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RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:55 pm
by bobdole

I have never tried using the RBAssist.xml before for my buffs. My question is can you make it so it uses a specific bar slot for a specific buff? I am trying to use a macro for Yawaka's Blessing that loads the set skill then casts the buff and then reloads the attack skill. As you know you can not call something like that from and add-on like NTbuff so unless I manually click the button the macro does not work. I want to see if I can modify RBAssist.xml to do all my buffing. Also can I use RBAssist.xm to spam the F12 key every half second, I currently use a program called AutoHotkey that spams the F12 key but it has some bad side effects like sometimes locking down the shift and CTRL keys. It would be great if I could get RBAssist.xml to do both and also allow me to chat via the client. This is not for botting but rather for game play assistance.

As always thanks in advance.

Re: RBAssist.xml

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:06 pm
by MiesterMan
I think rock would be the best to answer this (I have no idea what you mean).

You should change the name of the thread to reflect the real question, RBAssist is a bit vague.

Re: RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:23 pm
by bobdole
Maybe this will explain a little what my first question wants to accomplish:

Code: Select all

<skill name="ROGUE_YAWAKAS_BLESSING"    		hotkey="VK_ACTIONBAR4BUTTON4" priority="90" />
That code doesn't work.

Re: RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:15 pm
by lisa
bobdole wrote:hotkey="VK_ACTIONBAR4BUTTON4"
hotkey is an actual key, not position on your action bar.
So if you set a hotkey to that actionbar slot via in game menu then you can tell bot to use that KEY.

Any reason you don't set it to use MACRO ?

Code: Select all

<skill name="ROGUE_YAWAKAS_BLESSING"          hotkey="MACRO" priority="90" />
--=== EDIT ===--
Just read first post, if you want the bot to do special things when you do a specific skill then just need to add some code to the onskillcast section of profile.

Re: RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:31 pm
by bobdole
I just want the bot to push the specific hotbar button when Yawaka's Blessing needs to be rebuffed and I have no idea how I would do that.

Re: RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:22 pm
by lisa
game menu
key bindings
assigna key to the spot actionbar button you want it to use.

Then set the profile skill to that key.

Re: RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:46 pm
by bobdole
How can I spam F12 every second? :)

Re: RBAssist.xml questions.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:08 am
by Blyad
bobdole wrote:How can I spam F12 every second? :)
im guessing you want to use your DIYCE macro to fight?