My Aion Wall

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My Aion Wall

#1 Post by srounet » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:14 pm

Just got this paper paint from my uncle and it looks awesome on my wall!

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Re: My Aion Wall

#2 Post by Administrator » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:11 pm

That is, indeed, awesome. Getting ready for Aion Open Beta, are you?

I played on the Chinese server, and it seemed really nice (other than lagging so bad it was unplayable). The graphics are really good and run smoothly, controls were very fluid and natural, a lot of customization, etc. Seems promising.

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Re: My Aion Wall

#3 Post by srounet » Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:22 am

Yes played a 22 Spirit Master and loved the game.
Waiting for European release.

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Re: My Aion Wall

#4 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:42 pm

srounet wrote:Just got this paper paint from my uncle and it looks awesome on my wall!
lol nice. Now make the other walls like that too. :p

Anyway, Aion is not my thing. It actually gets way too much hype (Just like AoC and Warhammer received), it's very repetetive and I always had the feeling while playing it that I'm playing some Lineage 2 + Guild Wars game, only more casual. There isn't much customization either, CoX would be the best example of how character creation should be done. Simply perfect where you will never look the same as somebody else. Another thing that annoyed me on Aion is that you level way too fast, it makes the game too easy. Well that's just my opinion, I do like hardcore grinding games such as Lineage 2 where you would need atleast 7 months of 20/7 gaming to get max level.

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