redoing the waypoint with a goto tag.